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Fandom Goners, Percy Jackson Roleplay.


Kasumi melted when Alex held her hands,jumping forward and hugging him tightly.

"Thank you! Don't worry,fighting for a bunch of strangers would still be the most honorable thing I ever did. I am so tired of hiding through my entire life." She held his face between her hands before kissing him warmly. "I promise I will be careful. And I will do everything to protect you and Jenna."

Her face was shining with happiness as she leaned against his chest and smiled brightly. The birds were chirping approvingly around her.

Alex frowned. "We can protect ourselves. I'm more worried about you. I know you can fight, but I'll still be worried, I promise." He chuckled. "You're just like Jenna, you know that? Small and lethal." He teased.
C opened his eyes, but didn't immediately respond. He wasn't sure of what he did or didn't deserve, and he didn't want to think about it too much. After telling Evan all that, he felt weirdly drained and exhausted despite two and a half cups of coffee. Now his hands were shaking for a different reason. He tried to pick up his mug and almost dropped it. A few drops spilled onto the table as he quickly put it back down, and he crossed his arms to hide his hands.

"It's only fair." He said with the barest hint of humor in his voice and a thin smile.
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"Ryder....I was drunk. And we....did it." She was blushing like crazy. Did this mean he liked her? She couldn't believe that is the question she is asking herself. She just had sex. But...what's so wrong about that?


Kasumi pouted,playfully hitting his shoulder.

"Just remember,being small means that I can attack the most dangerous places in a man's body." She winked to him before looking around and realizing that the garden had attracted quite the amount of humans who now looked at the flowers with a flabbergasted expression. "Oh. Maybe we should leave,before they find out who was the flower freak. That was really romantic tho,wasn't it?"

She chuckled before pulling his hands so they would walk away.

Alex frowned at her sentence, shuddering at the idea of her attacking his 'most dangerous area'. "Oh, gods, now I'm scared." He admitted. "I'm just gonna..." He took a few steps away from her so he was out of reach.

"I have to protect the goods, now. Priorities." He smirked.

Evan placed a hand on C's shoulder hesitantly,wondering if he could comfort him somehow. Probably not. Some pains were just meant to be felt.

He quickly pulled back,unused to that situation.

"All right,I will try to sum it all up. So...I was a freak since childhood. I kept sending nightmares to my two parents and myself. Night after night. I was driving everyone crazy,and mom tried to help me with consulting and all of that. Didn't work. Dad went crazier than I am and grabbed a knife to murder my mom. I tried to keep him from doing it,lost control and ended up stabbing the two of them. Morpheus contacts me about Camp Half-blood,I tell him to go fuck himself and start a life of my own."

He played with the napkins in his hand distractedly,only stopping when the voice popped out.

"Wow,Evan. Your life really fucking sucks".
He would have to agree with that one.

"Why? Do you plan to use them later?"

Kasumi openly teased Alex as she ran after him,laughing loudly at the scene. The Great Kasumi,traumatizing boys with her shenanigans.

"Well, I gotta keep my options open. I mean, I wouldn't mind using them later." He laughed, dodging out of her reach and using his longer legs to stay a step ahead, an inch too far for her to grab. After a few moments, he stopped, wrapping his arms around her waist.

"Why, are you offering?" He asked playfully.

"To be fair, neither of us were sober, or I definitely wouldn't have taken advantage of you like that." He said immediately. He didn't prey on young, innocent, drunk girls, he felt like shit for sleeping with Izzy when they were both drunk. "I'm sorry. I get if you're pissed at me." He said after a moment.
C blinked at him in surprise at the contact, but it was gone in an instant, leaving him unsure of how to react or what to say. He stayed silent and listened to Evan's story, and wanted to wince on his behalf by the end of it. "Wow, that's... I don't know if this will mean anything to you, but I'm sorry." He felt strangely bad for sharing his story at all when Evan had gone through much worse. "Maybe you should take your own advice. You don't seem like a bad guy either."
"I'm not" Isabelle said quietly. She was surprised she was as OK with the situation as she was. She had never even kissed a guy as far as she knew, and she had been in camp a long time. She knew one thing. "I'm glad it was you..." She admitted to Ryder. She had nothing to lose at this point. She still didn't know weather he had feelings for her, or just thought she was atractive in his drunken stupor and....had sex with her. "So...what now?" She asked him, trying to find out the answer. She would be lying if she said she didn't remember last night. Most of it, at least. She remembered their first kiss. Her first kiss. And she loved every second of it.

