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Fandom Goners, Percy Jackson Roleplay.

C looked away and ran a hand through his hair, making a poor attempt to make himself look more presentable. Considering the state he was in, C almost agreed with him, but held himself back and kept his eyes on the wall. He cleared his throat after a long moment of awkward silence, and forced himself to meet Evan's eyes. "So," He absently messed with a pack of sugar. "How did you go from mugging Nitch to joining our quest?" He couldn't hold his gaze for more than a few seconds and decided to stare at the salt shaker.
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"Ooh, using my own game against me. That's... Not hot, just hurtful." She said, tracing a tear down her face, ruining the effect with a grin.

Evan stared grumpily at the cup of coffee that was placed in front of him. He really missed the time where he could be an asshole without caring about the consequences. His mind was turned away when C mentioned a mugging,which made him frown.

"What? Mugging Nit-" He suddenly remembered that moment at the bus station,which made him smirk. "Oh. That. I was actually just pretending to be kidnapping him so we could get away from some gang members. That didn't work. I got stabbed. Nice day in general."

He frowned a little,remembering the pain of the knife.

"That is why...I lost control. Pain really makes it difficult." He quickly changed the subject,focusing back on C. "What about you? Are you from Camp Half-blood?"
C poured cream into his third cup of coffee, which he had figured out was needed after his disaster of his first cup, when he attempted to drink it without cream or sugar and suffered greatly. He concentrated on pouring too much sugar in his coffee while Evan spoke. He looked up curiously at the subject change, but didn't mention it. "Yeah, I've been at camp for three years-" He stopped abruptly, freezing when he thought, against his will, about his nightmare. The sugar packet fell out of his hand and into his coffee before he snapped out of it. He cursed, trying to fish out the paper with his fingers before it dissolved. He cleared his throat again. "W-Why haven't you tried to go to camp? Maybe the Hypnos campers could have helped you control your... dream stuff."
He first thought he shouldn't have said that until she grinned. He laughed and resumed eating his waffles."I'm gonna eat your waffles if your not hungry." He slowly took her plate and looked at her mischeviously.
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Evan leaned back a little when C froze,feeling immediately guilty. He tried to swipe the look of his face before he answered,biting his lower lip for a moment.

"That is why I didn't go. It could take years to get me to have a fixed head. I guess the still decent part of me didn't want to submit a bunch of kids to years and years of nightmares. You saw my powers once C. I have been suffering with sleepless nights for twenty years. No one deserves this shit-"

Evan hadn't realized that he was becoming angry until the cup of coffee blew in his hand. He watched the liquid as it burned his fingers,not even flinching.

"I guess this is another reason. Trust me,you guys were better off without me." He sighed and wiped the coffee away from his arm. "But that is not happening again. If I feel myself losing control,I'm leaving. You can sleep whenever you want,I promise."
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Arya watched him, amused. "Go for it. For some reason, you seem starving. Did you do something to make you hungry or something? Some kind of exercise?" She asked, curious to see if he would say it out loud. She let him take her waffles, small smirk playing on her lips.
C got as much of the paper out as he could, and dumped the soggy remains on the table. Seeing the mess he'd made, C grabbed a handful of napkins and put them on his side of the table. "I don't know, if you really thought that, I feel like you wouldn't still be here." He told him, and managed a thin smile that he was almost sure looked more like a grimace. He shook his head, his smile disappearing completely. "Just because you stop giving everyone nightmares doesn't mean I'll stop having them." He said in a quieter voice to his mug.

"Maybe I'm still a bit selfish. If I were a completely nice and generous person I would have left already." Evan looked up as a waiter came to clean their table,apparently not impressed by the mess. "Sorry about this. Can you bring me a shot of whiskey?"

The waiter nodded before leaving again. Evan ran one hand through his hair,staying silent as he considered C's words.

"Yeah,you're right. I can't control what you see in your dreams. Well,I can. But that would be fake because the reason for your nightmares would still be there,unresolved." He hesitated before he said his next words,not wanting to pry. "Do you want to...talk? About what I saw. It's not exactly a secret anymore. And I'm a surprisingly good listener when I'm not being an ass."

Arya laughed, watching him. "Wow, you went from timid virgin to playboy in no time. I've been a good influence on you." She smirked. "Maybe I'll continue influencing you, I'm certainly having fun." She said thoughtfully.
"I'm having fun too." He picked her up and kissed her. "We should watch something on tv, we still got plenty of time." He suggested.

"TV? If you say so." She said teasingly, looking at the clock. Not even eight yet, they did have plenty of time. She didn't like sitting still, cooped up in one place, with nothing to do. It made her feel insane.
He turned on the TV and started browsing through the channels."You like Spongebob?" He asked her as he stopped on it and put it on.
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Arya looked at the TV. "I've never seen it." She said, staring in confusion at the... talking yellow thing? It had a voice that made her want to grate her ears, and the show made no sense. "This is a movie?" She asked disbelievingly.


Kasumi jerked awake,not realizing that she had fallen asleep. She noticed the wetness in her face and cursed herself for crying. Alex didn't deserve it...right?

"Ah,for Cybele's sake!" She pushed herself out of the ground. No,she had to keep insisting. Alex could be as stubborn as she was,but he was worthy it. And so was this mission.

