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Fandom Goners, Percy Jackson Roleplay.

(Nah let's SHOW EVERYTHING jk fade to black)

Evan leaned forward towards Blair,finally feeling like she was confident in his hold. Tonight would certainly be a fun a one. He smirked as he blew the candle near the bed,making the room go mostly dark.



Nitch frowned at his boyfriend, jaw dropped.

"Hey. You aren't allowed to die, you hear me? No matter what happens, you're stuck with me until the end. I'm stubborn that way." Nitch said firmly, gripping his hands tightly.

He wouldn't ever let go.


Ryder looked at the clothes in front of him. A special request from the Hephaestus cabin from the year before. It looked pretty normal, black combat pants, black combat boots, and a dark grey combat shirt. A lot of combat. All of them looked like something that a teenager would play to a BB gun match.

But these were different. Once the entire set was being worn, it would transform into a lightweight and sturdy set of bronze armor. Every risk had to be considered. The armor wasn't the strongest, but his fighting style involved a lot of moving, rolling, jumping and running. Heavy armor would exhaust him, he'd rather take the risk.
Nico replied to Nitch's look,staying silent for a moment. He knew what would happen,and he had meant to say the truth. But Nitch...

Nitch seemed so confident. He trusted that Nico would survive and they would see each other again.

He wasn't ready to see that light disappearing from Nitch's eyes. So he brushed the tears away from his face and nodded,filing himself with hope.

"Yeah. Right. I'm not leaving,this is a promise." He smiled and kissed Nitch,hoping to keep that feeling close to his heart. "We will go through this. Together."
When C finally made it to his room, all the coffee he'd downed in the morning had mostly worn off, leaving him more exhausted than he thought was possible. A bed had never looked so enticing... except he couldn't make his feet move. He stood in the doorway, and stared at the bed, his conversation from earlier coming to mind. Going to sleep would be, bringing him hours closer to his own death. Then again if he didn't sleep, he'd be kicked off the quest. Would that be such a bad thing? Camp would see him as a coward and a failure, but he would be alive. No matter what anyone said, he didn't think he was supposed to be here. That was it then. He wouldn't sleep, and be exhausted in the morning. There was a good chance that they would know exactly what his plans were, but he didn't care. C didn't want to die.

Decision made, he shut the door and took off his bow. And then he stared at it, and saw everything it represented. Apollo. Max.
Max, who was being held prisoner waiting for the more powerful demi-gods to save him. C growled in frustration with himself and threw the bow away from him. His own indecisiveness was annoying him. Stay or go, just pick and live with the consequences! He mentally yelled at himself. C ran a hand through his hair, and gripped his necklace in his free hand. He stayed there for a moment, before he stalked over to the bow he'd thrown, and tried to break it in half. When that didn't work, he snapped the string and threw it again, hearing it thump loudly against the opposite wall. He desperately wanted to, but dammit he couldn't leave. At least he'd finally get to use his golden bow in a real battle.
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Nitch frowned, wishing he knew what to do. Emotions were not his strong point. He had no idea what to say to make him feel better.

"We'll get through this." He promised softly, smiling slightly.

Kara heard a loud thump on the other side of her wall and almost fell off the bed. She had been drinking ever since she got into the room. She stood up and stumbled out of the room and toward the next one. She knocked, almost falling over. She tried to remember who was staying next to her, and remembered in a flash.

"C? You alright in there?" She called, voice slurring a little bit.
Nico nodded,holding his boyfriend's hands tightly. The only light entering the room was the soft glow from the moon outside. He glanced over to Nitch and blushed,only finding him more gorgeous now.

"Hmm...Nitch? Do you want to..." He gestured towards the bed in an embarrassed manner,his face looking extremely red.

Nitch didn't understand for a few moments, following his gaze to the bed uncomprehendingly.

Go to sleep? It's early, why would we... Oh. Not sleep.

"Um... I've never... I'm not..." He stammered, scratching the back of his neck. Words failed him. "I'm a... I've never..." He stuttered into silence, face bright red.
C didn't know how to answer. He was choosing to die. What the hell had happened to him during this quest? He knew the 'lazy Apollo kid' he used to be at camp wouldn't have even come this far. That him wouldn't have made the effort to be friends with Evan either. He clenched his fists. Maybe he didn't want the title the camp had give him anymore, maybe he wanted to be someone who wasn't overlooked. He opened the door. "No," He said quietly. "I'm not."

Kara squinted up at him, the floor spinning slightly. "What's.... Wrong?" She managed, gripping the doorframe for support. Drinking was not something she did often, in fact almost never. She felt like she was going to puke, she felt like she was going to die.

