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Fandom Goners, Percy Jackson Roleplay.

didn't have have the same the same hesitations of the other campers. None of these people were anything but enemies he had to turn into pieces bellow his hands. He had no friends in the other sides. And these kids? They were too trained. They followed their own rules. Evan didn't.

His only rule was searching for blood,and that was exactly was he was doing. His messy fighting style meant that his clothes were completely bloody,but he didn't care. Red fit his eyes.

Blair barely noticed the suggestion. "She's dead." She whispered to herself. Alec was covered in Kara's... In her blood.

"I'll move her." Alec volunteered, gingerly picking up the small girl and jogging away. He didn't look like himself without his customary grin, but he looked... Dead. No humor, no life in his eyes.

Blair stood, murder flaring in her eyes.

"Nobody gets out of this room." She said quietly.

She charged. She didn't quite remember what happened. But four people around her were dead, all bulky males, and she had a dagger sticking out of her arm. She pulled it out, barely feeling it.

"No pain!" She screamed.
Cass felt her blade go through another camper,realizing that she didn't even see their faces anymore. So her father was right? Kill enough people and it became something common?

The amount of anger she was feeling for Kara was unbearable. She had to kill more people,she had to avenge her. But Alec...

Alec needed her.

She turned away to follow him as he helped Kara,covering any enemies that tried to attack him.

"I'm sorry..." She said in a low tone,knowing it wouldn't help with his pain. But there wasn't anything else to say.

Alec stared blankly ahead. His tears fell directly onto Kara's cheeks, her pale, white cheeks.

"Don't be sorry. They'll regret it." He said. He brought his best friend's... Body outside, next to the three that stayed behind, and ran back inside. He didn't return to his group, instead focusing at the entrance. He raised both hands, an unknown power flaring in his eyes.

"No more!" He bellowed. With a rush of energy and a scream of rage, everyone within five hundred feet of him, aside from his friends, got a rush of their worst possible fears, almost enough to drive them inside. For a few moments, his entire eye was the darkest black. No white, none of his normal blue. Black.
Evan felt a sense of urgency in his chest,something screaming for him to run forward. He saw the camper as he sneaked behind Blair,the blade rising towards her back.

He didn't see enemies anymore. He saw the one son of a fucking bitch that was trying to stab the woman he loved.

His body jumped forward and he grabbed the guy,burying his hands into his eyes.


His hands felt bloody as he slammed the boy's head repeatedly against the ground,but he barely felt it.

Alec felt heat rising in him. He couldn't do it much longer. As long as he held his connection, the enemies were all but incapacitated.

Alec, stop...

Kara's voice, no doubt. He shook his head. He couldn't stop. He had to avenge her. It felt like he was drowning in darkness, he fell to one knee.

Even if you give our friends help, do you really think I want you to die? Let it go. We all knew it would happen. I was no warrior. I'm happy now. In Elysium, with my father. My mother blessed me as I died. Let it go, Alec. Or you will be consumed...
Cass felt a weirdly oppressing feeling in her chest,the world suddenly seemingly a bit smaller.


He was consuming himself,and Cass could feel herself go along with him. She ran forward,stepping in front of Alec and grabbing his face between her hands. She pulled his head down,forcing him to look at her.

"Alec. Please. Please listen to me. That's not what Kara wants. She doesn't want revenge. She wants you to be happy,not to be consumed by...this hate inside of you. Alec,we are going to honor her name,but not like this."

She leaned forward and hugged him tightly,ignoring the darkness that made her feel weak. She wouldn't step away from Alec,not now. Not ever.

Alec couldn't let it go. Not that he wouldn't. He couldn't. Black smoke was curling from his skin, suffocating him.

Not this time, bitches. Consider this my last blessing.

The darkness dispelled, and he sagged, gasping for breath. He fell onto his hands and knees, retching. He didn't give himself time to recover, grabbing his ax and scrambling to his feet. He didn't wait for Cass, charging downstairs and swinging it as hard as he could. The young boy he aimed at had no chance, getting thrown backwards and slamming against the wall hard. He was probably 15.

But Alec didn't care. He felt like he was a young teen again. Reckless and angry, all the time. He fought like an animal, not like a Greek. His teeth were bared in a snarl.

Jenna froze when she saw the body. Kara, she knew. There was a bloody stab wound in her stomach. She didn't plan it. She pulled out her twin daggers and dashed forward. She wouldn't let the next body dragged out be Alex's. She didn't let Nitch or Izzy catch her. She dodged past one guy that she didn't know, running for Alex.


Alex felt powerful. On top of the world. And then he saw his sister. His dream all over again. "No!" He shouted. He knew exactly where to look for the archer, not that it mattered. He sprinted forward, desperation moving him faster than anything.

