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Fandom Goners, Percy Jackson Roleplay.

Evan's breathing was starting to come up with difficulty. He slammed one of the campers' head against the stone wall,hearing the crunches of the bones before he dropped the man's body to the ground. But another camper was already coming at him,and Evan aimed a strike towards his chest. It wasn't often that he regretted not going to camp. But now he certainly did.

His glance fell on Blair,fighting like a Goddess of War. Hot. She would probably be better off without the psycho here anyway. Evan knew that eventually he would simply slip and someone would get a sword through his throat. He half wanted to lay in the ground and just let that happen,but all those campers who died deserved better.

With a low groan of exhaustion,he threw himself at another enemy.

Blair grinned wickedly, eyes gleaming. She... It was refreshing. Battle was black and white, with splashes of red. Kara's death made her see straight. What did she care if these people used to be her friends? They didn't care about killing a 16-year old girl. Blair didn't care about killing them.

In about three seconds, she was faced by quite possibly The Hulk. He was huge, brute-like. The only thing he wasn't was green. Before Blair could hurt him, he grabbed her and threw her like a rag doll. She didn't go as far as Evan, rolling on the ground. She spat out some blood, scrambling to her feet and charging once again. The guy slammed the flat of his sword against her chest the second she was in reach. She learned to fly for a moment before hitting the ground hard, gasping for breath.

"Ow." She groaned, standing with some effort. She gave it one last ditch effort. "Come on, you coward!" She screamed. He grinned, charging forward. She was too slow, he got his hands on her, squeezing her tightly. She tried to gasp, but there was no way in hell that was happening. Agony spread through her torso before he dropped her to the ground. The dagger at her waist twisted and pierced her leg, making her cry out.

"Oh, shit. Oh, fuck..." She whimpered, trying to slide away from the brute. He smiled wickedly, following her leisurely.

Evan thought that he was tired.

He thought that he was about to drop to the ground and let people step all over him,just so the battle would be over. And then he saw the most giant fucking guy he had ever seen head straight towards his girlfriend,grabbing her in a way that could kill her if he kept squeezing.

That was probably the last thing he saw before an inhumane growl came out of his throat,and suddenly the mask of an skull was back at his face.

Evan jumped straight into the Hulk's back,grabbing his neck between his right arm. He squeezed hard,ignoring the way the man rotated to try and throw Evan off.


He kept pressing the man's neck with all of his strength until he felt a breaking sound under his arm. The guy fell backwards,but that only made Evan angrier.


He pulled his sword and stabbed the guy in the chest several times,blood spilling all over his clothes.

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Blair didn't notice Evan. Her insides felt broken, absolutely liquified. Her chest felt like a tank had fallen on it. She couldn't breathe right. Her leg was on fire, the knife still in, up to the hilt.

"I need to work out." She gasped after a few minutes. She grabbed the hilt of the knife, yanking it out. It was Kara's dagger, which didn't improve her mood much. She almost screamed at the pain. "Damn... I just took the 'Stop Hitting Yourself' game to the next level. Stabbing myself is a whole new brand of stupid and... Blaire-like." She grunted.

Evan would probably have continued for a few minutes if he hadn't heard Blair's painful gasp. His eyes turned to meet her glance,and he felt his anger slowly turning into worry.

"Blair are you all right?"

He felt his voice going back to it's original tone and quickly ran to Blair's side,pulling some nectar from his bag. He dropped the liquid into her mouth,gently rubbing her face while he did so.

"You're not stupid. You're a sexy force of nature. I'm scared and turned on. Now shut up and drink." He leaned forward and kissed her forehead before lowering to drop some nectar in her leg.

Blair laughed, not letting him give her enough nectar to do much more than ease the pain. "No, I'm fine." She managed, using the wall to pull herself to her feet, expression agonized. She didn't hesitate, grabbing his neck and kissing him hard.

"Just in case, you know? Might find Spider-Man next." She tried for a smile, but it was more of a pained grimace.

Evan didn't look very convinced. More than that,he didn't look like he wanted to let go off Blair anytime soon. He held onto her,searching the battlefield for any other enemies that could be close by.

"I don't care if it's Spider-Man or Batman or whatever,they aren't getting close to you again. I'm not leaving your side. They will have to get through me and Maniac first." Evan frowned once he realized he had just said the name of the voice in his head. That asshole. "Forget that last part. But you got the idea."
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Blair shrugged, not seeming bothered by his lapse. Having two personalities or insanity, something was off about Evan. She didn't really care. "Tell Maniac that he has a badass skull mask." She chuckled.

"And if Batman comes after me, I surrender, he can kill me, Batman is life." She noticed a guy with a bow aiming at her and Evan. She didn't hesitate, gripping the dagger dripping with her blood, and chucking it as hard as she could. It impaled the man right in the forehead, and he collapsed.

