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Fandom Goners, Percy Jackson Roleplay.


She looked around. everyone saying goodbyes. she really didn't have anyone to say goodbye to. Ryder...and Nico. She couldn't bear the thought to lose Ryder. But he was the most skilled fighter. She knew she wouldn't. She walked over to Nico. Isabelle didn't know how to say goodbyes like this. She couldn't say goodbyes like this. She hugged him, whispering in his ear "Nico, we need to talk, after this is all over. okay?" she said to him. her voice was shaky, but she held it together.


"That is something I am looking forward to Toni" he told her weakly. He was so tired. S, if Ryder comes, Max will make sure he is the one to kill sadist. slowly. Inch.By.Inch. he would do the unthinkable. make her go unconscious from pain. when Toni was satisfied, he would leave her to die painfully. he looked up. "I'll do it. I'll do it all" he said darkly.

Toni didn't have to ask what he meant. "No." She said immediately. "No, I don't want her to die slowly. We don't know why she's here. Besides... You don't have to stoop to her level. I can handle this." She insisted. As it summoned by talk about her, the door opened, and Sadist entered. And with her was her old friend, the cart.

"Your friends are getting closer with every passing second. And if they happen to come and rescue you, I want you as damaged as I can get you." She said. Toni froze, looking at Max.

"On second thought, I'll take care of it." She offered.
Nico ignored the pain in his heart as he hugged Isabelle tightly,burying his face on her shoulder. Would they even have the chance to have that conversation?

"Just...be okay,all right?" He gently rubbed her face,then placed a kiss on her forehead. She was too gentle of a person to have everything crumbling around her. Nico made sure that Nitch couldn't listen to him before he turned to her. "If I don't...come back. I just want you to know that I'm really happy for you and Ryder. You two complete each other."

Ryder noticed Nico and Izzy speaking, and frowned. She wasn't telling him, was she? They didn't know anything for sure. He shook his head. If there was one person in this current group that he trusted, it was Isabelle. He vaguely heard the announcement about boarding beginning, and whistled as loudly as he could.

"Let's go." He ordered, flashing his ticket at the desk woman, along with a raised middle finger, and led the way into the plane. Walking down the slanted hallway made him incredibly claustrophobic, but he ignored it. He was a child of the underworld. Walking down a runway wouldn't bother him. He found his seat near the back, by the window and beside Izzy, and sat down.
Demetrius walked inside the plane quietly. Being quiet was unusual for him, but nobody noticed. He found his seat, near the middle and looked outside the window. He heard a distinct voice in his head telling him good luck. He smiled knowing thst his father was watching over him.

Arya looked at her ticket, and inwardly groaned when she realized she was next to Demetrius. She sat down heavily, clenching the armrests for fear of dying. Great. I get to die in the most awkward situation known to Demigod-kind. Just my freaking luck. She mentally screamed curses at her father for making an enemy of the god of the freaking SKY. Her knuckles were write with pressure, her face the same color.

"Hey,I'm...I'm sure everything will be...everything will be alright" she said in a shaky voice. "You and Nitch are the cutest couple in this entire group of campers." she let out a hesitant laugh, and a reassuring smile. "You guys are awesome together too" she said as she walked down the hall. she sat beside Ryder, resting her head on his shoulder. "Oh Ryder...Don't leave me tomorrow." she told him, hugging his arm.

Ryder wrapped his arm around her, kissing her forehead. "I'll try my best, but you know I can't promise anything." He murmured, fear deep in his gut. "Listen, I don't know what you were thinking... But you can't fight tomorrow. It's too risky." He said hesitantly, not sure if she would hit him or not. "We don't know... It's up to you, but I'd never forgive myself if you got hurt." He whispered, squeezing her hand.
Demetrius looked over at Arya."Why so pale?" She looked terrified, but he couldn't do anything about it. All he could do was ask.
"Ryder...what would happen if I am? What would you do?" she asked him. she wanted to know. she wanted to know how he felt. would he help her raise them? she hoped he was that type of person. she knew he wouldn't abandon her, but she still had to ask. she had never been more anxious in her life. her friends marching to their deaths, her getting pregnant, Max could die... she couldn't handle it. she needed his answer.

Arya didn't look at him, creating mental images of the ocean to calm her down without much success. "Not the biggest fan of heights. Or planes. Or anything that puts me at Zeus' mercy." She said tautly, frozen to her seat.

Come on. Waves. Oceans. Sea animals. Sharks. Anything but clouds!