Ryder stared at her, stunned at her reaction. He was far angrier at himself than she was at him. What a... Strange surprise. He sat on the bed, staring at her. "You're being... Very understanding." He admitted.

I'm glad it was you...

How was he supposed to respond to that? It meant so much more coming from her than it would from him. It had been her first time, not his. "I'm glad you're not angry, but I'll be honest, I don't really understand why."

"It's helps more than you think." Evan admitted,looking up at C. "I guess that is one of the reasons I am still here. Keeping secrets to yourself gets tiresome after years of doing it. And I know I won't be judged by your guys so...thanks."

He smirked as he pulled the cup back to his lips. Maybe C was right. He rose his cup and winked to the boy.

"A toast to not being such a bad guy after all."

He hadn't really been expecting that. He wanted to apologize,but ended up trusting his past to someone else. Someone who was willing to listen. How weird.
"I mean...I have heard stories of people not remembering anything after drinking...but that isn't happening to me. Ryder I remember what happened. You saved me. I can't even imagine what would have happened if you hadn't stepped in. Ryder listen to me..." She wanted to tell him how much he meant to her, but she wouldn't. Why tell when she can show him. She slowly sat up, keeping herself covered and kissed him softly. She had never been so brave around boys, but after last night. She was in need of him. She softly pulled away "Ryder...thank you for being a part of my life." She looked into his eyes, her pounding heart melted.
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Kasumi giggled as she finally managed to wrap herself around Alex's waist. She buried her face in his chest before looking up. The question made her blush a little,but the smile was still there.

"Maybe...probably." She had a playful look in her face as she leaned a bit closer to his lips. "What would we do if I said yes?"

"Well, we'd use them." He teased, kissing her. "Preferably not with my sister in the room, and... Not when we have a plane to catch." He said, checking his watch for the time. "In an hour, you probably need some stuff from your place. Quests can go on for a while, you never know how long we'll be in California..." He trailed off, smiling at her.

"Well, you'd be having a very different conversation right now if I hadn't stepped in. One that you'd enjoy far less." He laughed. "I'm not going anywhere." He promised, meeting her gaze. She had certainly gotten braver, at least around him. It was a refreshing change to see her being brazen, being outgoing.


Toni opened her eyes in a different setting for once. She was tied to a lawn chair, except sturdier, and fully made of metal. She was lying awkwardly, slanted backwards so her feet were at a higher level than her head was. Her wrists and feet were bound to it, a rope around her neck as well. She heard the door open, and immediately looked at Max, eyes wide. "What's going on?" She asked softly, yanking at her bonds without success. Sadist walked in without her cart, instead carrying what looked like... A large bucket. "What's that?!" She demanded, although she already knew the answer.
C shot him a genuine smile at that, and if he were in a better mood, he would've outright laughed. "The toast of champions, I'm sure." He glanced down hesitantly at his mug, not trusting himself not to drop it and splatter the lukewarm coffee all over the table. Though what kind of toast would it be if he didn't actually toast? He forcibly uncrossed his arms and picked up the mug, barely managing to make himself stop shaking as badly just long enough for him to drink from it and quickly put it back down. "I don't think me and coffee can be friends after this." He said, staring at his shaking palm with a small frown.
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She smiled taking his hands "Ryder..." She smiled at him happily. "Hey, pass me that shirt." She said pointing to one of his. She had heard about girls doing that, wearing their boyfriends shirt. Wait. Boyfriend? Were they a couple now? She hoped so. She really liked him.


Max saw her. Unless Toni was afraid of suffocation or drowning, he didn't think that this would be that bad for her, considering the other things she had to go through. "Poseidon. If you can hear me, please help her. I beg of you, do not let her drown." He prayed silently to the ocean God. He looked at Sadist "Why her?" He asked in a soft voice. Challenging her went nowhere. He honestly wanted to know why she focuses on Toni so much.