"Thanks, Kara." She muttered.

Evan gave Blair an approving smile,gently tightening his grip around her shoulder. He was about to ask her to move forward with him. Until he saw the group of demigods coming in their direction,and there were a lot of them. More than he had seen until now. He bit his lip nervously. Blair was wounded. He was tired. Could they fight all those guys off?

But maybe they didn't have to.

Evan had heard about that power once,but he was pretty sure that all the children of Morpheus who tried it died on the spot. But he would die for Blaire,that was a certainty.

So he rose his hand,pointing towards the group of demigods.

Father,I don't like your guts. And I never asked you anything. But I'm asking now. Please help me-

He didn't have to say anything else. A dark power blew from Evan's hand,exploding against the group of demigods.


What happened next was hard to describe. Their enemies started to freak out,looking at each other like they were their worst enemies. And instead of attacking Evan and Blaire,they started to go for one another's necks.

Evan watched as the demigods screamed and killed each other,a look of pure wonder in his eyes. Blood started to drop from his nose,but he was determined to hold the power until all of them were dead. He eventually slipped away from Blaire,falling straight to the ground. But his hand kept pointed towards the carnage of his enemies.


Evan felt himself slipping towards the underworld. But he didn't let go of the power.

Blair caught Evan, yanking his hand away from the enemies. Many of them were already dead, more wounded, and some just blinking as the effects faded.

"That's enough!" She insisted, slapping his face gently. "You did plenty." She murmured.

Evan looked at Blair like he didn't recognize her for a second,his glance glazed and tired. But he allowed her to pull his hand away,ending the power and making the rest of the demigods fall to the ground. He held her hand that had slapped his face,rubbing it gently.

"Are we still in California?" He asked with a frown,obviously out of it. But Blair's presence was calming to him. "I'm going to take you to a beach so we can look at the waves. But I hate the sun so I'm probably just going to be grump all the time."
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Blair's eyes widened with concern, and she pulled him to be sitting up, offering him some ambrosia. "I need you to think, Evan. Wake up. We're still fighting, baby." The crowd was thinning down, the campers winning by quite a bit. Death surrounded them. It hit her for the first time right then.

She had killed people. Dozens of people. Other campers that genuinely thought they were fighting for the right side. What gave her group the right to believe that they were in the right. She looked down at her sword, dripping in blood, and shoved it away from her, disgust in her eyes. In half a second, she was bent over, retching. Even as she did, tears escaped her eyes. She had only joined this quest because Kara wanted to set up Alec and Cass. Alec and Cass were in love. Kara was dead. Why wasn't she?

A small bubble of darkness surrounded her, completely impenetrable. She didn't notice that Evan was outside of it. She didn't notice that Evan was still on the ground. All she noticed was death and destruction.
The ambrosia didn't do much for Evan. He still had no idea where they were and why he was even covered in blood. But as soon as he saw the pain in Blair's eyes,something reacted into him. He pulled the girl into his arms,gently pressing her against his chest. His fingers rubbed her hair in a soft and comforting motion.

"It's going to be all right,Blair. The beach is close by. We will see it together." He kissed the top of her head,leaning against the wall behind him. What was happening around them didn't seem very important at the moment. He recognized Blair,that's what really mattered. "We're going to get married too,won't we? I don't really want to have anyone else that isn't you."

Blair leaned into his touch. His words slowly sunk in, and she looked over at him. Had he just... Did he just say... "Did you just propose to me?" She demanded, a bit disbelievingly.

"Did you just fucking propose to me?!" She repeated, her dark shield ebbing away. One eyebrow was raised.


Alec fought his way over to Blair, seeing her weakness. When he got closer, he heard the conversation. "Guys, this is romantic and all, and I'd love not to be the only one who got engaged on this trip. But can we do this later?!" He shouted, blocking a sword that almost hit Blair in the back of the neck. "Not her!" He snarled, driving the man insane with a terrifying look in his eyes.

"Yes." Evan replied with a frown,not understanding why she was so shocked. "Are you angry at me? We can wait. But Blair Darrow sounds better than Blair Lillian."

He looked over as Alec came running on their direction,frowning deeply.

"Who is that?"

But as soon as he saw the enemy aiming a sword towards Blair,he didn't need any other reason to get up and fight. Evan jumped to his feet,burying his sword in the man that had Alec had turned crazy.
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Blair was still staring in shock at her boyfriend, jaw slightly dropped. She didn't notice Alec. Until he pulled her to her feet. "Fight now, live now, eye-fuck later!" He snarled ferociously, eyes flaring with anger. "I lost Kara, I'm not losing you. So get it together." He ordered, kissing her forehead to take the sting from his words before disappearing back into the thick of battle. Any glance that Blair got of him was him murdering, no regret or hesitance in him.