But, as he knew he would be, he was a second too late. The arrow hit his sister's chest. His sword, thrown out of hopelessness, planted itself in the archer's chest. And Jenna fell into his arms, gasping for breath. The rest of the world fell away. There was nothing. Nothing except the girl, not even a teenager, the only thing he has left in the world... Dying.

"Why did you come in?" He sobbed, trying in vain to stop the blood.

"I was trying to help." She whispered. She pressed something into his hand, that he barely noticed. He looked around.

"Kasumi?!" He bellowed, one of his tears falling from his face and onto Jenna's. It was too late. The life was gone from her eyes, her heartbeat gone. "Jenna, no, please." He said desperately, shaking her. "Jen. Open your eyes. Look at me." He pleaded. There was no response.
C stood up, stumbling away from the spot where her body had been. Saying that they both were going to die was one thing, but actually experiencing the death of someone who could have been more than a friend? He'd never seen a dead body first hand, before now. He'd heard of accidents that happened at camp, but... Kara's eye's had been empty, even though she had been alive moments before. C whirled around to face the battle. When he reached back and grabbed an arrow, the entire thing ignited. He aimed at an Ares camper that had recovered from his fears and was charging him. C shot, and the arrow melted his armor, and impaled his stomach. The Ares camper stumbled forward, still intending to skewer him, when his body suddenly burst into flames. He collapsed in front of C.

He turned slightly, knocking another glowing arrow for his next victim, when he saw Jenna. C froze. Wasn't she supposed to be outside? It didn't really matter, since it didn't chance the fact that she was dead. He lowered his bow, but the enemy campers didn't stop. C faced them and whistled loudly. The second the sound hit them they stumbled backward, clutching their ears, successfully stunned. It would buy them a few seconds. He kept his back to them, nocking another arrow.

Kasumi knew that she couldn't actually help in the battle,at least not as much as the other demigods. There was no way to use her nature powers in there,not while she mainly used vines that were in low terrain. She kept hitting the enemies with her wood staff,but she could already feel herself tiring down.

Alex's call was the end of her journey.

She turned around to look at him,seeing the body of Jenna falling down into his arms. And then the cold feeling of a blade went through her stomach,quickly being replace by the warm blood in her shirt. She pushed the man away from her,but it was too late. Her vision was already darkening,but she had to see Jenna. She had to make sure...

Kasumi fell to the ground,holding the wound in her stomach. Alex was still in her vision,so she dragged herself towards him. That strength was coming from inside of her heart,even though she didn't know how. Bloody fingers touched Jenna's face,and she placed a gentle kiss on the girl's forehead.

"A-Alex. I'm sorry. She was...so young."

Her tone was calm as she leaned against him,feeling the world dim around her. The man that took her life was coming in her direction,but she didn't mind. She felt no anger anymore. It was time to let go.

Kasumi opened her eyes to see the face of her father,looking down at her. But there was no judgement in his expression anymore.

"I'm sorry I disappointed you,father. But it was a good life."

She was serene as she took her last breath,allowing her soul to be pulled away to the Underworld.

Alex stared at the body of his sister, the body of Kasumi. He heard someone charging up behind him.

Fight, my son.

Fight for me, Al. Fight for your sister. Give the rest of them a chance.

Alex stood, staring at the Ares camper. The one with Kasumi's blood dripping from his sword. Alex's own sword was still implanted in the Apollo camper's chest, not that it mattered. He didn't need a sword for this. He charged forward, jumping at the last second. He made the air support him so he sailed over the murderer's head easily.

He twisted in midair, slamming both feet against the bastard's head, killing him instantly. He grabbed his sword at the last second, a bit larger than Alex was used to. Not that it stopped him. He swung, ripping open a girl's throat. All around him, people stabbed him. He barely noticed. It wasn't until a blade was shoved through his back, extending a foot past his navel, that he reacted.

He welcomed death. Needed it. The person behind him yanked the sword out, and he crumpled, looking at the object still in his hand. He smiled weakly. The gemstone that his father had given his mother to celebrate Alex's birth. His mother had given it to Jenna at his request.

He groaned, closing his eyes. The pain was unbearable, but it'd be over soon. Finally, at last, darkness overwhelmed him, and he willingly went onwards, where Jenna waited for him.

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Demetrius felt tears fall down his face as the questers started dying.This can't happen. He looked at the battle field to seeif anyone else was dead, especially not Arya. He soon spotted her killing former campers with ease. A smile appeared on his face before he turned and blocked overhead strike from a Ares' camper hammer. He used his full force and smashed the sharp point of his warhammer into the camper's chest. He fought the urge to throw up at the smell of blood and kept going.

Ryder whirled around, slicing his sword through a large man's chest. He collapsed, and Ryder continued. He had just taken a step forward when someone punched him hard in the face. He stumbled, spitting out blood, and looked for his assailant. When he saw him, he swallowed hard.