Don't puke on the cute guy. He really is hot...
C covered his eyes with his right hand. "We're going to die." He managed, his voice barely above a whisper. And I don't want to be alone when it happens, was the part that he kept to himself. Some part of him realized that Kara was drunk, but it was buried underneath his internal struggle, the urge to break down right then and there, and his growing fear of death.
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Nico blinked towards Nitch,not fully understanding his words until the blush in his boyfriend's face finally registered.

"Oh. You never..." He trailed off,apparently seeming surprised. But he quickly shrugged it off with a smile,gently running his hands through Nitch's hair. "That is okay,Nitch. You know I can wait if you're not ready. Am I...moving too fast?"

Kara eyed him, frowning. Inner urge struck her, and she walked forward, wrapping her arms around him. She felt so small next to him, but she hugged him tightly. "We'll stick together tomorrow. If we die, we can be the lazy bastards that die together." She offered, choking back a sob. She didn't want to die. She wanted to be back at Camp Half-Blood, pranking the Aphrodite campers with the Hermes campers. But she couldn't. She had made her choice.

"I'm ready, it's just I don't want to... Disappoint..." He said awkwardly, knowing that he was red down to his neck and up to his ears. "But I don't know what will happen tomorrow. I don't want to waste a second, not with you." He said, steeling himself up.
Nico smiled,feeling a soft warmth in his own chest. He did love Nitch. Leaning in,he placed a gentle kiss on his face.

"There is nothing you could do that would disappoint me."

He held Nico's hand between his own,walking with him towards the bed. He knew how to be patient,and would prove that now.

Nitch blushed again, following. "If you say so." He murmured. He was used to letting people down, it was what happened as a son of Athena.

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C squeezed her back, needing her right then to keep his fear from overwhelming him. He leaned down slightly after she spoke and buried his face in her shoulder, grateful that she couldn't see him right then. He didn't want her to see the tears silently streaming down his face. He tightened his arms around her, barely thinking. He didn't want to think.

Kara was shaking slightly, thinking about what the next day would bring. In less than twenty four hours, she could be dead. C could be dead. Blair and Alec... Could be dead. How was she supposed to sleep and be happy, knowing that?

You're not. You're supposed to take advantage of every last second. Stop hugging the hot guy and make your move, die with something happy on your mind.
Not thinking, C realized that he'd never been this close to anyone before, let alone squeezing them like he'd drown if he let go. He pulled back slightly, and then felt immediately embarrassed by the tear stains on his cheeks. He hastily tried to wipe them off, and then stopped, almost laughing at himself. He was going to die soon and his strongest emotion was embarrassment? He hesitated. They were both in a bad place, and he definitely shouldn't be thinking of doing what he was thinking, but damn it all. "I don't know what I'm doing," He admitted. "I'm still-I've never done anything like this with anyone."

"You've never hugged a girl? That's a sad existence." She said, chuckling weakly. She looked up at him, eyes watering slightly, hands still resting on his chest.

Kara... Make the move. If you want him, make the move. One night of happiness before it all ends. Doesn't everyone deserve that?
C smiled weakly at her. "I don't want to do this wrong." He murmured, and then leaned forward pressing his lips against hers. He pulled back after a few seconds, extremely embarrassed, and not entirely sure how long a first kiss was supposed to last. He held his breath, waiting for her reaction.
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Kara looked up at him, eyes wide. With a second's hesitation, she surged forward, kissing him hard. She pushed him inside, closing the door behind her. She didn't care if she was being too forward, her non-sobriety gave her the courage to do what she would never do otherwise.
C made a vaguely surprised noise, and then he was kissing her back just as fiercely. He refused to think about what he was doing or the reasons behind it. He fell back onto the bed, pulling her down with him.

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Arya Chiari

Arya was by the hotel pool, dangling her feet in the water. It soothed her, to a point. She made the water around her ripple and splash in interesting shapes. Sharks crept under the surface, dolphins jumped around her, fish ran from the larger predators, all in miniature. She was wearing a bikini, but hadn't gotten in the water yet, knowing she wouldn't want to leave if she did.

In the end, she sighed, pushing herself up and swan diving into the pool. For a moment, she concentrated on keeping dry before releasing the focus. It felt comforting to have the heavy weight of water, to breathe in deeply despite the fact that she was ten feet deep.

"Protect us, father." She whispered, bubbles leaving her mouth and escaping to the surface. She relaxed, laying down at the bottom.
Demetrius got out of his room, putting his coat on. He needed to take his mind off things, like the possibility of him dying or any of his friends at all. He pushed that thought to the back of his mind and walked out.

He passed by the corridor leading out when something caught his eye. It was Arya, by the pool. He wondered what she could have been doing there that late, but again here he was.

She probably just needed to get things off her mind. He shrugged, he stayed watching her for a bit before he moved on.

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