"Blair... Blair Darrow?" She whispered, staring in shock at where Evan had been. She shook her head, trying to get some sense back into her head, and grabbed his arm. "What's wrong with Blair Lillian?" She demanded.

"Nothing. Why are you asking?" Evan had already forgotten that he had made the comment about her name. He turned towards the battle and beheaded a small camper,completely unfazed as he kept talking in a soft way. "Lillian is a pretty name,but it's too sweet for you. Blair Darrow sounds like a badass fighter that could kick my ass if I do something wrong. And that is you."

He killed another demigod,a girl this time. Tilting his head,Evan wondered why he was even killing those people. Did they do something wrong to him?

"Well,they are targeting Blair. So I need to finish them off." He spoke that out loud before aiming for the next person.

Blair watched Evan slaughter them, and surged forward, shoving him away. "Evan, stop!" She shouted, barely noticing the battle around them, barely noticing the danger. She didn't care. "Please." She whispered. She saw a young girl, no older than 12, creep toward Evan with a dagger. She walked forward and grabbed her wrist, disarming her with ease.

"Go home. Don't come back." She ordered. The young girl nodded, scurrying away. She turned back to Evan. "These are children. Children who don't know what they're doing. What makes us right and them wrong?" She asked in a hollow voice, pain palpable.

Evan simply seemed confused as he was pushed away,a slight look of hurt appearing in his eyes. He was only fighting because they could hurt Blair,but had no actual intention of killing anyone. The confusion from not recognizing his surroundings and from his own bloody clothes only grew now,and Evan dropped to a sitting position in the ground. He buried his face in his hands,trying to shield himself from the world.

"I don't know."

Blair stared at him for a few moments. "I have to go." She said quietly, walking away. She walked away from him, out of sight. The sight she walked in on froze her to the bone.


Alec fought the two men, sweat dripping from his face. He was a good fighter with his axe, but he was tired, he ached, and the two men were just as good as he was. It was all he could do to block their rapid blows. He was too slow, and a sword sliced his bicep, making him grunt in pain. Another cut into his pant leg, and he fell to one knee. Before he could do anything, his best friend flew past him, feral snarl escaping her lips. She didn't kill them, but slammed them against the wall until they passed out.

Evan didn't know how long he stayed with his head between his knees,trying to block out the world around him. But when he did find the will to get up,he found that Blair wasn't in his sight anymore. He walked around in a half lost pace,until he felt an arm being wrapped around his neck.

"Game over,asshole."

He grunted as the man pinned him against his chest,keeping a dagger towards his neck. Evan knew exactly what he was going to do,and that only pissed him off more. The guy dragged him towards the place where Blair and Alec were,the dagger still pressed against Evan's neck.

"Drop those swords or your friend here dies."

Evan heard the fear in the boy's voice,and his own anger diminished a little. How old this guy was? Fourteen? He was just big. He wasn't old at all. The dagger was starting to make his neck bleed,but he sent a deep glance to Blair.

Don't kill him.

Blair whipped around when she heard the voice, and went pale. She didn't see Evan, she just dropped the sword, jaw clenched. Alec didn't move for a few moments, looking pissed. Moving at an incredible speed, he whipped out his arm and thrust it toward the boy. Immediately, he was driven insane, releasing Evan and stabbing the sword repeatedly at the ground. Alec tossed his ax aside and tackled the boy, knocking him to the ground. The effects of the insanity faded.

"We aren't going to kill you. We aren't the bad guys here." Alec promised, holding the boy down. "I'm going to let you go. Keep your weapon to yourself." He ordered. He slowly let the boy go. The second Alec moved his gaze away, the boy grunted, and shoved his dagger in Alec's abdomen with a terrified expression. Alec fell to one knee, gripping the floor for support. "Oh, fucking hell, I hate kids." He grunted.

Evan slammed his fist against the boy's face with all his strength. He heard the sounds of crunching bones from his hand,but completely ignored the pain. The boy fell to the ground and Evan ran to Alec's side,supporting his weight so he wouldn't fall.

"Shit. Sorry,that was my fault. I was distracted. Thanks..." He searched his blurred memories for the guy's name. He was confused and his head hurt,but eventually he got it. "Alec. Thanks,Alec."

He inspected the wound with some worry. Pulling the nectar from his bag,he dropped it on the wound and started to clean it.

"Sorry...I gotta disinfect it."

Alec wiped the nectar from his skin. "Nectar doesn't work on me." He muttered, getting to his feet and putting some pressure against the wound. "I'll be fine." He turned to Blair. "What's wrong with him?"

"No idea." Blair admitted with a shrug.

"Fantastic." Alec muttered.

Evan frowned at their words,rising from the ground as well. He wiped the blood from his neck,rubbing it lightly for the soreness.

"What are you two talking about? I'm fine. So...should I hold back now? No more killing?" He messed with his hair distractedly. "Why are we killing them in the first place? I can't remember."

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