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Fandom Goners, Percy Jackson Roleplay.

There was another person that
Evan needed to make sure that was okay before he went to the campfire. His way took him straight to Apollo's cabin. He ignored the looks of the other campers falling on him,allowing his glance to fix on the boy leaning against the wall. He walked to C's side,dropping through the wall so he could sit along with him.

"It sucks doesn't it? To be the one left behind. To be one who made it while others didn't."

He couldn't help the rare guilty in his own voice as he spoke to C. He barely could imagine that Kara was there as well,speaking to him.
@S n o w
C flinched when he heard Kara, thinking it was some cruel trick at first. His eyes narrowed in anger, and he didn't know what he would've done next if she hadn't kept talking in a way that even a prankster wouldn't have been able to mimic. "Wait!" He yelled, shooting to his feet. He could feel her leaving, and... had she tried to kiss him, or had he imagined that? "Kara!" He didn't care how everyone was looking at him, he needed more time. He wanted to really talk to her again, even if it she was in the underworld. He had things he wanted to tell her too. It wasn't fair. "Don't go." He said quietly, feeling tears in his eyes. He collapsed back against the wall, and then noticed Evan for the first time.

"Yeah, it sucks." He choked out, wiping furiously at his eyes as he started crying.
Demetrius came out if his cabin with a silver spear, on it were the names of the ones that died on the quest. He quietly walked past the rest and planted it in the center. "Rest in peace guys." He whispered solemnly.
Arya Chiari

Arya didn't notice Demetrius. She was just following the directions of one of the campers to the campfire, the gemstone she had taken from Alex's dead hand gripped in her own. She walked quietly over to the Aeolus shroud and laid the stone where Alex's chest was. She was... Glad that the campers had put Alex and Jenna beside each other.

"I'll probably see you soon, anyways." She murmured, staring at them for a moment before walking away, pausing for a split second by Demetrius before continuing.

Just one more person that you let down and hurt. You'll survive.

She walked back to the Poseidon cabin and sat on her bed, praying for the first time in years. In seconds, there was the smell of salt water, and she heard something behind her. She whipped around, gasping when she saw what looked like a... Cliche fisherman.

"Oh, come on. You're not my father." She scoffed. The man smiled, showing off his rather deep smile lines. She glared suspiciously at him.

"Wrong." He said quietly. She inspected him.

"Some god you are. These people went one a quest to protect your family, and you did nothing for them?!" She demanded. He smiled again, a bit more wistful.

"I wouldn't say I did nothing. I sent you, didn't I?" He shrugged. She stiffened.

"You didn't send me anywhere! You don't get to pretend you control me after years of ignoring my existence!" She snarled.

"You're alive. That's plenty of proof that I didn't ignore you." He countered.

"You're a shitty excuse for a god. I expected more. Go. Get out of my life, like you've been doing since I was born!" She screamed, grabbing a vase and throwing it at him. He was gone before it hit.

wasn't good at comforting people or having physical interactions. Most of the time,he just stood far away from the crying in an awkward stance,trying to figure out to do.

But this time,he didn't hesitate as he pulled C to his arms and wrapped him into a tight hug. He patted the boy's back lightly,feeling his tears wet his shirt.

"I'm really sorry,C." @S n o w
C only cried harder, losing it completely then. "S-She told me to l-live, to move o-on, as if-if it's that easy!" He managed, shaking his head. He waited until he settled down to start trying to talk again. "Call me a coward, but I'm not going out there! I can't see her body-not when she was just here and she-she-" He couldn't finish. "I didn't even get to say goodbye." He choked out.

Alec was still stunned. He had to be going crazy. That'd make sense. It'd happened before. But how had Blair heard it, too. They rushed to each other, ignoring Evan walking away.

"Did that happen?" He demanded.

"Nobody could've imitated that, Alec. That was her!" She insisted. Their eyes met. "And if she would've spoken to anyone else, it would've been C. They had a pact to die together." She reminded him. In an instant, the two were off, bursting into the Apollo cabin. They both looked at C and Evan hugging, confused. "I think we were right." She said quietly. He nodded before stepping forward, ignoring the dirty looks from the Apollo campers.

"C, this is going to sound... Insane. But did you hear something recently? A certain voice?" He managed.

@S n o w

"You're not a coward" Evan spoke softly,keeping his arms around C. "No one needs to brave in a moment like this,C. You have the right to be hurting."

He looked up with surprise once Alec and Blair entered the room,his face turning into a frown at the question.

"I thought that listening to voices was my job."

Alec didn't crack a smile, but Blair winked at her boyfriend.

"Uh, we think we might be going crazy, which is Alec's job." She corrected. "I swear to all the gods, I just heard Kara. So did Alec." She whispered, sitting down heavily.

"But that's crazy. Because she's dead." Alec said bitterly. He heard whispers behind him.

"You think Maniac is gonna cry?" One boy breathed. He whipped around, pointing at the guy, who immediately started acting like a lunatic.

