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Fandom Goners, Percy Jackson Roleplay.


Blair laughed, grabbing his hand and pulling him to his feet with some effort. "We have a hotel to get to. You can have sex with the floor later." A mortal gave her a weird look, but she ignored it easily.

Evan allowed Blair to pull him up and ended on her arms,hugging her tightly. He gave a stare to the mortal that made her run away. He chuckled and leaned in to whisper in Blair's ear.

"It's not the floor I want to have sex with."

Blair smirked, squeezing his hand. "I think Ryder would get mad if we didn't get a full eight hours of sleep... But I'm willing to bend the rules a little." She offered, a bit of fear in her gut. She barely knew this guy. This wasn't her. At the same time, she could hardly think with him that close.

Evan scoffed now,shaking his head before he looked back at Blair.

"Screw Ryder. It's not like I'm getting any hour of sleep tonight either way,I'm staying awake to make sure that no one gets any dreams. They need to sleep,I don't." Evan smirked as he held her hand,pulling her away in the direction of the benches. "But about bending..."

He did notice the slight fear in Blair's expression,mostly because he had been looking intently at her.

"Blair. If you're not ready,that's okay. I can totally wait." Evan blinked for a second,almost not believing in how much he had changed.

Blair met his eyes, confused. "No, it's not... It's nothing. Don't worry about it." She shook her head, annoyed at herself, before leaning up and kissing him. "I'm ready. It's just not... Like me to be ready this early on. That didn't even make sense to me." She groaned.

"Oh." Replied Evan,messing with his hair in an uncomfortable manner. A playful smile crossed his face. "It does make sense,Blair. Not everyone is a huge slut like Evan here. But I really do like you,and I have no intentions of leaving any time soon. We're both going through new situations,here."

He sat on one of the chairs and pulled her to his lap,smiling.

"Do you want to drink anything? I will steal it. Oh,I meant buy it."

"No, I'm fine." She smirked, running her hands through his hair before leaning in and kissing him. "I guess that means we're sharing a hotel room, so I can cater to Evan's slutty needs." She teased, unable to believe that she had just said that. He really was bringing out the worst in her, in the best possible way.
C kept his hand on his stomach as he walked off of the plane, still feeling slightly sick. The bumpy landing had convinced him to never take a plane again. He'd walk to the next quest. He caught up to Kara as they started to leave. "I officially hate planes, but we didn't die, so that's something."

Evan's smile only broadened at the flirting. He leaning in and stole another kiss from Blair,letting himself linger before he pulled back.

"I have a lot of needs,you know. So I'm gonna hold you onto that promise."

He wrapped his arms around her waist before he noticed an old couple staring at them with a frown. Evan sent a kiss towards them before smirking to Blair.

"You are scandalizing the polite society."

Kara smirked at the words. "Yea, that's... Certainly something." She said, her smile fading. Her 'something' might be ending soon. "I bet you're hyped for this battle. Getting to kill people that stole our friends. Yay." She said weakly, her normal mischief levels tanking.


"Ah, fuck the polite society, I was never polite anyways." She grinned. "But we should probably follow Ryder and the others before we lose them, and therefore our very nice hotel room." She trailed off, eyes bright.
C noticed, and he felt his own humor curl up and die. "No, I'm not. I'm dreading it." He said seriously. "I don't want anyone here to die, and I don't want to die but..." He trailed off, shaking his head. He glanced upwards. "Maybe if I'm lucky Apollo will help me out tomorrow. We are here to save his other son, after all." He muttered. C cleared his throat. "Hey, maybe your mom will bless you tomorrow, and give you the power to prank our enemies off of a cliff." He tried to smile.

Kara went a bit pale at the words. Even C had noticed how little she could do for the group. "Yea..." She muttered. "Maybe. And I hate to be Debbie Downer, but people will die tomorrow. Trying to pretend that they won't will only make it so it hits you that much harder. Don't delude yourself. Look at every person here and know that there's a chance that they won't make it. It'll make it that much more of a happy surprise if they don't." She said wisely.
C's eyes widened. "Wait, I didn't mean that your only weapon was pranks, I meant-I was trying to be funny..." He trailed off and gave up. He almost laughed bitterly at her words. "You're saying that like I'll be one of the survivors. I know that, and I'd rather pretend than face the fact that the chances are that after tomorrow, I'll be dead." He walked slightly ahead of her, wanting to get away from what he'd just admitted.

"At least I'm not the only one that accepts my fate, then." She muttered, just loud enough for him to hear. She fell back, letting him escape. She could tell how he felt, after all, she was in the same situation. He was sure he'd be dead in 24 hours time... Kara could almost see her own dead body. That's not bleak. And it wasn't like she had a way to live it up. Alec and Blair, the only ones she really cared about, would definitely survive. They had something to hold on to, they had someone. She... Didn't.

