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Fandom Goners, Percy Jackson Roleplay.


Blair was containing laughter, face red with the effort. She walked in calmly and admired him. "Well, I don't see what's wrong with what you have on now. But, fortunately for you and the groom to be, I come prepared." She said, pulling the second suit out of the bag. "Admit it, you'd be hopeless without me." She shrugged.

"Does... Does Maniac go to a lot of weddings? I can't think of another reason that he'd know." She said, smirking.

Arya Chiari

Arya sighed, staring at him. "Why are we even going? Have you ever even spoken to Alec? Or Cassandra? Just because we went on a quest together does not mean that we're invited." She said, eyebrow arched. She was basically forced to go at that point, she was already wearing her dress. She had decided that, unlike the banquet, she should probably wear something that covered more than half of her. Her current dress was actually quite conservative, rare for her. "It's not like we're guests of honor."​
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If someone had asked Cass how long she stood in front of that box,she wouldn't have a reply. Her fingers ran softly through it,taking in the view of the note that was laying on top.

For your wedding day,my beautiful girl.

That was definitely her mother's calligraphy. But...how? How had she heard about her wedding? Most importantly,had she forgiven Cass? Would she be here today? Cass wouldn't be able to deal with that. Her father though...she was disappointed about the fact that she didn't get any replies from him. But was she really surprised? He was a God. Not only that,but he was the God. Olympus probably went into a madness outburst without him there.

She opened the box and pulled the beautiful wedding dress. It was so gorgeous. And it was exactly the same wedding dress that her mother had used when she had her "marriage" with Zeus. The sight of it gave Cass all the courage she needed. She smirked to the Aphrodite girl that came to help her,walking forward and allowing her to do her dress and make up.

When they were done,Cass blinked to the image at the mirror.

"Wow...I look just like her."

"You look like a princess! Alec is so lucky."

Cass chuckled,shaking her head lightly.

"No. I'm lucky."


Alec walked to the training arena, fiddling his suit nervously. Blair had disappeared, and he was on his own. As he walked, a couple of the decent people at camp clapped his shoulder, congratulating him. The rest of them sneered at him, mocking him, mocking Cass for picking him. That was the only thing he really got pissed off about.

"Something must be really wrong with her if she's stuck with him." One guy muttered as he passed. Alec clenched his fist and turned.

"Or maybe she's a fantastic girl with nothing wrong with her, and just realizes that she is far out of my league and everyone else's. Either way. Who's the one marrying the beautiful girl today, hmm?" He shot back, raising an eyebrow. the guy fell silent, frowning. "Yea. I thought so. Have a nice day." He scoffed, fixing his jacket quickly. The suit was entirely black, lucky for him. He looked halfway decent in black.

He stood beside Chiron in the arena, trying to make conversation. But his eyes kept flickering back to where Cass would arrive.​

"I blame him for every shit happening in the world. Murderers? Maniac. Storms? Maniac? MCDonalds? Maniac. Me not knowing anything about weddings is on the list too."

"Fuck you and your weddings. This is all maggot bullshit. She is going to be unhappy and he is going to get fat."

He winked to Blair and walked forward,checking the suit. It did look great. Evan quickly pulled it over his body,smirking when he was done. He quickly moved to Blair,taking her into his arms.

"You're right. I would be hopeless without you.

Ryder Miller
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/upload_2016-7-8_0-26-34.jpeg.1b0937d5d65306179bd9a211ad22da72.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="141021" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/upload_2016-7-8_0-26-34.jpeg.1b0937d5d65306179bd9a211ad22da72.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"If they expect me to go in a tux, they are sorely mistaken." Ryder said grumpily, glaring at himself in the mirror. Toni, of course, looked fantastic. And he felt ridiculous.

"You look fine, Ryder. You're the flower boy, right?" She scoffed, adjusting his tie with narrowed eyes.

"Not funny. Why am I nervous? It's not like it's my wedding." He said, running a hand through his hair.

"Because you're dressed like a human being, you're friends with both Cass and Alec, and you're genuinely happy for them. Not a bad thing." She laughed.