"Who's the Maniac now?" He scoffed.
C almost ignored them, up until they mentioned Kara. His head jerked up, looking at them with wide eyes. "Kara?" He asked, his voice rough. "You heard her too? What did she say? Did you talk to her?" He looked quickly between them.

Blair lowered her eyes at the words. "Just... Just that we'd make it through, she'd toughened us up enough." She whispered, near tears once again.

"She said that if she saw us down there any time soon, she'd kill us." Alec said, smiling weakly. It was just so Kara. "She said she had no regrets. That she chose her fate."

"She's too stubborn to stay down there. She'll be reborn." Blair insisted, looking incredibly hopeful.

"Even if she does, most who do don't remember their past lives. She wouldn't remember us." He sighed.
C felt a fresh wave of tears, and he couldn't stop himself from starting to cry again. "S-Sorry," He told Evan, looking at his poor shirt. "And you're r-right, but I'm-I'm not the only one hurting." He avoided looking at Blair and Alec. "They knew her longer than I-I did, and yet I'm the one who can't keep it together." He said, trying not to be overheard.

Blair couldn't hold it. She dashed away, crying. Alec made a move to stop her, but was too slow.

"Blair! Damn it!" He snarled, taking off after her. She was just barely faster than him, and made it into the woods before stopping short, making him crash into her, sending them both to the ground. "Ow..." He groaned, pushing himself to his feet before helping her up. He looked around, the area looking familiar. "Is this...?"

"The place where we had our picnic, for Kara's sixteenth birthday." She nodded, looking at the tree closest to them. He followed her gaze and smiled weakly. Carved into the bark were the words 'Alec loves Cass', a joke by Kara. He touched it lightly, unable to stop himself.

"The place where I full-out admitted my crush for the first time." He looked over at her. "And you couldn't stop laughing at me."

"But Kara was so calm, she had always known. Not like you hid it very well. Remember... Remember that year when you--?" She began, and he cut her off.

"When I tripped every time Cass walked past? Yea." They laughed, remembering him. It hadn't been purposeful. His feet had just refused to work correctly when he saw her for almost an entire year. "And just five hundred feet from this spot, we waited to follow the quest, all so I could talk to a girl." He said quietly. "It's my fault. She wouldn't have suggested it if I had the guts to talk to the girl." He murmured.

"If you believe that, you're more stupid than you look. You really think she would've backed off from the idea of a quest?" Blair scoffed. Alec shrugged.

"Time doesn't make a friendship more or less real,C. If anything,you should have had more time with your friend." He tapped C's knee lightly. "I know I don't say this often,because I don't often believe on this. But it's going to be okay. We're all getting over this together."

His face frowned with worry after Blair ran off. His eyes were thorn after he looked between the door and C.

"Will you be okay? I...need to check on her as well."

@S n o w
Cass followed Alec's path,worried after her boyfriend simply ran out of the cabin. The talk about Kara speaking to him made her worried about his sanity,but the fact that he wasn’t the only one calmed her a bit. They lived in a world were Gods walked freely. Was this really so surprising?

When she found Blair and Alec,her eyes drifted to the tree he had his fingers on. That made a smile shine through her face,and she placed her fingers above his.

“Well…I hope the tree is right. Because Cass certainly loves Alec.”
C noticed his look, and pulled back. "I won't be okay but.." He shook his head, shooting him a weak smile. "Go, Evan." He rubbed his eyes. "Thanks for being here for me." He said quietly.

Alec and Blair whipped around, eyes wide. Alec blushed about as dark as a cherry, moving to block the tree, and laughing nervously.

"Of course I do. But that tree said that long before you ever would... I didn't write that." He said, blushing darker with every word.

"Smooth, Alec. Smooth." Blair noted, patting his shoulder.

"I try." He chuckled, giving a weak smile.

Unexpectedly,Evan leaned forward and kissed C's forehead. He rubbed his shoulder one last time before standing up.

"I'm here for you. Whatever you need."

He gave another ugly look to the other kids of Apollo before standing up and rushing out of the room.
Cass winked to Blair before walking forward to stand by their side. She picked Alec's hand on hers,then wrapped her other hand around Blair's.

"We're together now,aren't we? That's what really matters."

Alec leaned over and kissed her lightly. "All that matters to me." He assured her. "By the way... I called in a favor from Blair, who called in one from a Hermes kid, who... Acquired this for me. I figure I should do this right." He shrugged, detaching himself from her and standing in front of her. With one look at Blair, she scurried away, smiling broadly. Clearing his throat nervously, he fell onto one knee, pulling an actual engagement ring from his pocket.

"Cassandra Delevigne. We haven't been together for very long, but... I don't care. I'm in love with you. Will you marry me?" He asked quietly, offering her the ring.
Cass blinked at the completely unexpected surprise,looking down at Alec and the ring. Once the surprise was over,a smile appeared on her face. It was so big that it looked like it could hurt her lips.

"Of course it's yes. You're not getting rid of me anytime soon. And I'm keeping the ringpop!" She chuckled before placing the right at her finger. It looked perfect. She dropped to Alec's arms,hugging him tightly.
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Alec chuckled, holding her tightly. "Not going to lie, half expected you to say no for the comedic factor." He admitted, bringing them both to their feet and kissing her deeply. "Engaged at eighteen. Our parents must be so proud." He chuckled, staring at her.