Toni opened her eyes, looking around warily. It was almost impossible to fall asleep in her position, but when she did, her sleep was plagued with nightmares. She kept seeing the same thing a thousand times over. Ryder, fighting for his life. He sees something in the distance, and goes pale, yelling a word that looks like, 'No!', before getting stabbed in the abdomen by an unknown person. The last thing she always saw was his eyes, wide with shock and pain, before he fell, hands bloody.

Before she could reflect too hard on her latest 'visit' by this nightmare, she heard the door open, and Sadist walked in. Immediately, Toni sat up as much as she could. "What now? Gonna poke me with a stick?" She scoffed. Sadist stayed silent, approaching Toni and inspecting her like a piece of meat.

"Bring it in." She called. Her assistant came in wielding another iron rod with a red hot tip, this on in the shape of a sword. "I've decided to be merciful. When I burn and brand your skin, it will be in the mark of your father." She murmured, taking the rod and hovering it over Toni's body. "Here." She decided, bringing the rod down on Toni's abdomen. Immediately, Toni screeched, body arching.
Maximus didn't even know how to respond. what was the point of responding. "Just kill me." he said. he didn't care if it was selfish to Toni anymore. his boredom overwhelmed him. If he was in Toni's place he would have already found a way to kill himself, no doubt. He loved her, but he was going insane. he couldn't think strait. he was so hungry, so thirsty. Toni wasn't his priority anymore. Death was.

"Kill you? What satisfaction would that bring? I mean... Of course, I'd love to see your friends' faces when they walk in, triumphant, only to see both of you dead... But I'd be dead by then as well. I'd rather know, in the Underworld, that this one," She tapped Toni's forehead, who barely noticed through her aftershocks of pain, "will never truly recover from what I've done to her. For the rest of her life, this will damage her, and damage you because of it. I want nothing less for a bastard son of Apollo."

Evan unlocked the door of their hotel room,half-expecting to see bodies hanging through the ceiling and blood spread everywhere. But once he opened the door,everything was fine. It had been sometime since his hallucinations had settled,Blair apparently being the reason for that.

He threw his backpack across the room,turning to take a better glance at the daughter of Erebus.

"You're...really gorgeous tonight. And everyday,really"

Evan couldn't believe in how cheesy he was being,but it was true. He wanted to do things different with Blair,to stop being the huge manwhore that he once was.

He winked to Blair as he opened the bottle of wine that had destroyed half a year of money from robberies.

Blair looked at him, throat dry. She didn't take compliments well, or ever. After all, why give herself false hope? But when Evan said it, she couldn't stop the bright red blush that spread to her cheeks.

This wasn't what she was used to, she had no idea what to do, what to say. So she didn't.

She surged forward, gripping his shoulders and pulling him down, kissing him.

"Stop talking." She managed.
Nico stood in the window of the hotel,blowing smoke out in a slow manner. He watched the patterns in front of his eyes,then glanced down at the fall bellow him.

There was a time when he had wanted to jump down,but didn't have the bravery to do it. And Nitch saved him.

And now,beyond everything,he wanted to stay alive. But the choice to do so escaped from his fingers,falling on the hands of the Fates.

Nico knew that he would die. But he wasn't ready to go.

"I'm going to slowly fade away into darkness,and Nitch will forget about me. And he will move on with his life,and all I will be able to do is watch..."

He found himself sobbing quietly. The only thing he could do is hope that Nitch wouldn't listen to him and wake up.

And hope that when his time came,he would face it with bravery.

@Play On Words

Evan still had enough time to place the bottle down before Blair pulled him for a kiss. He leaned forward and wrapped his arms around the girl,rising her from the ground and dropping them both in the bed.

He wouldn't push it. To be quite honest,Evan was nervous as well. Blair was special to him. He didn't want to mess what they had.

His hand slid to her back,pulling her closer to his body.

Nitch stirred in his sleep, frowning slightly when he heard a noise. After a few moments, he slowly rose to consciousness, and recognized the sound as crying. He opened his eyes and saw Nico in the window.

"Wow, deja vu." He groaned, sitting up and rubbing his eyes. He got out of the bed and stood next to his boyfriend, wrapping his arms around him.

"What's wrong?" He asked softly, resting his chin on Nico's shoulder.

He's thinking the same thing as me. Something will happen, and I'll end up dead, and he'll forget all about me. Like everyone else.
Nico turned around,still trying to control his sobs as he hugged Nitch tightly against his chest. Maybe if they stood like that for long enough,time would stop in place.

He wasn't ready.

"I just...I really wanted to be a selfless person. I wanted to ask you to move on and forget about me. But I can't. So if I die...can you please not forget about me? Because no matter how many lives I go through,I will never stop thinking about you." @Play On Words
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He opened the door to his room. Half expecting Arya to be behind him, but instead the room was empty. He sighed."That time is over now." He threw his bag and it landed with a clunk. He bent and opened the bag to take out a bronze arm plate. He sat down quietly on the bed as he polished his armor, preparing for the final battle.

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