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Fandom Goners, Percy Jackson Roleplay.

C didn't sleep the night before. He was afraid of having the nightmare again, or a worse variation of it, and had spent the night listening to conversations going on outside and then when everyone had gone to sleep, fighting off exhaustion. He knew that what he was doing wasn't healthy and wasn't the right way to deal with this, but he wasn't in the mood to care. At dawn, he had made his way downstairs and sat in a corner by himself in the breakfast area, where he planned to wait until everyone else was ready to go. He'd ordered coffee, and was currently on his second cup. It left a bitter taste in his mouth, but he drank it anyway.
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Kasumi rubbed her eyes,trying to fully wake up. She blushed a little when she realized that Alex was right next to her in the bed,but the sensation was far from uncomfortable.

"There is nothing wrong,it's just..." She checked the clock by the bedside. "It's morning already. Don't you have some heroic demigod stuff to do?"

She turned so she could face him fully,rubbing his hands gently.

"I'm sorry about Jenna. I...hope she will understand."

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"Heroic Demigod stuff... Yea, unfortunately, I do." He chuckled, gripping her hands. "She'll be fine. We both will." He promised, pulling the girl into his arms and leaning in, kissing her hesitantly. He normally wouldn't have moved so fast, but as he was leaving soon, he figured that he should probably make his move sooner rather than later.


Kasumi's eyes rubbed when Alex leaned in and kissed her,completely shocked by the sudden action. But soon her eyes closed and she found herself kissing back,the feeling of his lips soft against hers.

She didn't know how long they stood like that,time apparently losing it's meaning. She eventually broke up from his embrace,blushing softly.

"Hm...Does this mean we are...?" She chuckled,not knowing how to describe what she was feeling.

"We're whatever you want us to be. But I'm not exactly going to be around for long." He reminded her softly, stroking her arm lightly. "I live in New York, you have your shop here."


Evan growled,walking through his room. He took a glance outside,only to see some humans staring at him like he was crazy. Which he was. But that was besides the point. A grumpy stare was enough to send them running away.

He had to go and see Blair again eventually. Just maybe not now. Maybe he should give himself a moment to chicken out.

So Evan grabbed his bag and quickly ran downstairs,sitting in the breakfast area and sighing deeply. He didn't want coffee and couldn't get drunk before getting in a plane. Everything was simultaneously sucking.


"But...you're already leaving?" Kasumi didn't want to sound sad,but that happened anyway. "But...it's so soon. I didn't meet any of the other demigods. And I still don't know why all of you are gathering. It's some important mission,isn't it?"
Kasumi didn't know how to explain to Alex that she
needed to know more about this.

"I have to. This... Thing they're doing, it's on a time limit. I asked them if I could join, I play by their rules." He sighed regretfully. He wanted to tell her about the quest, but he knew he couldn't. "I can't... Really talk about it. Top secret and all that." He admitted, ducking his head.


Kasumi seemed to shrink into herself,which wasn't hard with her small stature. She nodded,hugging her legs.

"Don't worry,I understand. I'm just the flower shop lady,after all."

Kasumi felt a crazy idea grow into her mind,but she quickly pushed it away. That wouldn't be possible.

Or would it?

"Alex-kun? Do you...think I could meet the leader of this mission?. You...do have a leader,right?"
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Alex frowned at the nickname she gave him. Alex-kun? Should I know what that means? He hesitated. "We do... I'm not sure if he'd be okay with that, though. He's an... Interesting guy." He said slowly, imagining Ryder's reaction if he brought a strange girl to him and said she wanted to meet him. "In fact, I'm pretty sure he'd punch me or stab you or both." He admitted.


"I've been stabbed before...it's not all that bad." She shook her head,bringing her attention back to the present. "I can take it,Alex. I've had years of training in hand to hand combat. But I need to ask him if he would take me in this mission. I know this is crazy. And sudden. But this my chance of finally doing something worthy with my life."

She grasped onto his hand,giving him the old puppy eyes trick.

"Please,Alex-kun? I will do anything."


