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Fandom Goners, Percy Jackson Roleplay.

"I'll try." C promised, returning his smile. He glanced around to see if the everyone else had finally come downstairs, and waved tentatively back at Kara. They had only talked once, after all, and only long enough for him to be roped into the quest. "Well, we still have to wait for our quest leader to get down here," He tilted his head towards Evan. "And it wasn't embarrassing, at least not to me. I'm glad you trust me enough to tell me something like that."
Nico smiled before wrapping his fingers around Nitch's,heading for the elevator. He could feel the expectation pressing against his chest. But he wasn't able to control fate.


Cass leaned against Alec as they walked to the elevator,needing his touch right now. She hadn't seriously considered the idea of living without him yet. How could she live without him if her entire heart belonged to her.

She wasn't going to die. And she wasn't going to let him die.

"I am shocking the entire California. I don't care. We are doing this. And coming out alive." The question about the marriage didn't register at first,but she focused on it now. "I think people will notice me wearing this pop ring and ask anyway."

She chuckled before she jumped on the elevator and turned to Alec.

"Let's have a revival. I'm attacking you again."

She quickly jumped into his arms and started to kiss him,this time a little urgently. Just in case it was the last time.

Alec didn't pause, pressing her against the elevator wall and kissing her deeply. Unlike last time, there was no hesitation. He didn't doubt himself. He wanted her, she wanted him. Black and white, that simple. He held her close to him, unable to let go. Even after he pulled away, he kept his forehead pressed against hers, needing to be close to her.

"No matter what happens. I love you. And if... If I don't make it..." He trailed off, unable to voice his thoughts. He steeled himself. "Be happy. I don't care how. Just be happy." He pleaded. "Promise me that."

Evan replied to C's smile,looking more confident. He didn't know when it happened,but he was changing. And for the first time in his life,he was changing for the better.

"Thank you,C. For listening. And for understanding."

He followed the boy's glance,meeting with Blair's eyes. That sensation in his stomach returned,and he blushed a bit. Shaking himself out of it,Evan smiled and waved to her.
Cass melted into Alec's arms,holding onto him tightly. She finally felt like he was fully confident,which only made his kissing even better.

When he started to talk,she quickly placed another kiss into his mouth to make him stop.

"Don't. Don't make me think of that possibility. Don't make me think at all. Alec,what would you say if I asked the same promise of you? Would you be able to say yes? Well,I wouldn't. Because I can't live without you anymore. That day in the bonfire changed everything,and we need to accept that. It's us,together. Or it's nothing at all."

She hugged him tightly,breathing deeply. She wanted every part of him fixed in her mind.

Alec stared at her, the pain palpable in his gaze.

"It's only been a few days for you. It's been a year for me. A year of knowing that I wasn't good enough for you to ever look twice at. I finally got the girl of my dreams." He broke off, swallowing hard. "I can't lose you." He stopped when the elevator doors opened in the lobby, and a few of the group was already there, including Kara and Blair. He smiled weakly. "Time for emergency goodbyes." He whispered, eyes fixed on his two best friends.

He had been so fixated on Cass, he hadn't given them a second thought. A hole was punched in his chest at the idea of them dying. He gripped Cass' hand firmly and led her out of the elevator.

Blair noticed Evan's wave, and ignored it with some effort. She had no idea what he wanted from her. Until she did, she would control herself. Hopefully.

Blair frowned at Alec and Cass. Something seemed... Her eyes lowered to Cass' hand. "Oh, no." She whispered, eyes as wide as an owl's.

"What?" Kara asked curiously, following her gaze. Her jaw dropped. "Didn't Alec always say that when he proposed to the love of his life...?"

"He'd use a Ring Pop." Blair finished, feeling like her jaw was on the ground. She ran forward, throwing her arms around Alec. Kara was at her heels, eyes a bit watery for the first time in years. She knew what she had gotten him into, this entire tagalong idea had been hers. If either of them died, she'd be to blame.

