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Fandom Goners, Percy Jackson Roleplay.


Ryder frowned, confused at her sudden change of pace. "Uh... You're a very confusing girl, you know that?" He chuckled, looking over at her and kissing her lightly. "I don't do this kind of thing either. I don't do one-night stands. So... I guess we'll have to last longer than one night." He said hesitantly.


Sadist left after that, as if satisfied that she had done the worst she could to Toni. And she was right. Even after she left, Toni sobbed, ignoring the fact that Max was in the room with her, ignoring the fact that he probably deserved to know what had just happened. She couldn't think. Just thinking of Simon brought his face back to her mind. Max had probably met him before, he hadn't... Died very long ago." She scoffed mentally. She might as well say it. She hadn't killed him that long ago.

"Wait,how did you know? That was going to be my next lesson."
He smirked ironically before nodding to Max's words. He needed a moment to think about a reply to that. "Ryder is right...except I was never one to have much sense. I want to get out of this alive because I have matters to finish,people to apologize to. But if I have to die,I am not going to run away from Thanatos."

She looked down. She couldn't imagine someone like Ryder would actually be interested in someone like Isabelle. "Ryder, seriously, I would rather if you didn't say or do things out of pity" she said quietly. She took his last statement "I guess we will have to last longer than one night" as kind of a pity statement. She blushed, knowing that he knew she was interested in him at this point. This is what she gets for falling for the most amazing guy she had met.


Max looked at Toni, he could almost physically feel his heart break at the sound of her cries "Toni! I'm here. Whatever happened I won't judge you. I'm just her for you. The gods put me here for you. Or maybe you are an angel sent to me. Either way, don't cry" he said, his voice getting a little shaky "Toni...I love you!" He said. He couldn't hold it in anymore, and he wanted to get her mind off of things.

Ryder looked down at her for a moment. He pressed his fist against the 'Stop Elevator' button and gripped her, kissing her deeply, pressing her against the wall. "I don't pity you. I... I care about you." He managed, the words almost paining him to say. It wasn't the kind of thing he said on a daily basis, or something he had said since he was a child. For the first time, he had opportunity to. He kissed her again, a bit breathless. "But we do have to talk, you know?" There was a pit in his stomach. He cursed his drunkenness, his own stupidity. Of course Izzy hadn't thought about it yet, she was inexperienced. He wasn't.


Toni barely heard him, yanking at her bonds with a fury never seen in her before. "I won't die an animal!" She screamed, barely aware of what she was saying. "I will not die in a prison! I will not die in chains!" She continued, eyes wide with rage, a kind of bloodlust unheard of in humans. After a few more minutes of mindless screaming, mostly of threats, she sagged against the wall, chest heaving. "I'm sorry. You... You deserve an explanation." She admitted softly.
C silently looked up at him, but hesitated before speaking. He was curious about what Evan meant, but he didn't know how far he could push him before he got up and walked away. He liked talking to Evan. He was the first person in three years that C had started to think of as a 'friend', even though they had only truly met an hour ago. "If I asked you about the whole 'matters to finish', and 'people to apologize to' thing, will you answer, or should I just leave that alone?"
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Cass woke up in a groggy way,finding herself wrapped around Alec's body. She kissed his neck softly before her eyes drifted to the clock.


Cass fell out of bed,still completely naked as she tried to wake up Alec.

"Alec? It's really,really late. And Ryder might kill us. We need to pack!"


Nico's bag was laying by the wall,perfectly organized as always. He turned to watch Nitch,a slow smile finding it's way through his face. Walking to the son of Athena,he took his hands and squeezed them softly.

"You made this mission a way happier thing than I expected,you know?"
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Nitch smiled shyly. He was getting more used to being in a relationship, it was becoming easier. Something to cherish, to be sure. He leaned in and kissed his boyfriend gently. "Back at you. But we're really late, come on." He smiled.

Alec jerked awake, instinctively reaching for his clothes. Certainly much better than waking up alone in the morning. He stared blearily at the clock, and was more awake in an instant.

"Oh, motherfucker." He said, one of the few moments he said it. He jumped up, still fighting with his jeans. He yanked on a shirt and tossed Cass her clothes, unable to stop his sly grin. When she was dressed, he grabbed her waist and kissed her deeply. "Alright, let's go." He said when he pulled away.

Evan stood silent for some time after C's question,staring down at his closed hands. His fingers were pressed so tightly that the knuckles were starting to turn white.

"I will answer."

Evan pulled his wallet from his pocket,looking for something in particular. When he found the small picture,he leaned forward and showed it to C.

The picture showed a two years old girl,her smile almost too big to fit in the frame. She looked a lot like Evan himself,specially in the tone of her eyes.

"That's..." The word got stuck in his tongue. If he said it,it would become official. "That's my daughter."

He did.

Evan leaned back on his seat. He just looked like he wanted to run away and hide in some dark corner.