Alex stared at her. "Puppy dog eyes don't work on me, I have a younger sister." He chided. "And he hasn't let anyone come onto the quest willingly, I had to save his life to come aboard." He said. "Let me talk to him on my own, I'll see if I can get him to come around." He said, sitting up and walking out of the room. He was fairly sure she would follow him, but he went anyways, sprinting to Ryder's room and walking in without knocking. There was no way that Kasumi could've followed him. He didn't see Izzy at first, he just spoke to Ryder.

"Listen, I know a Demigod, she isn't the best fighter, but she wants to come aboard." He said quickly. He looked up and noticed Izzy, his eyes widening.

He looked away immediately. "Really? You hooked up with Isabelle? Is she okay?" He couldn't believe that Izzy would sleep with Ryder, as innocent as she was.
C could barely hold the coffee mug in his hands, that's how badly his hands were shaking, though it wasn't from the nightmare. His inability to keep his hands still was the blame of the coffee itself. Before this, the only time he had had anything with caffeine in it was hot chocolate at camp, and well... that didn't really count. The packs of sugar he'd poured into the cup to make the taste bearable certainly wasn't helping. He glanced down at his bow, and quiver, which he had propped up against the wall and was sure, or hoped, looked like a backpack to humans via the mist. So far, no one seemed to be complaining, so, there was that.

He glanced over, spotting Evan at another table, and looked around for the others, though he seemed to be the only one. C eyed him for a second, before looking back into his mostly empty mug. He didn't know anything about the guy, and the only form of interaction he'd had with him involved him jumping out of a window. C downed the rest of the coffee, burning his tongue slightly, and thought about ordering a third. He couldn't imagine how he looked to the others.


Kasumi listened to Alex's words,her face assuming a grumpy expression. He was fast,of course. But he didn't seem to have considered how fast someone could be when they were as small as the Japanese girl.

In the blink of an eye she was by his side,looking up at him with a frown.

"Not the best fighter,really? You saw me fighting once! I was tired and unprepared!" Kasumi looked completely offended,as if he had touched a particular sour spot.

"You need to train harder,Kasumi. Your fighting skills are currently mediocre at best. And no daughter of mine will settle for mediocrity."

She pushed the voice of her father out from her mind,turning around and walking away from Alex.
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By the way
Evan was glaring at his table it certainly looked like he was about to set it on fire. He turned his eyes away from it,searching for the other demigods. He found his glance falling o C,sitting by himself in one of the tables. Damn,he looked worse than Evan. Was the guy not sleeping?

Evan immediately felt guilty. Was that his fault? Shit. He had to apologize. And tell the guy that those dreams wouldn't happen again.

Without thinking much so he wouldn't back down,Evan quickly walked to the boy's table. Sitting in front of him,he burst out everything he wanted to say.

"So. Hi. You must be C. I am Evan,the asshole that made you see that nightmare with your mother and your siblings. It was an accident,sometimes I can't control my powers well and they act stupidly. I'm really,really sorry. But I promise it won't happen again. And you really should slow down on the coffee. Not that I have any right to say that,I guess I am the reason you're not sleeping."

He had to paused for breath when he was done.
@S n o w

Alex watched her leave before turning back to Ryder. "Never mind, I guess." He said, jaw clenched. "On second thought, she doesn't want to come." He hated eavesdroppers. Despised them beyond belief. "I'll leave you to it." He grunted, leaving the room and walking back to his, not bothering to look for Kasumi. He walked to his room and packed up his stuff quickly, Jenna doing the same beside him.

"Where's your girlfriend?" Jenna asked curiously.

"She isn't my girlfriend." Alex snapped.


Kasumi found herself in the hotel's garden,although she shouldn't have been surprised. Of course her path lead her there.

She looked at the wood "bracelet" in her wrist. The wood staff. The one she hardly got to use because she wasn't a fighter. She was just the flower shop lady.

Her eyes turned when a bird approached her feet. She didn't have anyone else to talk,so she could as well talk to it.

