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Fandom Goners, Percy Jackson Roleplay.


Arya's eyes flew open, and she was out of the bed in two seconds flat. All of her stuff was in his room, as she had never gone to hers. She grabbed a change of clothes and ran into the bathroom, changing in record time before she was out. "I'll start waking people up, you can get ready." She ordered, sprinting out of the room and knocking loudly on the doors of her friends. She saved Ryder's for last, and heard a scream. She slammed her fist against the door, knocking as loudly as she could.

"You guys okay in there?" She called worriedly.

immediately jerked awake with the scream,pulling his sword to his hands. He looked around with confusion,trying to figure out who he should be stabbing and sending three humans to sleep in his distress.

"Shit. Sorry!" He quickly ran to Arya's side,stopping in front of Ryder's door. "Don't barge in,I don't want to see Ryder naked. Well,I do,but not like this!"
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Demetrius went and got a change of clothes. He then went to the bathroom and groomed himself. He was done in 5 minutes and ran out with his bag. He heard a scream coming from down the hall, Ryder's room. He quickly ran and stood by Arya to see Evan too."What is going on here?" He asked.

looked between Arya and Neloth with a frown once he noticed that the guy came straight out of Arya's bedroom.

"How is that I'm the only one who isn't getting any sex here? Good morning,you two."
Demetrius chuckled nervously."We technically didn't have sex, we just slept together." Now people think we had sex just because we came out of the same room.

Arya shook her head, looking at Evan. "You want to see Ryder naked? Dude." She said, smirking. "He is hot, I'll give you that." She admitted, walking to Demetrius's side. "And yea, we had a sleepover, we gossiped about boys and everything." She teased.

Kara walked out of her room and heard their conversation. "Yea, I heard everything last night, Ryder and Isabelle hit the liquor and hard." She nodded before turning to Evan. "And seriously? Just sleep with Blair, she's been drooling over you since the beginning." She scoffed as Blair walked out of the room.

"Kara!" She hissed, turning bright red.

He crossed his arms and chuckled when Arya confirmed that they were indeed just sleeping.
"Dude...I won't even ask."

"Everybody in this mission is a virgin,Evan. You are the devil corrupting these pure souls."

Evan laughed at the voice in his head before coughing and composing himself.

"Well,what can I say? Ryder is hot. Although Blair is still the hottest person in this mission."

Just as he was saying that Kara came out of the room and made that comment,making Evan look like a pepper.

"Hi...you two."

Blair face-palmed herself, groaning.

"What? It's not like either of you are innocent, pure souls. In fact, I'm pretty sure the only virgin on this mission lost that title last night." Kara laughed, gesturing to Ryder's room. She looked at Demetrius. "And he kinda acts like one by not sleeping with Arya. If he is, I'm sure that won't last long, either." She noted, as blunt as usual.

"I hate you." Blair whispered, glaring at her friend.

Nitch heard a commotion outside of his room and walked out. "Guys, the plane is going to be leaving soon, what are you giggling about?" He asked grumpily, rubbing his eyes. "Everyone, come on, I meant it, we have to go." He snapped, waving them away and knocking on Ryder's door.

"Quest leader! Come on, get dressed and start leading!" He ordered.

"I'll... Be out in a minute." Ryder's voice replied after a beat.

opened his mouth to return the flirting and say something hot to Blair,just like he always did. But the words got stuck in his tongue,and he frowned.

Since when did Evan have problems with talking to girls?

"Hmmm...So. Nothing is dying in Ryder's room,besides the virginity of someone. Let's go packing?"

"Sounds perfect! Shall we, Kara?" Blair asked pointedly, yanking her friend back into their room. "How could you say that to him?" She hissed when the door was closed.

"Well, you're crushing over him and you're both clueless, I helped it along. You're welcome." She smirked.

practically ran back to his own room,slamming the door behind him.

"What the fuck was that? What is wrong with you?" He hissed at himself before running to his bags and randomly throwing clothes inside. He had locked the "airplane" subject out of his mind and was keeping it away from his attention.
Demetrius was looking at the and they only had 10 minutes! He looked hurriedly around and then banged Ryder's door so hard, the wood started to crack."You lovebirds better hurry up before I break down this door." He was starting to get peeved that the leader was taking his time so much.

Ryder opened the door. "The plane doesn't leave until ten. We have time." He snarled, pulling a shirt over his head so he was fully dressed. "I don't know where you heard eight, but you heard wrong!" He spat, slamming the door shut again. He couldn't deal with his idiocy when he had other things to worry about.
He turned to Arya."I guess I was wrong, sorry for waking you up." He knew she was gonna be mad at him. The least he could've done was to apologize.
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Arya shrugged. "It happens." She said nonchalantly. "We're really close to the airport, so we have some time." She said, hiding her smirk from him and looking around the hall.

With all the commotion coming from outside his room, Arleos had been awake for quite some time. That, and all the noise he'd been hearing last night didn't help much either. But he wasn't complaining, it was good to see everyone was calming down a bit and unwinding.

What he hadn't expected to see this morning was another guest in his room.

That guest, sitting right in front of him since he'd gotten ready and packed, was none other...than himself.

It'd been almost three hours now since he'd been awake, most of those hours had been spent staring at this copy of himself that was staring back at him. It was strange, really.

He'd been outside already twice with this mirage following hiim, and not a single person that worked in this motel could see it.
Is this a new gift related to the old man? he wondered.

For now Ars decided to wait and see. If the other demigods could see it, maybe he wasn't going crazy. If they couldn't...then maybe this adventure was starting to get to him and he was just seeing things.
Demetrius was relieved that she wasn't mad at him."So, you wanna grab breakfast downstairs? We do have 2 hours until the plane comes."

"Sounds good to me." She shrugged. "Or we could get room service, it's up to you. I still have some cash." She said, patting her pockets for her wallet and pulling it out.
He thiught about it for a bit."Let's get room service then, Ryder is paying for it. So we should be fine, also I want to apologize properly." He whispered in her ear with a sneaky grin across his face.

"Oh yea? How do you intend on doing that?" She murmured, smirking broadly. She led him back to their room and closed the door behind her, staring at him with an amused look.
He looked at her with a mischevious grin and took off his shirt."I'l pay you back by doing this." he then turned off the lights and kissed her.

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Kasumi opened her eyes slowly in the morning,cuddling on the sheets of Alex' bed. She had no idea what happened last night. In one minute she was trying to convince Jenna to forgive her brother. In the next she was in this bed.

They did mention a Morpheus kid...

Kasumi sighed and turned around.

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Alex sat up slowly, looking around. He was in the bed with Kasumi, and he blushed slightly when he realized that Jenna was four feet away. He looked at Kasumi.

"Yea? What's... What's wrong?" He asked drowsily. Jenna was still passed out, thankfully.

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