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Fandom Goners, Percy Jackson Roleplay.

Demetrius stopped whistling."Why don't we start it slow then, I don't want to rush you into anything that you're not ready for." He looked at her with a look of understanding. "It was my fault anyway, I tried to rush you, I should've asked you before, but I didn't." He felt as though the reason she felt like this was because of him."If you're not ready to pick off then you can just tell me now. I will understand." He looked at her with a caring grin.
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"I didn't expect anything from you. You asked me out and we slept together, we aren't exactly married. I'm not the sharing type." She said bluntly, hating how easygoing he could be. That was one ability Poseidon didn't give her. She scoffed, manipulating the water from one of her bottles to shoot free and twirl in front of her, making patterns in the air.

"Life's hard for everyone, and I don't want your sympathy." She said sharply. The water flowed back into the bottle as the elevator door opened, and she walked out. She had nobody to talk to, so she just stood by the entrance, tapping her foot once again.
Demetrius walked out the elevator feeling glad. That was her way of saying she's wasn't ready to be in a relationship. At least now he had a clear conscience and didn't have to think about how she felt about him. He walked past her and winked at her. His saying of good luck.
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looked up with confusion when Blair asked him to follow her,but eventually did exactly that and walked away by Blair's side. He looked very much like a lost puppy.

"What do you...want to talk about?"

The voice in his head was weirdly quiet. It was did that when she was around.

Blair pulled Evan around the corner where nobody could see them. She swallowed hard, not sure whether or not to do what she wanted to.

I might die tomorrow, I'll take my chances

She gripped the front of Evan's shirt and pulled him down, kissing him hard.

For the first time in his life,
Evan completely froze when someone kissed him. He stood like that for a few moments,completely shocked until instincts took over and he wrapped his arms around Blair's waist,pulling her closer and kissing her back with the same need.

He eventually had to let go for breath,his expression was still a bit confused. Although he was obviously really happy.

"I...wasn't expecting that. Did you finally fall for my charms?" He chuckled although he seemed hesitant. He eventually took a deep breath and looked down at Blair. "Does this mean we are...?"

He trailed off,not knowing what she meant by that kiss.

"I don't know." She admitted. "But if I die tomorrow, that's one less regret to die with." She said, shrugging helplessly. She wasn't good with guys in the way that Kara could be, she just felt awkward. But Evan had kissed her back.

Just as desperate as she had been, apparently. That had to count for something. "Listen, I know that your probably don't want a relationship, I get it. You like hooking up, I don't. I just had to do that once."

She said hurriedly, hoping he wouldn't laugh at her.

looked to be out of breath at that. Fuck. He really missed the old and uncaring Evan now.

"Blair...I really like you. And if I'm going to drop these hook ups for anyone,it has to be you. And I really wish I were still a selfish person that could just date you and not care for anything. But I'm not,not anymore. So I need to let you know that I'm a really fucked up guy who did horrible things in his life. There is a lot I need to tell you about me,it's just...I don't want to screw your life. But if you really want to...try it with me. I would be the happiest man in the world. And I really want to be your boyfriend."

Blair looked at him, dumbfounded. Like winning the lottery. Is this what Alec feels like every day? No wonder he proposed...

"Yea! I'd love to try!" She blurted out before thinking about it. He really was an interesting influence on her, she was normally pretty levelheaded. "You can tell me anything, my life is already screwed." She tried to go back to her normal calm self, but she couldn't contain the excitement fizzing in her stomach.

She looked up at him. She sniffled, and felt Like she wanted to throw up. pregnant....oh gods. "Ryder...what will we do...if I am?" She asked him, her voice shaky, as she gripped him like she was about to fall to her death.


Max didn't know what to say. How could he? She killed her boyfriend. The one she loved. Max could never imagine what that must feel like. "Toni...that is I the past...you had no choice, you really didn't. I understand...I know you will never be the same, and that I will never be able to understand what you feel like, but...he sighed. Ryder was taking too long. He honestly didn't think they would make it out alive anymore. "Toni, whatever you think you are, it's wrong. You are the most amazing person to have set foot in my life. I don't know where I would be right now, but here with you, even though I could die...I wouldn't rather be any other place. Because Toni...you changed me. And I love you. Do you hear me Toni? I love you!

Evan's smile was so wide that it looked like it could hurt his face. He stepped forward and hugged Blair tightly,rolling her around before he put her down again.

"I will tell you everything after this battle is over,I promise. You just need to promise me that you will stay alive so you will heart it. We're in this together now."

He leaned forward and kissed Blair,feeling alive for the first time in years.
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Blair nodded weakly, still gripping his collar firmly. It took a real effort for her to uncurl her fingers.

