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Fandom Goners, Percy Jackson Roleplay.

SHe backed against the wall, her knee rising to his hip, she threw her arms around him. she was nervous, but decided to bite his lip, then smirked, she kissed him back, loving every second of it
C leaned forward until his forehead pressed against the top of the mini-TV screen, trying hard not to groan. "You're right, it's more of a human thing. If humans were meant to be off the ground, we'd have wings." He turned his head slightly to look at her. "You don't mind if I sit here for a while, right? I mean, you did wave at me earlier."


Evan leaned forward,kissing the tear away from Blair's face. He allowed their foreheads to stay touching for a moment before he pulled back to reply.

"If that is really what you want,we will run away together. We will be the two weirdos living the criminal life." He chuckled before dismissing the illusion around them. He was calm enough to be able to control his powers now. "I couldn't choose anyone better to run away with me."

Blair smiled weakly, gripping his hand tightly. She cast a glance out the window, seeing how high up they were, before closing the slat. She doubted that Evan wanted to see that, as nervous as he was.

"I'm a shitty criminal, you'll have to teach me." She laughed.
Nico was surprisingly calm during the plane travel,leaning against Nitch's shoulder in silence. He might be an underworld kid,but he was also Cassandra's friend. If she was there,he trusted that Zeus would keep them save.

"Nitch? Do you think about how our lives will be after this mission,if we suceed? When we go back to camp,everything will be different."

Nitch didn't answer for a few moments. "It might be. Toni and Max will be different. Ryder won't, he'll just be treated differently. None of us are going to change, Nico. Everyone else is just going to realize that we're not stupid idiots that deserve to be pushed around. We'll be feared." He said playfully. "Not that Ryder needs help with that." He watched the quest leader walk into the front bathroom. The one Izzy had gone into five minutes before and never left. He shuddered, disgusted. A bathroom, Ryder? Really?
"They always feared me anyway. I don't mind. But if they say anything about you,I will get angry." Nico smiled and kissed Nitch,staying like that for a while. Honestly,he didn't care about the recognition. All he wanted was to bring Toni and Max back,and then spend some time with Nitch doing normal,boyfriend stuff. "So...boyfriend. I really like to use that word to describe you. When this is over,we are going to date like a normal couple. No life threatening missions,just you and me. How does that sound?"

"They always feared my... Brain cells? I feel overshadowed in this quest. You guys are all spectacular and godly... Oh, but I can solve algebraic equations." He said sarcastically. "And where would we be without life-threatening missions? We certainly wouldn't have started dating, you never looked at me before this quest."
Nico frowned lightly at Nitch's words,confused for a moment.

"You are our strategist. We all have been dead a long time ago without you. We need your brain cells." He turned his glance back to the window. "It's not that I never looked at you. You are really good looking. It's just that I had someone else in my mind at the time. But it's over now,and I have you. I wouldn't change it for anything."

"Yea. If any of the enemies escape and come toward us, I'll brain cell them to death. That'll help." He scoffed, feeling moody. He hated the fact that he couldn't be there, he couldn't help his friends. If anyone died, he'd live knowing that, had he been there, he might've been able to save them. "Athena, save us." He whispered softly, closing his eyes. Immediately, he felt the strongest urge to sleep. His eyes rolled back in his head, and he passed out. The next time he opened his eyes, he knew instinctively that it was a dream. A beautiful woman was in front of him, with his grey eyes.

"Mom." He said hoarsely, kneeling.
Nico sighed and turned toward the window,imagining that Nitch was ignoring him for now. He watched the clouds go by,a small wave of fear finally finding it's way through him.

"Nishan." Athena said softly. Nitch felt a thrill of shock at hearing his real name. "I'm... Sorry that I couldn't contact you sooner. Zeus has been keeping a much closer eye on us than I had hoped. You do not need fear for your plane, he will not strike it down." She assured him. Nitch nodded, thankful. "I must warn you. On this quest of yours, many will die, and some will be wounded. You must remain strong in the face of turmoil, my son. You will be the guiding flame that brings your friends home. Michael will not be able to." She warned. Nitch frowned at the name.