"So...I just missed my only chance at doing something relevant to my life. That happens,I guess? Maybe dad was right. I should settle for mediocrity."

She hugged her legs,looking down at the flowers bellow her.
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Ryder watched the scene in front of him, mouth slightly open in a permanent look of confusion. He shook his head, understanding where Alex was coming from. Eavesdroppers were just nosy, untrusting people. He disliked them with a passion, and instantly distrusted anyone who resorted to it.
C blinked several times at the unexpected speech, and it took several seconds for him to process it all. He couldn't help but flinch at the part about his mom, staring down hard into his coffee as he tensed. "Yeah," He muttered. "I guess you are."

A few more seconds passed before C forced himself to relax and leaned back, shooting Evan a considering glance. "It's not a big deal." He said eventually, lying through his teeth. "Every demi-god loses control at some point." He shrugged like it didn't matter, like his hands weren't still shaking. He thought back to what Arya had suggested he do days earlier and almost chuckled darkly at the irony of his situation.
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Kasumi frowned as the words of the bird started to enter her mind. She took a quick look around. No humans.

"Look,I am not prideful!" The bird chirped again,looking about as stubborn as Kasumi was. "And I didn't overreact! Okay,maybe I did. But that is besides the point. I'm just...I don't know how to deal with this."

More insistent sounds from the bird.

"You're one to talk,you are a bird. But you know what? You're right. I need to stop being...all those offensive words you called me."

She quickly headed back to Alex' room,hesitating at the open door. She nearly ran away before taking the courage and walking inside.

"I'm sorry,Alex-kun. " She hesitated. That was the only part of the speech she had planned. "I...overreacted. And I am being a big child. There is just so much happening. I have a new opportunity in my life now. And there is you,being all cute and nice. I don't know how to deal. You are...amazing. Really. Can you just give me time to come to terms with all of this? I can be better,I promise. Just don't...ignore me."
She gave him a hopeful look,trying to convey how important all of this was to her.
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Alex didn't turn, keeping his back to her with some effort. Jenna looked between them with wide eyes, not sure what to do. Alex felt the same way, but hid it well. "Come on, Jenna, we're going to be late." He muttered, walking past Kasumi with Jenna at his heels. He made his way to the elevator, jaw clenched and face hard as stone. He hoped Kasumi wouldn't follow him, but she had already let him down once, why not again?


Kasumi watched Alex leave,the hope disappearing from her chest. She shouldn't be surprised,right? Just...Kasumi. Screwing another chance in her life.

She didn't follow him this time,keeping her glance in her feet as she felt her eyes go red. If he couldn't forgive her for a single mistake...maybe they should cut it right there. She didn't need more man like him in her life,right? Wasn't her father enough?

Brushing the tears away from her eyes,she sat on the floor and hugged her legs.
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could see the lie in C's words,but it wasn't his place to push the guy. Not after what he did.

"It was. A big deal,I mean. Nightmares of other people aren't something to be toyed it. I'm not the type that should lose control."

He asked the waiter to bring him a cup of coffee as well,not knowing what else to say. He wasn't exactly a people's person. Apologize was all he could do.
Demetrius quietly slipped out of the bed and grabbed his shirt. He quickly went downstairs to the breakfast area and ordered waffles. He came back up as fast as he can and turned the lights on. "Wakey,wakey." He gently tried to wake Arya up.

Alex stared blankly in front of him as the elevator doors closed. After a few moments, Jenna spoke to him. "Why are you so mad?" She asked in a soft voice.

"I'm not. I just don't want her on the quest, I could never forgive myself if I was the one who got her into the quest where she got killed." Alex admitted, leaning against the wall.

"Isn't it her choice?" Jenna pressed.

"It's not that simple." He said simply.

Arya stirred, pulling the covers up to cover herself. She sat up and got dressed quickly under the sheets before standing. She sniffed the air for a moment. "Is that... Syrup?" She asked, blinking. She couldn't help her little smirk at Demetrius. "Looks like Evan was right in the end." She said teasingly.

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