"Well, I don't have any immediate plans of dying, so we should be safe." She laughed breathlessly. Just saying the words put a put in her stomach. Now, everyone was alive... How many people would still be breathing in 48 hours?

"I don't know. We'll make it work. For one, you definitely aren't fighting tomorrow, and after that... I guess we'll figure out for sure before getting too worried about it. From what I've heard, it wouldn't be the first time it's happened in the camp. Chiron told me about it once. If we want the kid, we raise it. If not, he'd do the honors himself." Ryder said, scratching his neck nervously.

"Come on, we'll be with the others soon, and I doubt you want this to be public knowledge." He murmured, holding her upright as the elevator opened into the lobby, where everyone seemed to be.


Toni looked over at him, eyes dull. The flame in them was just extinguished.

"If we make it out of here, I'll say it back." She offered bluntly, voice shaking. "When we make it out of here. Ryder will be here as soon as he can." She steeled herself up, ready to keep fighting.

Arya didn't look at Demetrius. She had no idea how she felt about him, but she had more important things to worry about. In no time at all, she'd be on a plane. Just the thought made her go pale and clench her fists. She would not be having a pleasant trip, that's for sure.

She looked over at the various groups. All saying goodbye, all emotional. She turned when Ryder stepped out of the elevator, and grabbed the front of his collar.

"If you die, the world will lose a very pretty face." She said, jabbing her finger at his chest. "So don't do it, or I'll have to stare admiringly at Alex instead."

Ryder smiled weakly at Arya before casting a glance down at Isabelle.

"I'll certainly try my best. No promises." He said weakly. He had to pull himself together, he was the quest leader. He stepped forward, head held high.

"Alright, everyone! No goodbyes! Within two days of now, we will have fought a battle for our friends, and we will win! I expect to see all of you at the bonfire held in our honor when we return to camp, even if you aren't staying. You've all fought well, and been good friends in this short time. Let's go to California!" He barked. A mortal next to him looked a bit concerned, and he cleared his throat.

"It's... Live-action role playing. Just a skit, really." He lied. She nodded, and Ryder led the group down the road to the airport.
He fought the urge to look back at Arya and followed Ryder. He kept a blank face the whole way to the airport. He knew it was timw to get serious.

Ryder stared at the desk lady, the same one he had fought with the day before. This time, she obviously thought better of it, and gave them their tickets with no fuss. With was probably smart. After all, his sword killed both mortals and monsters.

"Let me make this very clear." He said, stopping at the gate. They were a little bit early, he had time for one more speech. "Nitch and I make the plan. You follow it. One person gets cocky, they die. You go where Nitch tells you. You do what we say. If you don't like it, go home!" He snarled. "I don't care about your pride. If Toni or Max die because you messed up, if anyone dies because you messed up... You won't live to regret it." He said firmly.

Alec nodded, jaw clenched. His pen was gripped tightly in his hand, he could barely breathe. And he couldn't tear his eyes from Cass. From Kara or Blair. He had a terrible feeling that they wouldn't all be surviving the next couple days. The thought crippled him with pain, but he stayed firm. He'd die to protect anyone on that quest. It didn't help that he hadn't told Cass or anyone else about his nightmare... The mental image plagued him once again.

Him, surrounded by their dead bodies. He was unscathed, but they were all... Gone. He knew it wouldn't happen. If he lived, Cass would. It was that simple. Blair could blind anyone around her, but Kara... She had no special powers that helped her fight. She just pulled pranks. What would she do, stab them with a whoopee cushion?

Kara seemed to sense that she was being thought about, and met his gaze. She was bone white. She knew that not everyone would survive, and she was at the top of the list of possible deaths. After all... She was useless. She had her sword, poisonous, but she wasn't very good with it. She was the joker. She didn't fight. This entire quest was a bad idea. She felt a hand grip hers and turned. Blair smiled reassuringly at her.

"We'll be okay. All of us. You know we'd all die for you, just like you'd die for us. You aren't going anywhere, so stop thinking that." She chided. Kara nodded slowly.

Unlike the others, Alex seemed unfazed. Jenna would be safe. That was all that all mattered to him. If she lived, he didn't care what happened to him. He looked at her then. She was still pouting about the fact that he wouldn't let her go. He reached over and took her hand, squeezing slightly.

"Next time we join a dangerous quest with a terrifying battle at the end, I'll let you fight. Okay?" He murmured softly.

"You said that last time." She insisted. He smirked.

"Yea, I did. Last time you were 9. I'd like you to be a teenager before you take too many big risks. Just stay with Nitch for this one." He said, kneeling in front of her, and resting his hand on her shoulder.

