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Fandom Goners, Percy Jackson Roleplay.

Demetrius could see that Arya wasn't interested with watching TV."How about we go take a walk outside? This room is cramped enough as it ." He made a excuse to get out of the room.

Arya looked up from the movie, feeling confused, and shrugged, getting off of the bed and stretching. "If you want." She said before looking at her watch. "Plane's leaving in an hour, we should probably head over, we have to go through security and all of that." She reminded him.


Kasumi blushed at Alex's comment,chuckling before she looked down at her feet.

"We weren't going to do that now! It's...too soon." She quickly rose her now red face back to Alex. "You're right,though. I need to go packing some clothes. And I need to call one of my friends so she can take care of the shop...wait,what? California? I always wanted to go to California!"

Kasumi smiled brightly at the prospect of the travel.

Evan returned C's smile at that,although it diminished a bit once he noticed how shaky the boy's hands were. He acted by reflex and held C's hands between his own,squeezing them lightly.

"Don't worry,it gets better after you drink it for the...tenth time or something. But the taste will always suck,so be prepared if you are going to be a coffee addict like me."

He imagined C would push him away,which was okay. He liked the guy,more than he liked most people in this mission.

"So...you are from Camp,right? How is life down there? I know it would suck for me because I'm the son of Morpheus,but what about you?"
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she smiled at him and walked towards him, wrapping her arms around his neck. She kissed him, she was in pure bliss. She pulled away "Ryder, I can't remember the last time I was this happy. You make me feel so good, I just...can't thank you enough for what you have done for me. Thank you." She said. She was infatuated by him.


"I don't care." He said. Was that supposed to make him jealous? Everyone had a past, and that included him. He had several girls that he considered his first love, each one his feelings growing stronger for as he grew up and matured. And another thing. Loved? Toni, loved him? Obviously the marriage thing was a joke, and obviously they liked eachother. But Max couldn't deny, she had an affect on him that no one else has. "So, what do you think will happen when the rest of the party arrived?" He asked sadist. He wanted to at least know if they would all die.
"It's only gonna be a short walk around the park, we'll make it. Don't worry" He got up from the bed stretched.

Ryder smiled at her. Unlike him, it was obvious that she was good with words, with being in a relationship. She was a romantic. And he... He was a bull in a china shop when it came to relationships or feelings. The few relationships he had before her had fallen apart because of it.


Sadist turned away from Max, ignoring the question. She knelt in front of Toni, smiling cruelly. "What do you think will happen when he finds out about Simon?" Sadist asked in a faux-sweet voice. Toni flinched at just hearing the name, the name of the guy she would've given her life for without any hesitation. The name of the guy she'd fallen in love with

And the name of the guy she had killed.

Arya shrugged again. She preferred being inside to outside any day, and she wasn't looking forward to the plane ride anyways. Hours upon hours of being stuck in Zeus' domain sounded like her personal hell. She wouldn't get sick, but she'd be genuinely terrified for the first time in years.
C was surprised by the contact, but didn't immediately pull away. At least Evan was keeping his hands still, and more surprisingly, was successfully improving his mood. "It's not so bad once I drown it in sugar." He pulled away then to gesture towards the small mountain of sugar packets piled next to his coffee. He leaned back in his chair at the next question, shoving his hands in his pockets. He shook his head, smiling without humor. "Being Apollo's son wasn't all that fun either. I spent most of the time staying in the background, or being seen in the same way all of my other half-siblings are. Back at camp, they make fun of people like Ryder, and-" He shrugged. "-I was either automatically grouped in with them, or just went unnoticed as the 'lazy Apollo kid'."


"Okay. The plane leaves in an hour, so we'd better hurry. If we miss the flight, Ryder will go on without us. Do you need me to come with you and help, Jenna and I are both ready, I believe." He offered.

"So they saw you for who your father was. Or they didn't see you at all. That sucks,what a bunch of assholes." Evan said sincerely,tapping the table lightly. The comment about sugar made him smirk,although he liked his coffee pure. "Well,I doubt they will have the same opinion once you come back from this successful mission. Oh,and don't die. You're too nice of a guy for that. And you have nice eyes."

Evan winked playfully to him,turning his eyes towards the door. He wished the hour would last longer so he wouldn't have to step into a bloody plane.

"I hate flying." He admitted,sipping on his coffee. @S n o w

"That would be helpful." Kasumi admitted with a smirk,holding Alex' hand into hers. "I am way too organized to hurry up with my baggage,so just throw all the clothes you see in there when I am not looking."

She walked with Alex to the door,looking around.

"No cabs...do you think we could run there in time?"
He took her to the garden instead of finding bland plants, he found roses everywhere."This was not intended." He muttered to himself. "Anyways let's go to the airport. I'm sure they are waiting for everybody."He suggested quickly trying to leave the garden.
"You say that like dying is a choice," C said, holding back a grin. "I don't think yelling 'I'm a nice guy' at whatever is killing me would make them reconsider." He stirred his coffee absently, even though it had done cold by now. "It's an Apollo thing. Blond hair, blue eyes, good at archery." He blinked at his admission. "Well, I hate heights, so you're not alone in being against this whole plane idea."