Toni O'Brian
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/upload_2016-7-8_0-29-28.jpeg.a33d3336d4c3d002d670e21fa47663f2.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="141022" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/upload_2016-7-8_0-29-28.jpeg.a33d3336d4c3d002d670e21fa47663f2.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Toni tried to cheer Ryder up, but there was no use. He looked uneasy. "Is there something you aren't telling me, Ryder?" She asked, yanking him down to her level by his tie. He coughed slightly.

"No. Just don't like weddings of any sort." He muttered, pulling himself free. "Have you seen Nitch? Do you know if he's going?"

"Of course he's going. Nico is Cass' best friend, and Nitch is Nico's... Boyfriend? Fiance? Fiance, I guess. They're such a cute couple." Toni said, smirking.

"You're hopeless." Ryder laughed.

Nishan Calloway

Nishan stuck wasn't at Nico's side. That was his biggest concern. The next on the list was nearly as frightening. He was wearing a suit. It was not something he was accustomed to wearing. He much preferred jeans and his Camp Half-Blood t-shirt. After a few minutes, he left his cabin and walked towards Ryder's, stopping when he saw him.

"Well, don't you look nice all prettied up!" He teased, knowing that the guy probably felt uncomfortable.

"Just because we aren't on a quest anymore does not mean I won't stab you, Nitch. I owe you one of those anyways." Ryder threatened. Toni just smirked, watching them.

"You look great, T. And for once, Ryder isn't wearing the most black. What's up with that?" He chuckled, looking at both of them admiringly. "We clean up nicely, don't we?"​

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/upload_2016-7-8_0-32-30.jpeg.b80199714c4fcd0d8075f00ce159618d.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="141023" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/upload_2016-7-8_0-32-30.jpeg.b80199714c4fcd0d8075f00ce159618d.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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"Oh, I know it. You look very good in suits, so that's a plus. And this dress covers more than the average t-shirt, so that's also good. You won't be distracted during the ceremony. Here. You are... A terrible influence on me. And I love it. It's great." She laughed, pulling him down and kissing him. "And I love you. Had to get that in there." She stepped back, clearing her throat and composing herself. "I should probably check on Cass. Alec pulled some strings, you're looking at the maid of honor... I'm assuming that means I have to do something, but I couldn't tell you what. Do me a favor and make sure that Alec doesn't collapse, okay?" She murmured, kissing him again before scurrying out of the cabin and toward Cass. She knocked gently on the door before walking in, stopping short when she saw the girl.

"Wow. Yea, Alec is right. You are definitely out of his league." She laughed.

x Cassandra x


Cass walked out of her cabin,hands trembling by her side. She was starting to think that she would freak out. Not because she had any regrets,of course. But because she could screw this somehow. Her mind was usually very confident about...everything. But not today. Today she was about to go nuts. Her wedding dress touched the ground gently. The sight of Blair made her sightly more confident. This is real,this is happening.

"I don't know what you're talking about. But you two look gorgeous." She chuckled,shaking her head. "Can you believe this? You wanted us to hook up at a bonfire. And now we're getting married." She looked absolutely happy now,shining with a bright light.

"I...may be ready. Maybe. Ah,screw it. I'm ready."
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Demetrius shrugged." We aren't but still, don't you think it's rude to miss a wedding?" He rubbed some gel on his hair and combed it.

Arya Chiari
"With that logic, we should go to Vegas right now and hit as many weddings as we can, Maroon 5 style. Otherwise, we'd just be rude." She laughed, admiring him for a moment. "You go to weddings if you're invited. We're literally wedding-crashers, except we aren't going to sleep with the bridesmaids. Maybe. Blair isn't that bad looking." She shrugged.​
He shrugged."The whole camp is going anyways, why should we not go?" He fixed his tie." And we could go to Vegas and crsh wedding as part of our bucket list." He chuckled.

"Well, even in his suit, Alec is maybe a... 6. And you are a hard 11. Literally hard the second you walk into that arena, but I didn't say that." She said with a smirk. "And what can I say? When I play God, it always ends well. You guys... You guys will make some pretty children. As long as you dump Alec and find someone pretty." She smirked.