"What if you get hurt?" She asked, voice trembling slightly.

"I'll be fine. I'm surrounded by these people, and I can fly. I'm more worried about you. I mean it this time, J. Stay with Nitch." He ordered. She nodded, lip shaking.

Arya watched the scene from a few feet away, arms crossed. She couldn't help the pang of jealousy that hit her like a brick. Her eyes flickered back up to Demetrius. The one person on the quest that she would actually care if he died. And she had basically told him to fuck off. She smiled bitterly to herself. Arya Chiari. Everyone knew she'd die alone anyways.

Kasumi tried to lock the shop's door for the third time,but her hands trembled too much around the key. She pulled back and sighed,looking at the flowers inside.

That was never meant to be her fate. She couldn't be just the flower shop girl,could she?

Her glance fell to the purple flowers in her hands,the lilies that were Jenna's favorite flower. Maybe Jenna would feel a bit more cheerful with them,maybe...

Kasumi didn't want to die. But she would,if it was necessary. Because going back to the counter of the flower shop seemed a worse fate than death right now.

Quickly walking back to the hotel,she pushed any thoughts away from her mind. She approached Jenna and Alex when they were talking,offering them the flowers.

"This is...just in case I..." She looked down at her feet,kicking the ground lightly. "I really like you,Alex-kun. You too,Jenna-chan."
Alex and Jenna

Alex looked at her. Jenna immediately gasped when she saw the flowers, purple lilies. Her favorite. She hugged Kasumi tightly.

"They're beautiful!" She squealed. Alex looked at Kasumi.

"Don't talk like that. We're going to be okay, I wouldn't let anything happen to you." He murmured, taking her hand and squeezing lightly. "We'll make it through this, don't worry. Then maybe Jenna and I can move to Kentucky. New York is boring, we don't have any roots there." He offered, smiling. Jenna squealed again, nodding eagerly.

"Please?" She asked hopefully.
Cass wasn't ready to say goodbye to any of these people. It had been torturous to even imagine the fate where she was alive and Alec and Nico weren't anymore,and she didn't want to do it with the others as well. Of course,maybe they weren't as close to her but...

They were family. And as a family,something would be missing.


Nico wanted to drag Thanatos by the neck so he could scream a few swears at his father. Not that doing that would increase their chance of survival. But he knew that the man would be taking some of the campers once they got to California. And that was pissing him off,because being angry is easier than being concerned.

He spared a glance to Isabella. She was really gentle the first time he met her,and he still considered her a friend. Too many people that he wanted to protect in this mission. But he had to focus.


Kasumi smiled brightly at the possibility,gently rubbing Jenna's hair when the girl came to hug her. They could be like a family. She had to hold onto that fate.

"Nothing would make me happier. Then maybe I can teach Jenna a few things about flowers and...it really would be incredible..."

Her voice trailed off once she saw the woman that had suddenly appeared close to the group. She was using a dark coat,but the strong tone of green of her eyes was unmistakable.

"I...just give me a moment,I will be right back."

Kasumi ran a bit,pulling the woman until they were out of sight. Once they were far away enough,she jumped in and hugged Cybele tightly.

"You shouldn't be here,mom! Zeus will punish you for interfering."

"Zeus can go jump in lighting for all I care. I am talking to my daughter. Kasumi...who do I have to kill for you to give up on this mission?"

"Mom...there is no one that you can kill. This is my decision. I need to do this."

"I was afraid you would say that. Kasumi,please don't die. You are one of the few of my children who have any common sense. And I don't want to get into a eternal fight with Thanatos. So please...don't."

"I will try,mom. I promise."

She hugged the Goddess again before walking back to Jenna and Alex. Gripping their hands tightly,she smiled hesitantly.
Alex and Jenna

Jenna beamed at Kasumi, still holding her flowers. Alex plucked one from her hand and placed it in her hair. "There you go. You're a princess." He teased.

"I'm not 6." She poked his leg, making him smile.

"Hey. What'd you promise me?" He said, kneeling in front of her again. She was as much his daughter as she was his sister. She was all he had left. He couldn't lose her.

"I'll stay with Nitch." She said grumpily.

"Promise?" He pressed.

"Promise." She mumbled, crossing her arms.

"Good girl." He pulled her into his arms. "I'll be the first out to find you. I promise. It'll be okay." He said. But there was a pit in his stomach. Something told him that if he went into battle, he wouldn't survive.

This is your last chance to escape, my son.

Aeolus' voice echoed in his ear. He closed his eyes.

No. I've made my choice. There was no answer from his father, but the message had gone across.

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