"If you die, I'm going to kill you." Kara said, voice muffled against Alec's shirt.
"Anytime." He said, shooting him a grin. He paused, and then looked between Evan and Blair. He made no effort to be discreet about it, though she seemed too distracted to notice. "Someone has a crush." He teased, looking Blair's way again.
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Cass blinked the tears away from her eyes as the elevator opened,staying on the background as Alec said goodbye to his friends. She felt her heart squeezing into her chest,but kept still.

The sound of the elevator popped behind her and she turned around to see Nico walking out with Nitch. She didn't say anything before she jumped into Nico's arms,burying her face into his shoulder.

"Dammit,when did you get so tall?" She held back her tears as she leaned against him. "Nico...please don't die?"

"I won't. If you promise me that you won't as well."

"Okay." She chuckled a bit,looking up at his face. "You're too young to see your father. Screw Thanatos. We're making it out."

"Of course we are. They won't even see the lightning until it hits their asses."

She laughed at that. Losing anyone in this mission would hurt,but Nico and Alec? That was a pain she could barely describe to herself.

Evan noticed that Blair ignored his wave,his smile diminishing. He slowly lowered his hand before turning his eyes back to the table with a sigh.

"I don't do crushes. Well...I didn't. But now that I apparently do...she ignores me. Life sucks."

He watched the reunion of the demigods,his heart pressing a little. He didn't have anyone to say goodbye like that. C was his friend,but that's it. Blair apparently didn't care much.

Kara noticed Evan's crestfallen expression, and her heart tugged a little. She pulled away from Alec and whispered in Blair's ear.

"Go talk to him." She ordered.

"He doesn't care about me, he was just trying to get laid." Blair scoffed, staring at the ground.

"You don't know that! What if he dies? How will you feel, knowing you didn't even give him a change?!" Kara whined. Blair hesitated. "If you care at all, that means you care about him. Don't go into battle without talking to him." She sighed, returning to Alec and Cass. Blair stayed by herself, steeling herself up.


Blair walked over to Evan's table, tapping on his shoulder. Before he could even look up, she spoke, voice shaking slightly. "Can I talk to you? In private?" She asked quietly.

Arya smiled at Demetrius, giving a shrug. "Okay. But if we're late, I'm blaming you." She laughed, grabbing her bracelet from the nightstand and pulling it on. She never went anywhere without it, it was her only weapon. And she could use it with deadly efficiency. "And maybe it's just me, but I wouldn't want to face Ryder's wrath after the night he's had. Who knows what he and Isabelle are talking about right now?" She shuddered at the thought.

Alex smiled at Kasumi. "I was kidding, it's okay. But we should go, the questers are probably gathering in the lobby. Wouldn't want to be late for your first quest, now would we?" He asked teasingly, leading the way toward the hotel lobby. He had been right, plenty of people were there, including Jenna. Jenna immediately ran into his arms, frowning.

"I can go and fight with you guys, right?" She asked poutily. Alex stiffened.

"Not a chance in hell. You're staying back with Nitch." He ordered. She pouted further.

"I want to help! I can't just leave you! What if something happens to you?!" She whined.

"I'm not willing to take that risk, not with you. You stay back with Nitch, you understand me?!" He said, a bit louder than he meant to. She shrunk in on herself, nodding.
He smiled."I wouldn't either." He still remembered Ryder chewing him out this morning. He shuddered at the thought of that happening again, but instead that would've been in front of everybody. He looked at his watch."We need to get to the airport now. Wouldn't want to face Ryder's wrath."He said teasefully.

"I'm sure they're all huddled up somewhere, making their last goodbyes and being dramatic. But I have nobody to say goodbye to, so I'm ready to leave." She paused awkwardly. "But you probably have some siblings or something down there that you care about." She said slowly, looking up at him. For the millionth time in that hour, she cursed her small stature. Everyone was so tall compared to her.
He looked at her deeply."I have no siblings, unless you consider Izzy has a part blood relative." He held her hands."Besides, the only one I care about is you." A smile appeared on his face as he bent down a bit to match Arya's small size.
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Arya pouted slightly when he bent over. Was it that noticeable that he towered over her? "You know, I could die in that battle." She said nonchalantly, fiddling with her bracelet, the only show of nervousness she ever made, especially in public. "Could get skewered by a blade. Then you'd be single... Eh, more single." She corrected herself.
He thought about what she said."I would never let you die. If you die, I die." He looked deeply into her eyes." I promise I will try my best to protect you." He put his hand over his heart as he had said that.