Ryder looked down at her, confused for a moment. He opened his mouth a few times, not sure how to phrase his thought. He lowered his voice as much as he could, making sure nobody could hear him. "Listen, having kids was never in my plan. I don't know what kind of father I could ever be. But do you really think I would just leave you to do this on your own? Whatever you choose, I'll stand by you, and I'll do whatever I possibly can." He promised, removing the armrest between her and pulling her a bit closer.

"I'm not guaranteeing I'll be any good at it. But I am guaranteeing that I'll do my damnedest to be a better father than mine." He sighed.
He turned on the miniTV and put on a nature documentary on sea animals."I think this would help take your mind off that." He offered his earbuds to her.
She looked at him, kissing his cheek softly. "Ryder, I'm so glad i have you." she started breathing funny. she was nervous. but she was confident. she looked into his eyes. "I think...I think I'm..." she said, but couldn't finish. she was scared, and she swallowed.

Ryder met her eyes, and nodded. "I know. Me too." He smiled, gripping her hand. "I can't lose you, okay? Promise me that you'll make it through this, that you'll stay back with Nitch and Jenna." He whispered fervently. The idea of not having her near him... It put him in physical agony. He couldn't, it was that simple.

Evan looked white as a sheet of paper as he walked into the plane and dropped down on his seat. He grabbed tightly onto the fabric,looking about to pass out. And that was before the plane even started to move.
"Ryder I'm in love with you" she said. she needed to say it. she loved him. she buried her face in his chest. she was tearing up. "I love you Ryder, I won't lose you. I will promise anything to you, but you have to promise me too. Please Ryder. Please." she said desperately to him. she clung to him. if this was the last time she spent with him. she never wanted to let go.

Having arrived on the plane and also losing the ticket for his seat somewhere in his pockets, Arleos decided to sit next to the extremely nervous Evan as a form of support since he'd noticed as he'd walked by and was searching just how tightly the guy was gripping a seat.

Once seated beside Evan, Arleos cleared his throat to get the demigod's attention and offered a small smile and thumbs up to show he was here. "Take it easy Ev, it'll be all okay." He reassured. @KaalysBR

Ryder hesitated. "You know I can't promise. But I'll be able to focus on the fighting if I'm not worried about you the entire time." He said, swallowing hard. "And I have no intention of dying, that's a promise." He laughed weakly. He tried to force the words out, to answer her. But just thinking about it made his chest ache. He forced himself to say the best he could. "And you know I feel the same way about you. I'd die for you if that's what it takes. In fact, I've proven that." He teased, rubbing the back of his head.

Arya met his eyes, frowning slightly. It bewildered her beyond belief that he was still being... Kind to her. Hesitantly, she took the earbuds, putting them in. The sound of the ocean assailed her, and she relaxed immediately.

"Yea, that helps." She admitted, laughing. She took in every detail of the grainy image. At least if she died, she'd die with a good mental image.

Evan didn't notice Arleos' by his side until he spoke to him,making Evan jump a bit on his seat. He turned his attention away from the window and focused on the guy,nodding.

"Right. No planes crashing. No dying humans. No losing control."

He trembled a bit and leaned back on the seat,breathing deeply.

"A-Arleos. If I lose control I could...make the pilot sleep and the plane could..."

He focused back on his hands,terrified of that possibility.
C stayed near the back of the group, and couldn't help but think of what Evan had told him before as everyone in front of him said their goodbyes. The words 'Don't die' echoed over and over in his head as he nervously followed the others down the ramp and onto the plane. The strong possibility of death had never felt as real as it did then, and stepping onto the plane already was making him feel slightly sick, making everything worse. He wanted to lighten the mood, since he felt like he was starting to drown with the knowledge that they could all die in a few hours, but he couldn't make himself speak. C silently sat in an aisle seat in the middle of the plane, tapping his finger anxiously against the armrest to distract himself. He refused to look in the direction of the window. He might leave his stomach on the ground if he saw how high they would be in a few minutes.
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"I know" she said. she was a bit disappointed he couldn't say it, but she kind of expected it. he was never good with this stuff. as long as she knew he loved her she was happy. she hugged him "I'll do what you say, Ryder." she said. she never let go. she couyldn't

Ryder closed his eyes as the plane took off. He could see a few people nearby who looked terrified, and he wasn't feeling so great himself. He was a son of Hades. He belonged on the ground, under the ground even. Not flying above it. He grimaced, clenching his fists tightly. "Gods, if we crash, I'm going to be pissed." He whispered.

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