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Fandom Goners, Percy Jackson Roleplay.


"I understand what you're saying. But you'll be fine. You haven't lost control recently have you?" Arleos asked, trying to reassure his friend. "Besides, have some faith. I know it's tough, trust me, but try to relax. If anything goes wrong, I could always tap into some hidden potential or something and see if I can bring you back to your senses." A small grin crossed his face, "Just like last time." He said with a pat on Evan's trembling shoulder.

Blair looked around for a place to sit. Her seat had been taken by some gorgeous blonde supermodel that had some killer nails. She wasn't keen to get in an argument with her. But she did see an empty seat next to Evan, which she rushed for. Arleos was on his other side, another person she hadn't spoken to yet. Blair sat next to Evan and gripped his hand by instinct. Heights were not her favorite thing, but he looked terrified.

"Come on. The plane won't kill you. I promise." She murmured.

patted Arleos' hand lightly,trying to control his shaking and stand still.

"Yeah. There is that. Or you can punch me straight in the face. That works too. Won't end our friendship."

The plane started to move and Evan let out a sound that wasn't honorable at all. But he seemed to relax once Blair sat by his side,and he gripped her hand back.

"I know. It might kill others tho. But I need to be confident and stuff. I hate planes."

He turned around to place a kiss on Blair's lips.

And there went his breakfast. The moment the plane leveled out and stopped sloshing everything in his stomach around like he was a blender, C got up, despite the heavy protest of the stewardess, and locked himself in the small bathroom. It turns out he didn't need to look out the window when his imagination did just as good of a job of terrifying him. Then he threw up everything he'd eaten for the last week in the toilet, and felt sorry for whoever was going to use it after him.

"Heh, punching isn't something I'd do to a friend" he said with a slight chuckle. "And yeah, I get what you mean, used to hate planes also for awhile, but I eventually had to get used to them and everything else related to going outside really." With the plane starting to move Arleos laid back in his seat a bit while keeping an eye out for anything particularly strange. As he did this he kept his ears and mainly his senses on practically everyone, especially the other members of the group.

Wouldn't do to have anyone get angry and suddenly cause an 'accident'.


Blair didn't complain, twining her fingers in his hair and kissing him back. It was probably the most uncomfortable kiss she'd ever had, between the arm rest in the middle of them and the overly tight seatbelt and her position, but she couldn't bring herself to end it.

"Be confident and stuff." She whispered.
Isabelle looked concerned. she seemed to be the only one who trusted Zeus not to kill his own daughter. she knew they were safe. she just had a feeling. "Don't worry, Ryder. we have Cass, and don't forget it. "she told him, hoping it would make him feel better. "And I'm always here to keep your mind of things..." she said biting her lip, before leaning in and kissing him. when she pulled away, she asked "Does that help?" she asked sweetly.
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Evan was starting to think that he wouldn't make it after all. His hands were sweating,and if you looked closely you would be able to see the light patterns of a skull appearing on his face. That was the first sign that we would lose control,as his powers were pushing away to create that illusion.


Evan closed his eyes and changed the scene around them. Blair was still holding onto him,so she would be able to see it as well. He sighed,immediately calming once the completely realistic illusion of a lakeside house settled around them.

Evan focused on the view of an older woman playing with a little girl. The girl had the same hair color as Evan,being quite alike to him.

"That's my aunt. Haven't seen her in some time. And...that's Melanie. I named her after the most cliche name ever. But it fits her."

Ryder smiled tightly, nodding. He would never admit it, but heights petrified him. The fact that with just one malfunction, the plane would come crashing down... It didn't comfort him. But being near her did help.

"A little." He murmured, fists clenched tightly.

Blair gasped when she was taken to a... Lakeside cabin? She followed Evan's gaze. "Melanie... Who is she?" Blair asked curiously, not sure if she wanted to know. She looked so much like Evan. His little sister, maybe? That'd make sense.


Evan looked at Blair,then back at the little girl who looked so much like him. He imagined that Blair knew. But would saying the truth be dumping too much into her shoulders?
"That's my daughter." Evan said quickly,before he lost his bravery. "My aunt raises her because I'm not exactly father model. And her mother died so...well. I know it might be too much information. I'm sorry. I wish I could raise her. But I'm really scared that she will turn out to be like me."
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"Then I guess I'll have to keep doing it" she giggled and kissed him again. kissing him was becoming on of her favourite activities. among other things. she blushed at the her own thoughts come on izzy, don't be gross. she sighed, kissing him again. she didn't care anymore, she wanted to make out with him. she just wanted to let go.

Ryder relaxed slightly, kissing her back. She had gone from shy little girl to a confident young woman in no time, all because... She lost her virginity? Was it really like that for girls? He hadn't had any noticeable differences after his first time, except he was a bit more confident, of course.

