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Fandom Goners, Percy Jackson Roleplay.

Evan rose his hand to rub Blair's hair,just to make sure that she was actually there. His hallucinations never actually had forms that he could touch,so she was obviously real.

"I-I know. I think. And I would never hurt you. I just...I had to be sure. T-that you were okay." He tried to control his shaking his shaking as he wiped his eyes,focusing on Blair. Changing the subject seemed like the best choice. "D-did you sleep well?"

He was trying to be playful,of course none of them had slept much.

Blair smiled at him, appreciating the effort. "No, not at all. This horny guy kept me up all night." She nudged his arm, making sure that she was fully covered, even without pants. She was sitting on her knees, leaning against him.

For the first time Evan seemed to notice that Blair was not wearing pants. He looked down at the exposed parts of her leg,blinking for a second.

"Is that my shirt?"

He turned around to notice a few guys glaring at Blair,which made him growl. The humans immediately fell to the ground,grabbing their heads with nightmares. Evan sighed and turned back to the daughter of Erebus.

"I really want to avoid that. I know we don't exactly have any compromise but...do you want to be my girlfriend? In a...serious,only dating you way?" He smirked as he asked the question,rubbing one hand through Blair's leg.

Blair had been looking with dissatisfaction at the mortals when they collapsed. She quickly gathered herself before looking back at him. "Well, my shirt wouldn't have covered nearly as much, and I was too lazy to look for pants. Someone took up all my energy." She teased, reaching down and gripping his hand, blushing slightly.

"And of course I will. Was it ever a question?" She scoffed, leaning up and kissing him for a moment.

Evan chuckled,leaning against Blair and kissing her back.

"I know. I just really like the sound of your voice. And I like to call you my girlfriend." He tilted his head to take a better look at her,already missing the sight of Blair naked. "There is still a bottle of wine in the room,you know? In case...I didn't break it."

"I'll take that risk. By the way, I see the perverted look in your eye. Keep it in your pants." She smirked, pushing herself to her feet and offering him her hand. She knew that with one little pull, he could easily pull her back down, and she had no reason to believe he wouldn't, but she still offered.
Isabelle slowly woke up. she instantly needed to throw up. "Ryder!" she groaned, and trudged out of bed, almost falling over. she went to him, and almost grabbed him "I feel sick...help me" she was pale, she needed to get to the bathroom.

(Yes, we know she shouldn't be sick this soon, it's for plot purposes... Make up some bullshit reason.)

Ryder turned when he heard her voice, and the situation hit him immediately. He helped her into the bathroom and in front of the toilet, holding her hair away from her face. "Go ahead." He said, no trace of disgust in his voice. He was numbed.
she threw up into the toilet, groaning between rushes of puke. when it was all done she looked at him "Ryder..." she groaned, looking up at him.

Ryder was looking at the ground, avoiding her eyes. "Yea, I know." He sighed, squeezing his temples and inwardly cursing himself. This was his fault. He had fucked up. This was on him.
She reached for him, leaning against the wall. she was weak, and confused, and just didn't want to think or deal with anything right now. she just wanted Ryder. she wanted to be with him.

Ryder held her close, face pale and emotionless. As usual. "We'll... Think of something. Whatever you want to do, we'll do. This is your choice." He said firmly. He hated himself. How had he let this happen. He had never wanted children, just the idea made his knees weak. It's not as if he could ever be a father, in any definition of the word. He was just... A freak.
She looked down. she knew he wouldn't want to be a father. tears came to her eyes. "Ryder...I can't kill it. How could I do that?" she leaned on him, wrapping her arms around him as she cried into his shirt. "Ryder" she said weakly as she cried.

"I know. I wouldn't ask you to." He said, staring blankly at the opposite wall. What comfort could he offer? His eyes were dead, hollow. Any child of his could never be happy, could it? A life of misery, the plague of being a descendant of Hades following it for its entire life.
she looked at him. she couldn't tell what he was thinking. how could she? he would never let her know how he felt. would he even help her with the child? he obviously didn't want it. she looked down. she wouldn't be able to handle it. she would have to give her baby to chiron. she hated herself. this isn't who she was. pregnant? she was an idiot. with a guy who didn't even love her back. she didn't say anything. she just looked at the ground so he couldn't know what she was thinking. she didn't want him to touch her. he had caused enough harm.

Ryder watched her closely until she hid her face, and the pain in her eyes, cut him to the core. "We'll make it work, Isabelle. I promise. I'm not going anywhere." He smiled slightly. He tried to say the words. The ones that she had told him twice, and he just couldn't bring himself to say back. The ones that he hadn't said since he was a child. And he failed. He didn't keep trying, instead staring firmly at the ground.

What does she expect? That after a couple days with her, I'll just be able to change my entire life, erase the misery, the heartbreak? Does she think I'll become a different person in 24 hours? If so, she thinks wrong. It's not that simple.
Demetrius looked at her and considered what she had said."I really don't know what to say about that, but all I can tell you is that life throws unexpected shit at you. Even if you didn't want that to happen." He looked at her with a smirk.
She sniffled. "I'm only 17 Ryder" she said, her voice shaky. she couldn't look at him. "You are 20. why? why did this happen?" technically he was only 2 years older than her. she would turn 18 later that year. she wished she never fell in love. she wished she never came on the quest. she wished she never met Ryder.

"Because we were drunk, and stupid for a split second. I wanted something to happen between us, but not like this. Not... Not this." He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose and shaking his head. "This is my fault. I'm sorry. I get that you're pissed at me, and I deserve that. I deserve a hell of a lot more than that." He admitted.
there were a thousand things he could have done to keep her safe. he could have watched over her while she was in the bar. he shouldn't have let her in the bar at all. HE shouldn't have been in the bar. did he have to fucking have sex with her? he pushed him, hard. she got up and walked towards the door.

Ryder was barely moved by the shove. She looked pissed, and he had no idea what he had said wrong. He sighed. "And this is the exact fucking reason I avoid people. They don't make any sense." He grumbled to himself, standing up and looking in the mirror. "What the hell are you doing, Ryder?" He grumbled to himself. But he let her go.
Cass was focused on her task of getting completely drunk tonight,and she was already on the way for that too happen. The bottle of whiskey looked like a challenge. A challenge she was very happy to overcome,although for now she was only feeling dizzy.

As it turns out,falling down with alcohol all over her system was much easier than to deal than the fact that the people she loved could die in the blink of an eye.

"Same difference..." She whispered before drinking another cup.
she walked down the hall. she didn't know where she was going. she went down the elivator and walked down the street suddenly a cloaked figure ran out and shoved her down, drawing a sword. she panicked, and her watched turned into a shield, and she got into a defensive stance.
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Alec walked into his room to see Cass drinking heavily. He was a bit surprised, but not entirely. Instead of doing anything to stop her, he grabbed another glass and sat beside her, filling it up and draining it.

"To Mania." He murmured. "And to hoping to all the gods that my plan will work." He continued, filling up once more.
Cass didn't reply at first,staring down at her cup. She ran one finger through the glass delicately,the shine in her blue eyes seemingly gone.

"I don't know who else to pray for. I went through all the Gods and Goddess. But what if I missed someone? And I can't stop thinking about how stupid I was for not noticing you in Camp before. We could have a year together..."

Her eyes glistened with tears now,but she wasn't crying. She just needed to talk. The once confident side of herself needed to be back.

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