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Fandom Goners, Percy Jackson Roleplay.

Arya Chiari

Arya heard footsteps, echoing slightly. Immediately, she collapsed the water figures around, hoping that nobody would see her. She floated up to the surface, belly-up, and looked around. It was Demetrius. She eyed him for a few minutes, not sure if she should've called for him. She sighed, kicking herself away from the wall. She forced the water to create a little pad under her feet, propelling her to the surface until she was standing on top of the water.

"You just came to stalk me for a bit?" She called, sinking back under until she was treading water. She would use her powers to the fullest for the night, enjoying it, just in case.
Demetrius stopped in his tracks and looked at Arya with a look of bewilderment. How did she know he was walking by? He asked himself before looking at her with a serious look."I just came to take a walk. Wanted to get my mind of a few things."

He still wasn't sure if she hated him or not, but at this point it really didn't matter. They might even die tomorrow for all he knew.
Arya Chiari

Arya saw his look of confusion and smirked. "Vibrations are pretty loud underwater." She noted conversationally. "And water helps, if you're interested. Soothes." She smiled politely, twirling her finger and making a little spiral of water in the middle of the pool. She had no idea if he was pissed at her, and honestly didn't care. Things like that just didn't faze her. Besides, worst case scenario, she died and it really didn't matter.

She flicked her fingers at the water, and immediately a water figure of Demetrius appeared, smiling broadly. She smirked again, patting his shoulder.
Demetrius looked at the water figure of himself. He really hasn't noticed that his hair had been a mess. He quickly brushed his hair.He shrugged."Anything helps, really." He took of clothes, save for his underwear.

He dipped his foot in the water and quickly took it out. He hasn't realized the water was that cold. He took a deep breath dipped his water in the pool again and then his whole body. He felt cold, he shivered for a bit before his body adjusted to the water.
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Arya Chiari

Arya grinned triumphantly, dissolving the figure of him and appraising him. "So... Possible last night alive. Any big plans? Getting drunk? Getting laid?" She asked teasingly, running a hand through her wet hair. She started making her water animals again, amused.

The circle of water life. Baby fish, large fish, sharks, dolphins, even humans killing the whole lot. Because humans are the real monsters, not sharks. "I personally am going to sleep in a legitimate water bed and give mortals a heart attack." She nodded.
Demetrius laughed."Oh, they'll be frightened all right." He thought of the question she asked him. He didn't have any plans and what if he dies tomorrow? The thought of that made him stress out." I really don't know. I guess I was just gonna take a walk then go to sleep. Hoping that I won't die the next day." He made an unsure face.
Arya Chiari

"That makes two of us." She murmured, looking down. If I die, at least it'll be for a good cause. Other people are more important than some rogue Demigod from New York... She sighed, shaking her head at her thoughts. "I'm a pessimistic bitch." She muttered, tapping the water lightly before looking up at him.

"About that walk... Mind if I join you? I could really use a distraction." She admitted, hoping he wouldn't deny her.
He shrugged."Sure." He got out of the pool and shook the water off of him. He put on his clothes, then his coat. He stood, waiting for Arya to get out of the water. He looked around to see if anyone else was outside.
Arya Chiari

Arya got out of the water and summoned the water from hers and Demetrius' body, shooting it back into the pool and leaving them dry. She then walked over to her overlarge shirt and shrugged it on, which was the only article of clothing she had. She hadn't planned on leaving the pool for most of the night.
Demetrius looked at Arya and saw that she only had a large shirt. Feeling bad for her, he took off his coat and offered it to her."You can't go outside looking like that." He smirked.
Arya Chiari

Arya looked at him, frowning slightly. "Why not? Anything attacks us, they'll stop to admire my hot legs." She smirked, accepting his jacket and shrugging it on despite her words. It was a bit larger than her shirt, hanging down to the middle of her thighs. She knew she looked pretty good, and couldn't help but keep her smile playing on her lips.
He chuckled. This conversation was actually taking his mind off tomorrow."Shall we go on?" He walked over and opened the door.
Arya Chiari and Alexander Michaelson

Arya nodded, following him inside and looking around. She knew she wouldn't be sleeping that night anyways, no point in pretending. Any sleep she managed to get would be plagued with nightmares, not something she wanted to deal with.

Alex was asleep, eyes closed and covered in sweat. He should've known not to go to sleep, but he hadn't wanted to take any risks for the next day.

He was in the battle, and he was winning. He felt on top of the world. His eyes flickered past his next enemy, and he froze, eyes bugging. His little sister was running straight for him, terrified. "Jenna, no!" He yelled, turning his back and sprinting full-out to meet her. He saw something out of the corner of his eye, which only made him run faster. An archer, bow ready and arrow aimed straight for his sister. He watched him shoot, and watched the arrow hit his sister right in the chest. The sound coming from his mouth was inhuman, beast-like.

"Jenna!" He screeched. He reacted, throwing his sword at the archer and watching the tip sink into his chest. He barely noticed, catching his sister before she fell. Tears were streaming freely from his eyes. "Jenna, no, please!" He sobbed, trying to stop the blood, and knowing it was too late. Their eyes met.

"I'm sorry." She whispered before the life drained from her eyes, and her hand, reaching toward him, fell limp.

"Jenna." He whispered.