"I can't...raise her right now. Well,the Evan from before this mission couldn't. The Evan from nowadays might. He just needs to survive. And be less of an ass."

He turned around so C wouldn't see him wipe his eyes,then looked back to the table.

She was surprised. She was happy. She was in love. She kissed him back deeply, she was almost in the mood right their and then. She couldn't believe what he was thinking. It's like she was a whole different person. In the mood? She supposed sex wasn't something that she feared anymore. Especially with her trust if Ryder. Then he spoke up. "Talk about?..." She smiled softly, expecting it to be about the relationship.


Max looked at her "Toni, I will always support you." He was worried about her. She seemed to be going insane. fuck, where was Ryder?! He needed to get their NOW. "Toni, you are more important than me in every way imaginable, you don't need to tell me if you don't want good. I understand." Max told her softly, in a caring voice.

"Talk about the fact that... I'd like to blame it all on alcohol, but it was just my stupidity. Last night, we didn't... Use anything." He said, staring at the ground, biting his lip hard. "Before you say anything, I don't have any... Diseases. But, you know. There's a... Chance that you may be..." He couldn't say the word, but shot her a look, eyes wide. He was prepared for her anger, he deserved it. He had been the one who should've remembered, not her.


Toni stared up at the ceiling. "Simon was the first guy I ever... I ever cared about. The first guy I loved. I would've died for him without hesitation. Not that long ago... He started to change. About three months before the first kidnapping, he started talking about how the gods were worthless, that they betrayed us. I thought it was just some weird phase. But I saw him yelling at some of the younger campers, telling them to run while they could. I cut in, asked him what the hell he was talking about..." Toni trailed off, letting out another choked sob.

"He pulled out his sword and attacked me. I didn't think, I just reacted instinctively. He was never a good swordsman. I... Before I could stop myself, he was dead. I had stabbed him in the chest. I tried to stop the bleeding, but I couldn't. And he died." She whispered.
"I was considering rolling around in bed with you all day. Screw California."

Cass chuckled,her eyes fixed in Alex's body as he dressed up.

"Nice. Seriously though,the only reason I'm going is because that plane might fall without me. Oh,and because I love you."

She was lying about the reasons,and that was obvious in her slightly nervous laugh. Cass was terrified about this mission. And she was terrified of losing Alec.

"Let's just...go."


Nico nodded,although he kept his eyes on Nitch for as long as he could. Dammit. They could die in a few hours. He had to say it.

"I love you. And now I am leaving really quickly so you don't have to say it back. Because I know it's too soon. I just..."

NIco grabbed his bag and quickly ran to the outside of the room,leaning against the wall with an embarrassed expression.

Nitch stared after Nico, confused. If he hadn't left, he certainly would've said it back. But Nico hadn't given him a chance.

"Nico, wait!" He called, walking out. He found his boyfriend and gripped his hands. "It's not too soon. Who knows what will happen tonight? If I die, I want to die knowing that I'm in love with you, and that you feel the same." He said firmly.

Alec caught Cass' hand and pulled her back to him. "Hey. It'll be okay. We will be okay. I'm not ready to lose you, to lose this. It's the only good thing that's happened to me in my life, I'm not going to let it go, and I'm not going to die." He promised, pulling her into his arms and holding her close. "I love you, okay? I'm not going anywhere." He said fervently.

Her eyes went wide "No, no,no,no,no,no! This can't be happening, no no" he collapsed into his arms, she had started crying Into his chest. She couldn't be pregnant. She was only 17. 'But at least it is Ryder. What are you talking about?! Who cares who it is, you could be pregnant!' She thought to herself as she was dreaming out in front of him. What would everyone say to her? She would she know as the camp slut. She continued to cry.


He suddenly remembered Simon. The one who streets the camp. Oh god. That's why they hated her. He never knew they were a couple. He didn't pay much attention to Simon, but he had always payed attention to Toni. "I had no idea." Max said in a low voice. "I am sorry" he told her sincerely. He secretly hated Simon for breaking Toni's heart. 'Good' Max thought 'now you can never hurt her again'. "Toni...I..." He didn't know what to say. He cousins immagine killing Toni. He assumed that's what it had been like. He felt so sorry for Toni.

Ryder grimaced. "We don't know anything yet. We should've been more careful, I should've been more careful. But there's no sure bet." He offered helplessly. "I won't let anything happen to you, you know that." He promised softly, stroking her hair lightly. "It'll be okay. We'll figure it out." He continued. He had no idea what to do, what to say. He was sorry, of course he was. He decided to finish up with that. "I'm so sorry." He whispered.


Toni stared at the ceiling. Great. One of the best guys you could've met, and you scared him away. He's probably afraid I'll stab him if he does anything I don't like. She felt the hatred for herself grow. "That's the big secret. That's why the Apollo campers hate me. Nobody knows exactly what happens except you and Ryder, but... Everyone knows I was the last one to see him alive. So everyone knows I killed him. Nobody knows why." She said hollowly.
Nico had obviously not been expecting that. But it didn't take long for his surprise to turn into a huge smile as he jumped forward and hugged Nico tightly.