Arya eyed him. "Don't say that. Don't even think that. I'm not worth your life, I can take care of myself. I don't need your protection and I don't need you dying for me. I'm a big girl, I'll die on my own if that's how it goes. I volunteered for this." Her face was grave, her tone solemn. She had never looked so... Serious. "If you're going to give your life for someone, give it for someone you love, not a girl you hooked up with.
He looked a little hurt when she had said that."What are you saying someone I love? Don't you see that's you!" He had let his rage take a bit of him, but he calmed down."Look, you're the only girl that ever said yes to me and agreed to go on a date with me. I am not willing to let you die on my watch." This was the first time that Demetrius was actually serious about something. "You may be a girl I hooked up with, but in the short hours that we were together I came to realize that you were the girl that I wanted to be with the rest of my life. Please don't just say it's worthless for me to give my life for you. Because to me, it's not." Demetrius hoped that his long speech would convince her, otherwise he didn't know what else will.

Arya stared at him uncomprehendingly. He loved her? They had met the day before! She didn't even know his last name! He didn't know her favorite color. That's not love, that's... That's just enjoying his first time having sex. Nothing more. Still, she felt like she was suffocating. She didn't do love. She hadn't been around people since she was a child.

Instead of speaking, she stared blankly at him, not sure what to say, how to breathe. He couldn't love her. It was a mistake getting near her. People around her died, it was that simple.

"You're wrong. You don't love me, and you sure as hell don't want me around." She said in a low voice that she was fighting to keep steady.
He looked at her in disbelief."How do you know I don't love you?" He looked at her with a look of curiosity."Why wouldn't I want you around. If I didn't love you or want you around, I wouldn't have asked you out in the first place."

He felt as if he had went too far with the last sentence. He couldn't understand why she kept denying his love.
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"You asked me out because you're a teenage guy, Demetrius! It's what teenage guys do! It doesn't mean you're in love with me or that you should die for me, that's ridiculous!" She insisted, clenching her fists and glaring up at him.

"We're going to be late for the plane. I'm leaving, because I'd rather have be up in my least favorite, most terrifying place in the world than have this conversation!" She scoffed, pulling her backpack over her shoulder and making her way toward the door.
He watched her leave with sorrow on his face. He desperately wanted to grab her and to ask her why she doesn't want him. But he knew he had to keep trying.

He walked after her, after a few minutes of thoughts. "You know, I did really love you." He said behind her before silently walking ahead of her, head down.

"As long as you keep that in past tense." She said neutrally. Unfortunately, they were stuck in the elevator together. She pressed the lobby button about thirty times, knowing it wouldn't speed up the ride.

She cast a look over to him, biting her lip nervously. What was she supposed to do? Kiss him? No, bad idea. Talk to him...? Tell him why he couldn't love her? No, he wouldn't understand. A guy like him didn't have to understand things like that. She sighed, tapping her foot impatiently.
He cast a glance at Arya, hoping she would say something. He was frustated with the while situation. He now understood why Ryder and Izzy always fought. He sighed, if only she let him know why she can't love him. He was pretty sure he would understand. He is a demigod after all. He started whistling a slow tune to pass the time by.

Arya sent him an annoyed glance. She hated people who whistled. She continued to tap her foot, looking around awkwardly. The elevator moved like a snail, if it was moving at all. Finally, she knew she had to speak. Awkward silences were her weakness.

"I'm not a lovable person, Demetrius. It's been a long time since I've been around other people. I'm still getting used to it. I can't just pick up back where I left off when I was a kid." She said softly.

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