In that instant, he woke up, chest heaving. He immediately searched for his sister, who was sleeping peacefully in the next bed over.
Demetrius walked to the park two blocks away. The night was clear that night and the stars were showing."Beautiful night today huh?" He looked up at the sky and tried his best to spot any constellations he could find.
Arya Chiari

Arya followed his gaze, fists clenched slightly. It was a beautiful night. A good night to be their last, if it was. "Yea. Yea it is." She whispered, fiddling with her bracelet. How was it that she had slept with this guy and she still felt awkward not wearing pants next to him? Not like it was the first time.

Arya chuckled awkwardly, wringing her hands. "Nervous is the wrong word." She said, staring up at him. "Just... Feels awkward, you know? Wrong. How am I supposed to smile, be myself, be... Normal? There's a huge chance that I'll be dead this time tomorrow, and.. I'm not ready. I'm 20 years old. I'm supposed to be in college and falling in love with all the wrong guys, and fucking up my life! Not... Not this. I'm not supposed to be offering it up on a silver platter for people I don't know that don't give two shits if I die!" She exclaimed. She didn't know why she was telling this to him, why she thought he'd care.
Demetrius shook his head in understanding." It's the life of a demigod." He shrugged." I wonder the same thing about myself. Why did I join the quest? Why am I willing to sacrifice myself so that others can live on?" He paused a bit." I do it for my friends. They have helped me in the past, it's about time I pay them back."
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Arya Chiari

"They haven't done shit for me. I tried to be a good person, but my original plan was to get out of here before the battle. My original plan was to not get attached. If I had kept that plan, I'd be gone by tomorrow morning, and you'd never see me again, and I wouldn't care who died." She said, frustrated. She kicked at the grass. "And instead, I had to fuck that up, too. I had to be a human. I shouldn't care about you, about anyone here, about these people I've never met or even seen before! But here I am." She sighed.

Ryder looked out the window, face blank and void of emotion. His shirt was lying on the ground behind him, where he had left it before trying to sleep to no avail. Now, he watched Arya and Demetrius, unable to muster up any anger that they weren't sleeping. He could almost sense the fear, Arleos-style, in that hotel. He tore his eyes from the window, looking at Izzy in his bed for a moment instead.

After a few moments, he sighed, sitting at a desk and pulling out a bottle of bourbon from his bag. "If I die, my last night shall be spent spitting in the face of sobriety, that was my promise." He mumbled. He had made that promise when he was 15, and had slowly become accustomed to his mild alcoholism. He'd been drinking since he was 12. "I'm not going to risk breaking that promise." He cracked open the bottle, one of the oldest and strongest he had. He filled up a large glass and drained it, grimacing at the strong taste before sagging in the chair.

"I'm supposed to worship you. You gave me life. You're everlasting... You're a god." He said, looking at the ground as if his father was listening. "Hell of a life. The life you gave me is the life of a murderer. The life of a bastard son of Hades. I'm supposed to worship you for that? Well, I say, bullshit. I don't want this life. I want the life of a normal, human, guy. It's too late for that now, though, isn't it?!" He growled, keeping his voice low so as not to wake up Izzy. "Thanks a lot, Dad!"

After what felt like a second but what probably a few hours, Blair woke up. Evan was beside her, which made her smile a bit. But she was restless, she wanted a walk more than anything else, she grabbed Evan's shirt from the ground and slipped it on, smirking at the idea of it. It went down to halfway down her thighs, which was enough for her. Her legs weren't that bad.

She crept from the room, hoping Evan wouldn't wake up, and silently closed the door behind her. She started to walk up and down the corridors, attempting to fix her rat's nest of hair. She did attract a few strange glances from mortals, admiring ones from the males, which made her blush bright red. Maybe this hadn't been her best idea...

The lack of warmth by
Evan's side was what caused him to wake up,although he didn't realize that at first. He kept his eyes open,grinning like a fool. Moving a muscle at all seemed like it could pop the perfect bubble of happiness he was into right now.

But the cold suddenly registered into him and Evan jerked awake,grabbing the sheets by his side. Where was Blair?


What did he do? Did he hurt Blair?

He burst out of his room,bumping into the table by his side. He didn't care about the pain in his arm,he had to find Blair. The sound of three humans falling asleep with his uncontrolled powers resonated through the hotel,but he didn't care.


Blair winced slightly at the loud voice, and whipped around, jogging toward it. "Evan?" She called, seeing him and grabbing his arm. Her eyes searched his, and suddenly felt very conscious of her lack of clothing.

"Hey, hey. What's wrong?" She asked, worried out of her mind. Was he hurt? Did something happen? Or had he just gotten concerned when she was missing? The latter seemed unlikely. She wasn't important enough to cause concern.

Evan looked down at Blair,starting to hyperventilate. But she was okay? Hadn't he hurt her? But he saw the blood...

Only now he realized that the scene back at the room had been another hallucination. He hadn't hurt Blair,that was only his mind acting against him.

"I thought I had...I thought I had hurt you..."

He looked about to break down as he slid to the ground and hid his face between his hands,hating himself for the lack of control.

Blair sat beside him, gripping his hands. "You didn't hurt me. I'm fine. More than fine." She assured him, forcing him to reveal his face.

"Hey, look at me." She said firmly, wrapping her arms around him as she would a child. "I'm fantastic, okay? Not a hair harmed." She promised.

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