"Michael...? Who's Michael?" He demanded.

"He's changed his name since then, trying to hide from his past. You call him... Ryder, now. But he was once Michael Miller." She said, looking a bit amused. He nodded.

"Why won't he able to lead us?" He pressed. But her voice was already beginning to face. After what felt like an eternity, he bolted awake back in the plane, clutching the armrests and widening his eyes.
Isabelle slipped her shirt back on. she looked at him smiling. "thats...better sober" she told him, and kissed him, holding it. He was amazing. she couldn't wait to be back at camp half blood with him. she wrapped her arms around him, then pulled away, looking into his eyes, panting. "I love you Ryder Miller" she whispered to him. she smiled, she was very happy.

Ryder smiled, kissing her back lightly. "Back at you." He said, the best he could manage. He opened the door and immediately froze. There were two flight attendants outside of the door, hands on their hips. His usual excuse came to him in a flash, and he rose his hand. He always wore a faux-wedding ring around for this exact reason. The ring looked very strange with his skeletal gloves, but he made it work.

"Come on, ladies. It's our honeymoon." He said, giving them a hopeful look. "It won't happen again." He pressed. One of them melted, pulling her friend away.

"Congratulations." She said. "It's okay, he's hot." She whispered when she thought he was far away. He smirked, turning back to Izzy.

"It's okay, I'm hot." He repeated.
Isabelle giggled, kissing him slightly. "I'ts okay, you're hot" she said, before walking out of the bathroom quickly back to their seat. on the way back, she noticed Nitch look at her, and she knew he knew, and she blushed madly. she sat down, facepalming.

Ryder slipped off his fake wedding ring and followed Izzy back to their seats, winking at Nitch. Nitch just looked a bit horrified. Ryder ignored him and sank back down into his seat, making the mistake of looking out the window.

"Oh, wow, we're very high up." He said, immediately feeling stressed again.
"Hey, It's okay, I'm here for you" she said wrapping her arms around him. she was getting sleepy. "I think...I'm gonna take a nap. one more for the road" she said before giving him a quick kiss, she then smiled and rested her head on his shoulder.

Ryder nodded, continuing to stare out the window. He watched the landscape pass them by, eyes peeled for any kind of danger. He was coiled, every muscle tensed. He had no trust for heights, he didn't just expect something to happen, he knew it would.
Time Skip To End Of Plane Ride

Ryder was the first one off the plane, legs shaking with relief. Zeus did apparently care about his daughter enough to spare them. On the way back to Camp, they could drive and shadow travel. No more flying. He felt... Not ill, but like he had been given a warning. Zeus spared them once. He wouldn't do it again.

Ryder looked at the group. "We'll be spending the night in another motel. I want everyone to get some rest, eat some food. Maximum strength, maximum chance of success. I'll leave the number crunching to Nitch, but I know for a fact that if anyone pulls an all-nighter and can barely walk tomorrow, they aren't going into battle." He said firmly.
"Okay." Isabelle said, getting off the plane. She wondered how he would explain to everyone why she wouldn't be joining in the battle. she looked around, and started to feel sick. If she didn't get her period tomorrow, she knew. she would be pregnant. she prayed to the gods that she wasn't, but it was no use. she either was or she wasn't and she would find out soon enough. She slipped her hand into Ryder's, and stayed quiet.
Demetrius got off the plane, stretching. "Good thing we're gonna rest before we battle." He yawned. His stomach was rumbling at the thought thought of food.

Evan left the plane and dropped straight to the floor,kissing the ground bellow his feet. He didn't even care about the way the humans were staring at him.

Blair watched him, eyes bright with amusement. "I'm not kissing you until you wash your mouth." She laughed. "I don't know what's happened on that floor, and I don't want that anywhere near my face."

Evan felt completely happy. He rolled around with a huge smile,staring up at the ceiling. His hair had been all over his eyes and he brushed it away.

"Okay. I will do anything for you. I love this floor though."

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