"Definitely feeling better now." He chuckled.
Isabelle smiled. "We could...keep going?" she blushed. his lips were like a drug to her. she never realised she could be like this with a boy. but she never tried. She supposed the only reason she could do this with Ryder at all is because he knows everything about her, and cares, and won't tell anyone. he comforted her. he saved her life. she loved him. and she trusted him completely

Ryder stared at her, stunned and amused. "In an airplane? Gods curse me, I've created a monster." He teased. "And I love it. Whatever you want, I'm up for." He assured her. He was more than willing, already looking around for an empty area that wasn't disgusting. The only place he could find that wasn't packed with people was the front bathroom, which was probably repulsive. Unfortunately, the back bathroom was much worse, thanks to C.

Blair tried to contain the shock in her gaze. Thanks to years of experience, she was good at masking emotions, pretending things didn't bother her. She couldn't help but be stunned. His daughter? He had a daughter, and he... He told Blair about her. And he genuinely seemed to care about her. She reached out and took his hand, squeezing lightly.

"She's beautiful, Evan. But being like you isn't something to be afraid of. You're not a bad guy, you're good." She promised, stroking his cheek lightly.
She giggled. she kissed him again, her hands running through her hair. she undid her seat belt, and crossed one of her legs over his, getting more into the kiss. she was so excited. she stood up "I have to go to the bathroom..." she winked at him, walking down the hall to the front bathroom. she was so jittery. she always did like her alone time, but no one would have guessed it. now she could spend that time with the love of her life.
C made himself stand up when he was finally done, and flushed the toilet a few times, grimacing at the state he'd left the toilet in. He clutched his stomach as he moved to the sink to wash the taste out of his mouth and wish there was air freshener. The distance between the back of the plane and where his seat was seemed to have doubled while he was in the bathroom. He couldn't make it. C plopped down heavily in an empty aisle seat next to Kara, squeezing his eyes shut.

"Are we back on the ground yet?" He was almost impressed with himself for having a sense of humor after that.

Ryder counted down the seconds. He figured it'd be smart to wait maybe five minutes before he followed Izzy. He counted as slowly as he could manage to 300 before standing up and walking nonchalantly down the aisle, slipping into the bathroom after her. He smiled at her, locking the door behind him.

"Hey there." He chuckled, unable to resist.

Kara giggled, covering her mouth. "Not even close. We just took off about... Ten minutes ago." She said, stifling more laughter. "Not a big fan of heights? That isn't an Apollo thing. We'll be fine, don't worry. If the plane crashes, I'll protect you." She said smugly.


Evan unconsciously leaned against Blair's hand,closing his eyes for a moment. He wanted her,he needed her more than anything right now. He hadn't been expecting Blair to be so kind to him after this revelation,but she always impressed him in a good way.

"Thank you...I just...was a coward. But I'm not one anymore." He smiled and wrapped his fingers around hers,kissing her hand softly. "You are the best thing that happened to me in this mission,Blair. If you want to stay in Camp Half-Blood after this,I will go back with you."
Isabelle was breathing heavily, not knowing what to do. she eyes Ryder, and smiled "Hi" she said stupidly. she rolled her eyes at herself. and backed up a bit. she giggled, she then walked forward and kissed him rather aggressively. she pushed her body against his, she moaned slightly into it and pulled away covering her mouth as she blushed deeply.

Blair shook her head, staring at the ground. "I'm not going back to Camp Half-Blood, if I live through this. I'm sick of being hated because of my father, it's... It's stupid. Even if people respected me after this quest, it'd just be because I did something right for a change. I can't keep doing that. Once this quest is over, I'll follow you anywhere. Except back to Camp." She whispered, a single tear escaping her eyes. Camp Half-Blood had been her home for years. The idea of leaving killed her. But it was for the best.
Cass' eyes had been closed through the entire minutes of the travel,her body leaning against Alec's. She hesitated to do it at first,but now she was silently praying for Zeus to keep them safe. Her lips moved softly as she pronounced the words in Greek,hoping he would be listening.

"Ο πατέρας, προστατεύει τις ψυχές μας, ενώ βρισκόμαστε στη σφαίρα σας. Παρακαλώ κοιτάξτε έξω από εμάς σε αυτή την αποστολή, δεν έχουμε άλλη επιλογή από το να εμπιστεύεστε πλήρως. Και εγώ σας έχω εμπιστοσύνη. Επομένως, σας παρακαλώ, μείνετε μαζί μου."

Ryder reopened his eyes when she pulled away, already breathing a bit heavily.

"What's wrong?" He asked, confused. He hadn't had time to do anything wrong yet, was she embarrassed that she had made a noise? "Hey, it's natural. It happens." He promised, taking a leap. He gripped her hand, leaning in and kissing her once again.

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