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Fandom Goners, Percy Jackson Roleplay.


Ryder was by the hotel pool when the sun came up. He had been out for hours, practicing with his sword. He was sweating, his body aching. But he knew that nobody facing him would win. He grabbed a towel and mopped up his face before jogging back to his motel room and got in the shower, the water scalding.


Nitch woke up, eyes heavy. He was still next to Nico, which made him blush slightly. Until he saw the time. Six in the morning. He gasped, sitting up. "Nico! Wake up!" He said, shaking the boy's shoulder gently.​

Arya woke up, immediately reaching for her bracelet and snapping it on. The second she could open her eyes fully, she was changing into black jeans and a grey tank top. She didn't have any armor, which she regretted. Everyone else would probably be in full combat gear, and she'd get stabbed in the leg. Fan-fucking-tastic.


Alec watched Jenna make herself a cup of coffee and slip a jacket over her jeans and t-shirt. The same outfit she had worn in his dream, where she died. His mood was black.

"You sure I can't convince you to stay here?" He asked hoarsely. She flashed him an annoyed glance.

"I'm going." She muttered, kneeling down and tying his shoes. He nodded, running a hand through his hair.

"Great." He sighed.

Blair was awake before Evan, staring blankly at the clock. When it reached six, she swallowed hard, choking back a sob. Who would still be with them in a few hours? In a day? Would she be going home without her best friend? Without Evan?

No. Because she wouldn't be staying at home. She'd be going there, grabbing her stuff, and leaving. With Evan. She couldn't go home alone. She wouldn't.
Demetrius woke up, he was feeling rather slow that day. He quickly strecthed and then put on his heavyweight armor, which he had cleaned the night before. He looked at himself in the mirror. This could be the last he's gonna see that smile on his face ever again. He reached for his arm plate and his warhammer appeared, quickly swinging it around. "Feels good to go to battle." Saying that to get his mind off dying. He then left and went downstairs by the breakfast area.

Arya walked down to the breakfast area, hands shaking. She had no appetite, nothing but numbness. "If I die, I die on a full stomach. I die happy." She muttered, walking to the buffet and loading up a plate. It was surprising that she hadn't seen Ryder yet, but Alex and the little kid were just walking into the room, Alex bone pale. Jenna looked excited, eyes bright with eagerness. She was excited for the battle? Alex just looked terrified. She walked over to them, balancing her plate with one hand.

"You look happy." She noted.

"Thrilled." Alex shot back, ignoring her otherwise.
From all the demigods in there,Kasumi seemed to be one of the few who had completely accepted her fate. She followed Alex and Jenna into the breakfast area,smiling when she fixed a strand of Jenna's hair that had fallen out of place.

Her expression was completely calm as she asked for a glass of orange juice,but she couldn't help but feel sadness for Alex. He wasn't going to take his passage as well as Kasumi would. She was prepared to die,but he had his sister to worry about.

Rising her hand,she squeezed his fingers softly.

"I'm sorry,Alex."
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Evan's eyes were closed,but he wasn't actually sleeping. He hadn't blinked an eye in the entire night to make sure that he wouldn't lose control and none of the demigods would get dreams. He would be tired in the battle,but that didn't matter. He wanted to give the others a fair chance.

Covering a yawn,he turned to Blair and smiled.

"Good morning."

He noticed the expression upon her face and gently rubbed her hair. He was afraid too. In a few hours they would know who was fated to life and who would simply fade away.

"It's going to be okay,Blair. We will get out of this." He knew it was an empty promise,but it was all they had.
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C woke up with his arms around something warm. He squeezed it tighter and opened his eyes, and was immediately surprised when he saw Kara in his bed. All at once, everything that he'd done the night before came crashing down on him. I slept with Kara, he thought. He scrambled backwards in shock, and didn't realize he'd gone too far until he tumbled off the bed in a tangled heap of blankets and hit the ground loud enough to wake the dead. C winced, and tried not to groan. He'd slept with Kara while she was drunk. They'd both been vulnerable the night before, but only he had been sober. He didn't know how she would feel about this or react to what they'd done when she woke up. He got up, quickly picking up his clothes.

Alex was still pale, unable to tear his eyes from his sister.

"I'll be okay." He choked out, watching Jenna go and get food. "She'll stay back with Nitch, she'll be safe." He finished, shaking his head.

Blair gave him a watery smile, rubbing her eyes. "No we won't." She said simply, staring at him and leaning against him.

"What if it's Kara? Or Alec? Or... What if it's you?" She whispered, eyes agonized. She didn't care if she died. But the idea of her friends dying and her living tore her up.


Kara jerked awake when C fell out of the bed. And the first thing she noticed was the fact that she was missing something important... Clothes. She yanked the cover up to her chin and looked around, making sure she was covered. She relaxed slightly when she saw C.