So she pulled her phone out of her pocket,sending him a message.

Alex McSteamy
Alex-kun? I don't know what else to say. But I can show you something. Please meet at the hotel's garden. I just need a chance.

Kissing her phone's screen for good luck,she quickly ran to the garden. He would have to pass through there on his way out,so he would need to listen to her. And she would repeat the message as many times as she had to.

Kasumi quickly started to work her magic on the garden,turning every flower into a perfect,crimson rose.
@Graecus Scum


Alex checked his phone and read the text message before turning to Jenna. "Okay, I have to ask. You watch weird Asian cartoons, what does '-kun' mean?" He asked impatiently. Jenna perked up at a chance to show off her knowledge.

"It's a Japanese suffix, mainly used for friends or men that you like." She said wisely.

"Ah. Okay. Why don't you go look for Izzy or Arya or someone that you like, I have to... Go somewhere." He sighed, putting his phone in his pocket and walking in the direction of the hotel gardens. He stopped short when he noticed that it had changed since he had come in. What had once been a rather dull, bland garden was bursting with life, every flower a red rose. He took a deep breath, walking forward until he saw Kasumi. "So... I came." He called, hands dug in his pockets.
C drank a mouthful of his coffee at the question, and didn't mind the way it burned his throat on the way down. He ignored the fact that it probably still had bits of paper in it as he put it down, and thought deeply about whether or not to answer. "'Unresolved'." He repeated with a bitter smile, leaning back. "I'd say 'secret' is a strong word. It's more I barely exist outside of my cabin, and-" He stopped when he realized he was wasting his breath, sighing deeply. "Ignore that. Just brooding."

He put his elbow on the table, and pressed his palm against his cheek, watching his coffee swirl. "Since you asked so nicely..." He frowned. "I have two younger brothers, who are nine and eleven by now, but they aren't like me. They're fully human." C closed his eyes. "My mom was always a little paranoid, but it got worse after they were born and then
extremely bad when their dad left. She knew about Camp Half-Blood, about what it meant to be a demi-god, and the whole attracting monsters thing, but she never told me that I was one until I was fourteen." He hesitated. "The short version is that my mom started seeing monsters that weren't there. She would shriek at a mailbox, convinced it was a harpy about to kill us, and move us to a different neighborhood without warning. When the 'monsters' kept following us, she started avoiding me, and making excuses up to my brothers when they wanted to play so they would stay away from me. It got so bad that would she push my brothers behind her when I walked by, and then in the middle of the night she woke me up and said that I was too 'dangerous' to be around, and drove me straight to camp half-blood." C's frown deepened. "She dropped me off in my pajamas and couldn't get away from me fast enough." He muttered.

"She never called me a monster, or slapped me, and my brothers weren't there. That was all in here." He used his free hand to point towards his head.
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Kasumi nodded,her face a bit pale. She had half-expected him not to come,but now he was standing right in front of her.

"You came. I-I..."

Real smooth,Kasumi...

She controlled herself before looking at the ground,gathering her thoughts before shifting her glance back to Max.

"You are really cute. And interesting. And caring. And I really do like you and would love to know more about you. If you think that I can't go on this mission,I understand. But I have been waiting for this opportunity for all my life,that is why I am so insistent." She kicked the grass bellow her feet for a moment. "But even if I'm not allowed to go...can I still get to know you better?
Because I do...really like you,Alex-kun."

She hesitated,waiting for his response. Denial would hurt more now that she had opened her heart to him. But at least she was being honest.
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"I guess you're not a fan of the show." He changed the channel to the movie Scary movie 3. "This one is a horror comedy." He went and grabbed some popcorn from the microwave and put it in the middle of them.

Alex stared at her, trying to be smart and unemotional. But he couldn't. "It's not exactly up to me if you go on the quest. It's your life. If you want to risk it for a ton of people you don't know, that's your choice." He said softly. He reached out and gripped her hand, staring at her. "Just be careful, okay?"

Arya watched the movie with an eyebrow raised, a look of confusion in her eyes. After a few minutes, she shook her head, focusing more on the popcorn and on Demetrius than on the movie itself. Modern times had some fucked up television shows, that was for sure. She avoided TV as much as she could, it just made no sense to her.

Evan kept his promise and remained quiet through the entire story,only nodding from time to time to show that he was still paying attention. When the tale was over,he frowned.

"That is rough,I need to admit. Definitely nightmare material. I'm sorry,C. I know you may not believe this,we just met after all. But you seem like a really nice guy who just deserved better from life. And you can rant,don't worry. It can't be worse than my rants." He sighed,looking at his hands. "I know this is horrible and doesn't help at all but...I do wish my mother would have done the same with me when she realized that I was dangerous. She would have been fine then,I suppose."

He drank the shot of whiskey in the blink of an eye when it arrived,thanking the waiter.

"So,since we are trading war stories. Do you wanna hear mine? It's not fair that I was in your head without you being able to enter mine."
Isabelle had the covers over her,she didn't know what to say. "Ryder...what happened last night?" She asked, looking scared while blushing like never before

Ryder turned and stared at her, eyebrow raised. "Isabelle... What do you think happened last night?" He asked. He walked into the bathroom and filled up two cups of water, handing one to for her presumably dry throat. He drained the other quickly.

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