"And you better be ready. Because... Alec is, you know, waiting for you. At the altar. And his biggest fear right now is being left there alone." She grinned wickedly. "Let's go get you married, sweetheart. Now, this isn't exactly traditional, but same idea. I go in before you, you're the last one in. Unless Alec's restless night paid off and Zeusy himself shows up, you'll be walking down alone. I'd advise you try to avoid tripping. Uh... What am I missing. Flowers. Demeter kid said... Ah!" She muttered, half to herself. She dashed a few feet away to where a few bouquets were laying. "Thank you, Gretchen." She chuckled, handing a bouquet to Cass. "Seriously. Don't trip." She said. "Unless you want to make Alec feel good about himself for once."


Alec took a deep breath. This was it. The moment of destiny, he was about to get married. Married to the girl of his dreams. Married to the most beautiful girl in his world. He wasn't nervous. He didn't doubt himself for a moment.

"I don't know where you get your information, but you are wrong. Not the whole camp. Just friends. Do we count as friends?" She teased before thinking about his next words. "I would, but been there, done that. Crazy week in Vegas, wedding crashing was the most innocent thing I did. Aside from this guy named... Not going there. Too far." She smirked, running a hand through her hair.

leaned in to reply to Blair's kiss,a low groan leaving his mouth.

"I might not go if you keep on like this. And I don't care if you're wearing a burka that covers your entire body,I'm still going to be distracted. And oh...love you. And love your stealing kills."

He chuckled as he was pulled forward by Blair,holding into her hand tightly. A few campers on the way glared at her,and Evan gave them a murderous look. He would have growled too,but that would be inappropriate in a wedding day. His eyes follow Cass as she left her cabin. She was pretty,he imagined. Not that he could tear his eyes from Blair for five seconds. But still,he couldn't help but imagine Blair in a wedding dress like that. It wasn't very Blair,but the image was impressive.

"So,do we...walk there? Do we dance around. I don't know how to do this. Help." He frowned to Blair's instructions,trying to contain a laugh. "Do trip,Cassandra. At least it will make the wedding interesting."
C glanced over the suit he was wearing. It wasn't his, since he didn't own a suit, but it was Jamison's, his cabin's counselor. Jamison had refused to go because of a reason C hadn't been listening to. It might have had something to do with what Toni did to him the last time Max was here. Either way he wasn't going and he had an old suit. That was all that really mattered. C didn't know if he was invited to the wedding, but Alec had been Kara's best friend and he thought he should at least show up out of... respect? Or something. He felt horrible, and imagined he didn't look much better. He'd retreated to his bunk after skipping the bonfire, and the celebratory feast-what a joke-after. He almost snorted just thinking about it. They were being celebrated for killing people that just a few weeks ago were campers. He shook his head.

C glanced up at the door, studiously ignoring Jamison's glare, and absently messed with the collar of his suit. How did people stay in these things for
hours? The suit was slightly big, though there wasn't much he could do about that. He could manage a smile, or maybe the wedding would be so great and make him feel so much better that he could manage to make a joke, or better yet, laugh.

Yeah, and satyr's will grow wings and fly.

"You could've asked anyone for their leftovers, why me?" Jamison asked. He was sitting on his bunk with his bow in his lap, being moody as he held a grudge.

"Everyone else is going just to stare at them," C shook his head. "The only ones here that aren't going don't know what a wedding is." He didn't wait for a response, not really up for an actual conversation, and quickly left the cabin. He joined everyone else in walking to the arena.
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Blair smirked at him. "Don't listen to him. He's an idiot." She advised Cass before turning to Evan. "You and I walk down together. We sit down and shut up for the ceremony. And I don't dance." She explained quickly. "Your entire job is to stand there and look pretty. And you do that on a daily basis, so I think you're covered. Cass is always pretty, she's covered. Alec... He's on his own. And my main job is to stand by Cass and look ugly so she looks even better. I think we're sold!" She said. She couldn't help her excitement. Alec was getting married. Alessandro. The awkward, nervous, nerdy kid. And he was beating her to the punch! It was amazing.
"I get my information from a guy I know." He scoffed." Well, we technically count as friends" He made a hand gesture towards the word 'friends'."Well, I'm still going there, I got to to try that."