"Mitchell Lee." He called over the battle noises. The brutish Ares camper smiled. Mitchell had left camp about a year before, after getting his ass kicked by Ryder himself. He had sworn that he'd make Ryder regret it, but of course, the Hades camper pushed the thought from his mind. Now, it seemed like he'd get his reaping.

"Michael Miller." Mitchell said back. Apparently, everyone there knew his real name. Ryder grit his teeth, glaring at the guy. "I've waited a long time for this."

"Back at you, babe." Ryder smirked, he didn't hesitate. He lunged with his sword, aiming for Mitchell's chest. Mitch swatted him like a fly, sending him crashing against the wall. His entire body screamed with pain. Mitch had inhuman strength thanks to his father, and often forwent a sword. Ryder picked himself up, armor dented and back aching, and sprinted back. At the last second, he launched himself in the air, Alex-style. His intention was to stab Mitch in the back of the neck.

It didn't work out that way. Mitch caught his ankle and slammed him down against the ground. In an instant, his large hand closed around Ryder's throat, lifting him a foot in the air. Ryder clawed for air, desperate for a plan. He kicked out as hard as he could, landing a hit on Mitch's face. His grip weakened, and Ryder took the opportunity to draw his dagger and sink it into his arm. Mitch howled, dropping the camper.

Ryder hit the ground running. His sword was back in his hand, and he had no hesitation. He shoved the blade into Mitch's side, under his rib cage and curving upward. It hit something fatal, and Mitch collapsed, grunting. Ryder picked up his weapons and took a breather, still recovering from the strangling and the bonding with the floor and wall.

"It was a lot easier last time." He panted.
C felt the pain of an arrow cutting into his side, and whirled, shooting the former Apollo camper in the head before he could get another arrow. He turned quickly just in case someone was behind him, and narrowly avoided a dagger to the shoulder. He shot almost without thinking, hearing a scream as the person who had been behind him went up in flames. He grit his teeth as he tried hard not to look at the dead bodies surrounding him and shot again at someone who tried to charge him. The camper rolled out of the way of his arrow, and C cursed himself for missing. He shot again, and this time the arrow struck him in the shoulder, and the camper stumbled back as his arm caught on fire.

Spotting another Apollo camper higher above him taking aim at him. C quickly reached back for an arrow, and his fingers closed around nothing. The realization that he was out of arrows hit him a second later, and he barely managed to look up when an arrow tore through his chest. The force of it knocked him to the ground, and he tried to pull it out, only for a second arrow to join the first an instant later. He cried out, coughing blood.
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Nitch heard the cry. He couldn't stop himself from running forward. He drew his sword and ran toward the sound until he found C. He didn't pause, trying to stop the blood. "It'll be okay." Nitch promised, voice shaking. He had no nectar, no ambrosia. But Ryder had some.

"Ryder! Ryder!" Nitch screamed, knowing it wouldn't take long. Within a few moments, the bruised and bloodied quest leader appeared, looking like he had taken a royal beating.

"Nectar." Ryder muttered the second he saw the fallen Apollo camper. He offered it to C, not forcing him to drink. "It's your choice." He murmured.
C hesitated, knowing he didn't have long left. He and Kara... they were supposed to go down together, and he'd already come to terms with his inevitable death the night before, but when given the chance to live, did he really want to die at seventeen? He didn't. C drank the offered nectar, even as he felt his eyes welling up with tears.

Arya fought like a demon. She brought down enemies with ease. They fought like a Greek, and expected her to do the same.

She paused when she almost tripped over a dead body. She looked down and faltered. Alex... He was gripping a beautiful gemstone, his eyes open and lifeless. She knelt down and picked up the stone. When his body was burned or buried, she'd make sure that the stone went with him. She had just turned around when she saw two others. Kasumi and the little girl.

This wasn't how it was supposed to happen. The questers were supposed to win with ease. Arya's eyes flamed with anger. She tightened her grip on her trident and leapt back into battle, fighting with renewed strength.

Ryder swung his sword, barely avoiding getting hit by an arrow. His skeleton warriors died as soon as he raised them, so he stopped trying. Something pulled him to a nearby room, a sense. A death sense. In a nearby hallway, there was a room that reeked of death and pain. He looked around for a nearby camper.

"Nico!" He called, battling off a small boy with ease. "Nico, get over here!" He shouted.
Nico hadn't really paying attention to his surroundings after he saw Carlos dying after saying that Nico was another monster,his sword acting like an extension of his arm. He took a step forward,and someone else died. All that death was making him stronger,but he barely noticed it.

The call from Ryder was the only thing that could reach him at that time. He turned away from the battlefield,teleporting back to his leader's side.