Well, it probably would've happened either way...

"You okay?" She asked, voice hoarse with sleep.

Ryder walked down to the breakfast area, pausing momentarily when he saw half of the questers already there. He walked silently over to a table in the corner and sat, hands on the wood, and stared blankly ahead of him.

How many of these people will be dead because of you?
C turned around, nodding. "Yeah, I just..." He didn't think of a way to explain his actions and simply trailed off. He cleared his throat, meeting her eyes. "Do you still want to die together as lazy bastards?" He asked, trying to smile.

Kara smirked at him. "But of course. Better than dying like one of those stupid heroes. We'll die because we're just too lazy to life our swords." She said, no fear in her voice. She had accepted her fate.
Feeling strangely relieved, C sat down on the bed next to her and raised an eyebrow. "We sleep together once and you already forget who I am? I'm shocked." He tapped his necklace. "I'm a son of Apollo. I don't know how to sword."
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Kara laughed, feeling a bit stupid for a second. "Oh, poor little archer." She said, in a faux-sweet voice. "I remember your name, that's enough for me. Alright, Z?" She asked, voice deadly serious.
Isabelle woke up. she felt extremely depressed. she wanted to go home. but...to who. she wished she had a mother to go home to. but she had no one. Max was gone. Ryder hated her. she sighed. she took her pills in the bathroom. Looks like I do need these... she thought, sighing. she got dressed and went outside.

It didn't take long for Ryder to feel claustrophobic. He stood up abruptly and walked outside, glad that he had changed into his combat gear before going to breakfast. He went out to the pool again, feeling the clothes turn into armor at will. He started to swing his sword again, sweating in the heat.
"You'll remember this 'poor little archer' when I save your ass." He paused, his smile growing. "Or when I shoot you in the back by accident. Whatever happens."
Isabelle walked down to get breakfast. she sighed. she sat alone, and didn't get anything. she wasn't in the mood to eat.

Kara shrugged. "You'll either prolong my death or bring it about sooner. I'm cool either way. I know I'll die in that battle, I've... Accepted it." She said, voice growing a bit quiet at the end. She was more worried about Blair and Alec, how they would feel when she died.
C sighed and laid back, using her legs as pillows. He laced his hands behind his head, looking up at her. "I'm with you until the end, Kara." His smile turned sad. "I made my first real friend yesterday, and now I'm going to die before we ever get to talk again. Isn't that ironic?"
Evan rose his body to place a gentle kiss upon Blair's forehead,pulling her to his arms. She was right,of course. He could lose her,he could lose C that was actually his friend. And she could also lose the people she cared about.

"Blair...I'm not the most optimistic person in the world. Far from that,really. But today I have to be. If I don't believe that we're going to be okay,I'm gona take you in my arms and run away from that battlefield. Because I'm not as brave or selfless as the others." He pressed her a bit tighter against his chest. "But I have to be optimistic,at least today. So I will walk out of this hotel and kill everyone that looks at us wrong. And you have to believe that you will do the same."

"Don't you get it? I don't care if I die, Evan. It doesn't matter to me. I care if I live. And what if one of the only people I care about doesn't? There are three people in this world that I love, and they're all on this quest." She whispered, near tears. It took her a moment to realize what she had said.

"I mean... I'm not saying I love you! It's way too soon for that! I just... I don't..." She stuttered into silence, face going from bone white to cherry red.


"Hey. You might not die. You're an archer, you stay back and shoot people. You have a better survival chance than me." She argued, sitting up and playing with his hair by habit. "Sorry that I kind of attacked you last night. I don't really regret it, but I don't know how you feel about it, and..." She sighed. "Not that it really matters anymore."

Kasumi squeezed Alex's hand,allowing her glance to drift towards Jenna. Of course he didn't accept it. She was too young to die,too gentle for that to happen.

"I wanted more time." Kasumi admitted,turning back to Alex. "I wanted to show Jenna everything I learned about flowers. And I wanted to know more about you,about the time you two had together. I don't really want to die,Alex. But life...wasn't so bad,I guess. If the fates choose me to make the passage,I will be ready. But you know that we both will do anything to protect your sister."
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Alex gripped her hand. "I had a dream." He murmured, too quiet for Jenna to hear. "She died. She got shot by an archer, I was too slow to save her. I normally ignore these kinds of things, but... She was wearing the same thing. And I told her about the dream, not the clothes. She just brushed it off, said that it didn't matter, she'd stay back. But I don't believe her. Something will happen, she'll run in, and... And she'll die." He whispered, tear escaping his eye for the first time since he was a child.

"She's all I have. I can't lose her." He breathed.

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