"I love you." He whispered, pressing his forehead to hers. "I'd do anything for you. Anything that makes you happy." He promised.

Evan arrived at the forest,he found quite a few people in there already. That nearly diminished his resolve of doing what he was about to do,but instead he took a deep breath and pulled Blair away with him.

"Sorry...I don't know how to react to sweet people doing sweet stuff."

He chuckled and carried her away. Once he was deeper down into the forest,Evan turned back to his girlfriend.

"Like I said...I don't really like your surname. Mine sounds much better in you. And I'm not really the romantic type,but there is something I want to show you."

The forest shifted around them,giving place to the first time he saw Blair. It was in the hotel after the nightmares,and she looked absolutely gorgeous.

"Honestly...I still don't know why that gorgeous girl talked to me. But I'm really glad she did."

The scene shifted to Blair and Evan in the plane,and the way he was holding onto her like she was the only thing he could trust.

"It wasn't as scary as I thought,honestly. Not while you were there with me."

The last image was of him and Blair wrapped around each other in the floor,and the moment Evan said that he loved Blair for the first time.

"Blair...what I'm trying to show to you here is that these are the happiest moments in my life. And I didn't really know what happiness was until I met you. So...if you want to stay by my side as my wife,I would be the happiest guy in the world." He pulled a dark ring from his pocket,figuring it was fitting.

Blair watched the memories wide eyes, turning toward him disbelievingly. Her eyes caught the ring, and she gasped quietly.

Blair, you aren't thinking clearly. Don't make this decision now. Your best friend just died, don't be stupid...

"Of course I will." She exclaimed, jumping into his arms.

Right, don't listen to your brain. That's smart.

"Getting sick of my last name anyways." She whispered, kissing him hard.

Ryder stared mutely at the flames for a few moments. They reflected the mood of those around them, and Ryder was the only one around. So, of course, it was the darkest black and barely more than glowing embers. Everyone else that had survived the quest was... Getting their lives together. Nitch had Nico once again, Toni and Max were probably going to get together, there was no separating Alec and Cass, nor Evan and Blair. Arya hardly needed a guy to be badass. Of course, C would probably take a long time to recover from losing Kara, but he eventually would.

Ryder, on the other hand, wouldn't. He'd never find someone else who he cared about, not the way he had cared for Izzy. And they hadn't spoken in a week, aside from her taking a pregnancy test, which came out as positive. So, in less than a year, he'd... Be a father. And Isabelle would probably always hate him for it. He was half tempted to throw himself into the flames when he heard the familiar sound of hooves behind him, and turned. "Chiron." He said, kneeling respectfully in front of the centaur.

"The funeral will be starting soon. You led the campers well, Ryder Miller--"

"Michael. Michael Miller." Ryder corrected, feeling hollow at just the sound of those words. "Ryder was nothing more than a disguise, I guess." He took a deep breath, trying to acquaint himself with the idea. Twelve years before, he had trained himself to respond to Ryder as if he had done it his entire life. It seemed he'd have to do the same to bring himself back to being... Michael.

"Well, Michael Miller. The Oracle chose well." Chiron said quietly.

"Yea. I only watched five people die, because I was such a great leader!" He snorted.

"Nico returned to us. Perhaps, for the others... You should sleep on it? The campfire won't start for an hour." The centaur said cryptically. Unfortunately, Ryder understood. His father was waiting to speak to him in dreams. Michael nodded, walking back to his cabin and lying on his bunk/coffin, closing his eyes.

Immediately, he heard laughter, not his normal experience with an Underworld visit. He opened his eyes, and smiled slightly. He was looking down at Elysium, and could see the deceased quest members. Alex and Jenna in a park, Kasumi offering them flowers... But Kara was nowhere to be seen.

"She chose to be reborn. And, in time, she will be. Perhaps you will see her again." An oily voice said behind him. He turned, staring at his father. "I took your... Request into consideration. All those who died were offered Elysium. And the son of Thanatos... I turned a blind eye. I would've done the same for the rest, but they were content with their fate." Hades said quietly, following his son's gaze to the three questers that had remained.

"I don't blame them. Being over there looks a hell of a lot easier than being alive." Michael shrugged. His father was silent for a few moments.

"You did very well, my son. Whether you accept your parentage or not, I am your father. And I am proud." Hades said, his tone making it seem as if it were difficult to get those words out.

"There's really no hiding from it, is there? I'm the son of Hades. Death Boy." He murmured, hands in his pockets.

"Your path is far from over, Michael. I've been watching over you for your entire life. You were destined for greatness, and you achieved it. But there is more suffering to be held." The god advised. Michael barely reacted.

"There always is, isn't there? I have nothing left to lose." He shrugged.

"In nine months, you will." The voice was fading, but those words were clear. Michael whipped around, eyes wide.

"What do you mean?! What will happen to my child?!" He demanded, but he was already disappearing, waking up in his bunk once again.

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