"I'm here,Ryder." His eyes were weirdly dead as he turned back to Nitch,a flare of anger passing through it and disappearing quickly. "You shouldn't be here,Nitch."

He didn't sound like he wanted to argue,but his hands were trembling lightly.

Ryder shook his head. "Ignore Nitch. I think I found Toni and Max. Let's go." Ryder ordered, leading the younger boy down the hallway. He was just a few yards from the door of death when he heard footsteps. A huge group of Demigods walked into view, all smiling viciously. Nobody on the quest was close enough to hear them or see them.

It was a large enough group to even make Ryder doubt himself. He was a fighter for open spaces. This hallway was small and cramped. "Be careful!" He shouted.


Toni heard footsteps outside of the door. She heard Ryder's voice. "Ryder! Ryder!" She screamed, yanking at her chains. "We're in here! Ryder!"
Nico gripped his sword tightly,following Ryder quickly as he ran through the small passage. The amount of demigods coming in their direction made him hesitate for the first time in that day. Could they really fight them all off?

The voice of Toni made him smile by reflex. So she
was alive,and Max probably was as well. He turned back to their enemies,and his smile slowly faded away. Nico knew what he had to do to save the two campers.

"Go ahead,Ryder. Get Toni. I will see you later."

He didn't give Ryder time to react or even complain. Nico teleported straight to the front of the demigods,preparing for their attack.

"Nico, no!" Ryder snarled, but it was too late. He reached for the boy as he teleported away. Ryder hesitated, torn, but ran into the room where Toni's voice came from, looking around wildly. His best friend was tied to a chair, yanking wildly at the chains holding her down.

"Toni!" He gasped, running forward and slicing the chains like butter. He found Max and did the same before inspecting his best friend. She was covered in scars, and had what looked like brands burned onto her. "Oh, gods." He whispered, imagining what she had been through.

"Sadist..." Toni whispered, clinging onto Ryder.

"Sadist? Who?" He asked, looking around.

"Woman who did this." She managed.

"We'll find her. For now, we have to help Nico." He ordered. Toni nodded, slipping off her ring and transforming it into her sword. She hobbled after him into the hallway.
Nico turned to smile at the demigods in front of him,his sword dancing upon his fingers. They seemed shocked that he would stay to face them by himself,but Nico gave off no intention of running way.

"You took Carlos from me. You hurt Toni and Max. I was holding back before...but not anymore."

He didn't gave then time to react as he swinged his sword with full force,beheading the first demigod and making the ground go crimson.

That took the stupor away,and Nico found himself being attacked by every side. He fought as he could,dodging blows and killing the demigods that came too close to him. The first strike hit his leg and Nico nearly fell with the pain,but he managed to stand up and throw himself at another camper.

I will see you later.

He said that to Ryder and to Nitch. So he had to make good on his promise. The second strike hit Nico in the chest,but he managed to kill the Ares camper who had attacked him.

I will see you later.

The third sword punctured his back. The pain was barely there anymore. Nico fought for his life,going at his enemies with a crazy will to live.


The blood loss made him weak,but he had no other choice but to keep fighting. He could hear the steps of Ryder nearby,so he had to keep going,just a little more...

The fourth strike went through his stomach,and Nitch teleported away. He was coughing blood,but Ryder was so close...if only he could hold on...

The steps of the enemies were approaching him now,and Nico slid through the wall,leaving a path of blood through the stone. His trembling fingers reached for the picture in his pockets,the only image he had of Nitch.

"Nitch...I don't want to die..."

His tears dropped through his face,and he knew that his time was over. The enemies were there. He placed a gentle kiss on Nitch's picture before closing his eyes

One,two,three,four,five. Five swords were pierced through Nico's body,pulling the life away from him.

The now bloody picture fell from his fingers,laying on the ground by the side of Nico's lifeless body.

I will see you again.
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Nitch heard the sound of swords near him. He drew his sword and ran toward it, leaving C. There was a horrible feeling in his gut.

He didn't make it to the battle. He saw a body fall to the ground, and knew who it was immediately.

"Nico!" He cried, sprinting forward. He had never been a good fighter. But he was so enraged, so heartbroken... What did he care if he died? He stabbed a man in he neck, one of the men who killed Nico. It barely fazed him. His first real kill. He didn't stop at one. The entire time he fought, a furious howl was leaving his lips. It wasn't until the entire group was dead that he realized Ryder and Toni were beside him, helping him.

He didn't care. He ran to Nico's side, tears falling from his eyes. "Nico, no, please." He whispered, stroking the boy's face. "I love you. Please don't leave me." He sobbed. A fluttering paper caught his eye, and his tears came faster. The last thing Nico had seen had been a picture of... Nitch. The only picture of him that he had allowed to be taken.
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