"Have you tried screaming at them,though? My experience says that they will run away if they think that you are crazier than they are." Evan's face was completely serious,although a light twitch to his lips betrayed his sarcasm. "I heard that Apollo kids are stuck up assholes,maybe because they are generally really hot and good at everything."

He openly teased C now,feeling more comfortable with the conversation. Although that confidence would soon drop once he saw the plane.

"I just...don't fancy being in a small locked container full of humans that could die if I do something wrong. Yeah,planes suck."

She smiled back at him. She looked at the clock. "Should we get going?" She asked the quest leader. She assumed he would rather not miss another flight. She sighed "will we even have time for breakfast?" She was a small girl, but she knew how to eat. At that thought, her stomach growled and she blushed deeply, covering her mouth, letting out a small giggle of embarrassment. Nice, Isabelle. Real smooth


Max rolled his eyes. If the crooked woman was trying to put a wedge between them, it wouldn't work. At least that's what Max was thinking at the time. Max wasn't the type to be jealous.

"Don't say his name." Toni said softly. It wasn't a threat or a warning, it was a plead. For the second time, she was begging her. She knew it wouldn't help, but she couldn't stand the agony of hearing his name.

"You killed him. You killed the love of your life. You watched the life die in his eyes!" Sadist goaded. Toni let out a choked sob, hands curled into claws. "Admit it! Say the words!" She yelled.

"Fine!" Toni said, defeated. "I killed him. I killed Simon Andrus, son of Apollo." Toni's voice faded to a whisper.


"Yea, we should go, we can get food at the airport or on the plane." He said, grabbing a black leather jacket from his bag and shrugging it on. He smirked at her loud stomach. "Just wait a few more minutes, we can get some food." He promised.
"I'll try that next time." C said back, full out grinning. "Who could've told you that about Apollo kids?" He quirked an eyebrow at him. "I'll be there, and you did say that I could sleep safely from now on, didn't you?"

snickered at the question,placing the now empty coffee mug back at the table.

"I met a few demigods that didn't fit in the life of Camp,with all that...nature and shit. So they ran away. We never really stuck together for a long time." He frowned a bit as the question,but quickly nodded. "Yeah...I promised,right?"

Evan was more concerned about the lives of the humans than just nightmares,but he didn't mention that. Now
his hands had started to tremble. He coughed,his throat drying even though he just drank coffee.

"Why did you come in this mission?" He asked rather bluntly,hoping to turn his mind away from the future.
C leaned back, abandoning the coffee completely. "Because Kara said that they needed someone lazy to balance out the quest." He shrugged. "I don't have a good reason, but I've been told that I was 'fated' for this." He stared down at the table, clearly not believing it. C cleared his throat, looking up at Evan. "I'm not normally this depressing I promise."


"That could be true. And that could also be a bullshit excuse for you to be here." Evan chuckled,although his expression assumed a more serious tone afterwards. "Everyone is in here for a reason. You don't just get dragged into a mission like this out of nowhere. And you're not depressing. Definitely sincere,though. I am always this depressing,so you should probably be used to it if we're gonna be spending some time together."

He rose his eyes when a woman stared o leave the breakfast area. She had fancy clothes,and a really fancy pocket....

Evan struggled to bring his own mind to the present.

"Shit. Old robber habits die hard. You would be a great thief,you know? People like you and me disappear easily in the background. Although you may have things like...a morality."

Evan playfully twisted his nose at the word,as if he was disgusted of it.
"It feels like I did. I don't have a reason to be here." C paused, following his gaze to the woman, though he didn't see anything out of the ordinary about her. He looked back at Evan, raising an eyebrow. "'Old robber habits'?" He blinked back at where the woman had been, suddenly understanding why he'd been looking at her. "I don't know. I don't think Camp half-blood would approve." He said jokingly.

"Too bad for Camp Half-blood. When do we start the lessons? The first module is called 'pockets and how to enjoy them.'"

Evan played with the little spoon inside of his coffee,seemingly humourless all of a sudden.

"Would you die for the people we are trying to save? If you don't see a point in your presence here...will you still stay with Ryder until the end?"
C snorted. "And what's the second, 'how fast to run if caught 101'?" He sobered at the next question, and didn't immediately answer. Instead he crossed his arms together on the table, and leaned forward until his chin touched his elbow. "It would be ironic if I died for them, since Ryder told me not to die for anyone here." He frowned slightly. "What else can I do? Go back to camp and fade back into the background? What would everyone say if I snuck out of camp just to come back as a coward? They don't need a useless Apollo kid there anyway."

She laughed "okay" she said, slipping her hand into his. She led him out the door happily and went to the elevator. When the elevator closed shut, she kissed him, but suddenly pulled away. "I'm sorry. I am being too forward. I get it, it was just one night. I'm just not used to this kind of thing." She said to him, trying to hide her disapointment in her made up realisation.


Max blocked out the conversation. He didn't want to hear it. He wasn't jealous. Was he? She loved Simon. Of course he was jealous. She killed him, that's why he is important. Max has had girlfriends before. But. But what? He didn't know.

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