"Okay." Ryder said easily, inwardly confused. He walked over and picked up the white undershirt, handing it to her. But... Wasn't that a couple thing? He had seen movies, and listened to girls talk about how they borrowed their boyfriend's shirts and hoodies. He wasn't sure if that was what Isabelle was trying to hint at, but he stayed silent.


Toni closed her eyes at the question. "She knows." Sadist said simply. "She knows exactly why we're focusing on her. So, Toni. A little birdie told me that you're terrified of burns. Electric, fire, anything. Let me exploit that for a while." Toni frowned. Instead of drowning her, she was about get burned... With water? She couldn't help her confusion. Sadist poured the bucket over Toni, effectively drenching her. Toni gasped, the water freezing cold. "Mother..." She trailed off, shivering violently. She was still confused until Sadist pulled out a taser. "Most of godly descent scorn mortal technology. But... If you don't have a Zeus spawn around, it makes electrifying people so much easier." She purred. She pressed something to make the terrifying blue light spark between the taser, and put it just inches from Toni's cheek. Toni closed her eyes, silently praying to any god out there that was listening.

Gods, please, don't let this happen. Not this, not now.

Her prayer fell on deaf ears, and Sadist touched the electricity softly to Toni's shoulder. Immediately, Toni arched her back, screaming loudly. The pain arced through her entire body, thanks to the water, and she was blinded by pain. Burns. It had to be some kind of burns.

She slipped under the covers and slipped it on. When she came out she fixed her hair, and smiled at him. "Thanks" she said, giggling. She grabbed his hands, rubbing his palms with her thumbs softly, before leaning in and kissing him tenderly again. She get in heaven. She looked at him "How do I look?" She asked smiling brightly, her braces showing.


Max couldn't describe what he saw. He couldn't move. He couldn't yell "Toni..." He managed weakly, which was drowned out By her deafening scream. "I wish my love could save you" he said softly below her screams. He could almost feel her pain. He would give anything to be I her place.

Ryder smiled down at her. "You look fantastic." He promised. It certainly was a night for romance in that hotel in Kentucky. Everyone found the right person, almost everyone got laid, he was sure. For the first time in a while, he was included in that statement. "Come on, we're going to miss our plane." He said. He didn't alert the others. If they were late, that was their problem, he'd go on without them.


Toni cried out as the woman shocked her again, blinding her with pain. When she could breathe again, she gave the woman her most terrifying, aggressive glare. "I'll meet you in hell." She spat.

"Don't act innocent for a second, girl! You deserve every second of this pain!" Sadist shouted back, face twisted with triumph.

"Fine! Is that what you want to hear!? You win! I deserve it! I'm heartless! I let it happen!" Toni screamed, trying once again to break her bonds, wanting nothing more to strangle the woman. "I can't go back, I can't change what I did!"

Isabelle giggled "Thank you" she said happily. She got out of bed, the shirt was large enough to cover her below the waist, so she wasent technically showing anyithing to him. She went to her bag and got dressed, at this point not bothering to go into the bathroom. She kept his shirt on, and took her pills. She turned to him "Don't even know if I will need these things with you in my life" she said smiling. She was feeling so giddy today, she just wanted to jump into his arms. She didn't exactly know why.


Max was taken by suprise at the sudden change of events. He looked at Toni with a confused yet empathetic face. "What are you talking about?" He asked softly. He was to tired to yell, and thrash and scream. He didn't know how Toni kept up with it.

Ryder smirked at her before pulling off his shirt and digging through his bag for a new one. He had put the other one on after picking it up from the ground, not wanting to answer the door shirtless. He wasn't necessarily self-conscious, but he didn't like advertising the scars covering him, not wanting to be asked the awkward questions about the small, circular burn scars. He pulled out a black t-shirt and put it on quickly before turning back to her.


Sadist ignored the question, but Toni closed her eyes, barely holding in a sob. "It's a long story." She whispered. Sadist smiled.

"Oh, it's not that long. But I'll leave it for you to tell. I'll just give him one thing, because he deserves that." Sadist walked toward Max and knelt in front of him, about three feet away. "You aren't the only one she's loved in her life, Maximus. You aren't the only one she would've given up everything for."

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