"Thanks for saying it back. I just...didn't want to pressure you. You saw that scene in the window. I wanted to die then,but not now. I want to have a future together with you,Nitch. And I am killing anything that stays in our way to do that."


Cass felt the warmth in her face,her eyes becoming blurry. She blinked with confusion once realized that she was crying. That hadn't happened in a long time.

"Damn...so much for 'always cheerful' Cassandra." She buried her face in his chest,wrapping her arms tightly around his waist. "Not ready to lose you either. You are the best thing in my life,the person I want to keeping waking up to every single day..."

That made Cassandra stop. She rose her eyes to Alec with a wicked smirk.

"Will you marry me? After this is done,I mean."

Nitch smiled breathlessly. "Back at you. Although I have a feeling Ryder will keep me out of combat." He said bitterly, more hurt than he cared to admit. He could fight, he wanted to help. He had to help, he couldn't not know what was happening.
C straightened so that he could get a better look at the picture, but froze at his next words, sucking in a sharp breath. "Oh." He said in surprise. Now, you're speechless?! He thought at himself, and quickly tried to think of something to say when Evan turned away. "I-I'm sorry... about whatever happened between you and her." He tried, grimacing at his own words. He didn't know what to say. He wasn't sure how to make Evan feel better, or if trying to change the subject would be a good thing or a very bad thing right then.
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Alec eyed her, face neutral. And then he fell onto one knee, reaching in his back pocket. He pulled out a wrapped Ring Pop, unwrapping it quickly and offering it to her.

"Will you marry me?" He asked with a broad smirk. "I'm only 18, I can't afford diamonds. But I saw this, and... I don't want anything to be left to fate. Not you. Besides, you stole my job, so I had to do a rush job." He laughed, more nervous than he cared to admit.
Nico lowered his eyes,glad for the fact that he was good at hiding emotions. He didn't want Nitch to see that he was happy. Happy because the man he loved wouldn't be in danger.

In a way,that was selfish. How would Nitch feel about that? But if being selfish meant seeing that smile again,it would be okay.

"I'm sorry,Nitch. You need to believe me,though. I will fight like hell to stay alive. I have the best motivation right in front of me."

He kissed Nitch again before pulling back with a smile.

"Well,let's catch a plane and hope that Zeus is okay with Cassandra today."


Cass hid her laugh behind her hands,quickly stretching them again in Alec's direction.

"I asked first,so technically I should have brought the diamonds. But you are much hotter than any shining stone." She smirked as she inspected the ring pop. "Blue is my favorite colour. And now I can call you my fiance. That title really suits you."

She teased him before jumping forward and dropping them both on the ground. Kissing him gently,she sighed once the clock started to beep.

"We gotta go..."

Nitch nodded shakily, bone white with fear. If he lost Ryder or Toni or, gods forbid, Nico... He wouldn't survive. The guilt of knowing he might've been able to help if he had been there would kill him. If Nico died, he would have nothing left. Nothing to keep him from going insane.

"Is this common knowledge now? Or top secret?" He asked, wrapping his arm around her waist and grabbing their luggage with the other. Just because there was a candy ring on her finger, it didn't help that he was terrified. In just a few hours, they'd be in a desperate battle for their lives. If he lost her, he'd... There were no words. Devastated, crushed, the words weren't strong enough. He couldn't live without her at this point. He had fallen fast and hard for her. Being without her would be like being without his legs.

Evan sniffled,trying to hold back the feelings inside his chest. He noticed C's embarrassment and quickly shook his head.

"Don't worry,you don't have to say anything else. There isn't much to say." He glanced down at the picture before carefully placing it back in his wallet. "I just...thought that she deserved a better father. Maybe I can give it to her now."

He tried a smile before looking at C.

"Well...I just opened my heart for you. How embarrassing is that?" He checked his wristwatch before sighing. "Plane is coming soon. Remember what I said. Don't die. You are my friend now,and I don't want to lose the few that I have."

Blair walked downstairs, pausing when she saw Evan in the diner. She would've said something, but he seemed to be talking with C. What a strange pair. She shrugged, walking past them with a carefree smirk on her lips. She preferred to be early rather than late, but Kara had been taking forever. In the end, she had left her friend, intend on being on time, at least. After a few moments, Kara loudly caught up with her, shooting a wave to C, before smiling at Blair.

"We'll be fine. You might even get to join the mile high club with Evan." Kara nudged Blair with an evil smirk.

"I doubt he'd be joining it for the first time." Blair said neutrally. From what she had heard, Evan was quite the player. Not that she particularly had a problem with players, but she wasn't a toy. She didn't want to be played with.

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