Arya Chiari

"I'll go with you and show you how it's done. If you don't make out with at least two bridesmaids, you're doing it wrong. And I'm glad to demonstrate." She walked out and paused at the amount of people gathering for the wedding. "Well... Either Alec became very popular all of a sudden, or some people have the same idea of the word 'friend' as you do. Either way, we aren't the only intruders, at least." She snickered.​

x Cassandra x


Cass stuck her tongue out to Evan before playfully punching his arm. She had to admit that the tripping danger was very possible. Specially when she was wearing a wedding dress for the first time in her life. But she had to focus,Alec was waiting for her. That's the only thing that really mattered.

"If you're supposed to look ugly you should be reborn,Blair. You are the most beautiful maid of honor that I have ever seen. So stay in the back so people will look at me from time to time."

She chuckled and pulled Blair's arm,half-dragging her to the wedding.

"We need to do this now. Before I pass out."

Blair nodded, pulling Cass toward the arena. She didn't even bother with a sarcastic retort, not thinking it mattered. As they walked, she leaned in to the bride-to-be's ear.

"So... How fancy is this affair? Like, we're the best dressed, or they have a full orchestra in there waiting for us? Because if that's the case, I'll be the one tripping, take the attention off of you." She offered. "I have no pride anyways." They were standing right outside the arena, just out of sight of the altar. Blair was a bit worried she'd have to hold Cass back until the right time. She paused, looking around. "Where the hell are the golden three? Ryder, Toni, Nitch. They're important." She hissed.


Alec noticed how people near the back seemed to perk up slightly. He took a deep breath, straightening. This was it. A slow smile spread across his lips.
"Mhm, we know Alec isn't popular, so I was right." He chuckled."Now, let's quickly grab a seat before it starts." He quickly picked up his pace and found a seat near the back.

"Right here." Ryder said, coming up behind the girls and Evan. He looked at Cass. "You look beautiful." He smiled, kissing her forehead lightly before looking to Blair. "You both do. You seem to have this under control. I'm going to go... Sit with the unimportant people." He said pleasantly.

"Joining you. Wait, where's Nico? I haven't seen him all day." Nitch noted, looking around curiously. "I have to sit with him, and he's one of the important people. Sorry, Ryder." He laughed.

"I'll join you, I'm unimportant. You guys look great. Congratulations. It's all thanks to Ryder, because he led the quest that took Alec's virginity. Yes, I know how that sounds. Good luck." Toni laughed, blowing a kiss to Cass before taking Ryder's wrist and leading him to one of the last few remaining seats near the front, much to his displeasure.​


Nico was slightly embarrassed about being late for the wedding of his best friend,but he had been fighting with that tie like it was some sort of crazy enemy that he had to defeat. Now that he was ready,Nico stormed out of his cabin and straight to the place where he could see Nitch.

"Hey! Sorry I'm late,I..." He stopped talking once he saw Cass,his mouth hanging in the air. "By Thanatos,Cass. If I wasn't gay and completely in love,I would marry you myself. You look stunning."

Cass chuckled and opened her arms to wrap Nico into a tight hug.

"You don't know how happy I am to see you at my wedding." When Nico died,Cass imagined that such a dream would be lost forever. But no. He was right there.
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Nitch eyed his fiance. "I resent that." He said simply, taking his hand. "You're making me jealous at someone else's wedding, which is normally how it goes... But not when I'm already engaged, come on." He teased. He waited until Nico and Cass separated before kissing him briefly. "Should we go sit? Or do you have to do wedding stuff? If that's the case, I'll go save you a seat." He offered.​

"How about I fall instead? I'm really tall. And awkward. That would make for a show."
He followed the two girls,cringing when he saw the huge crowd. "Look at all those people. I hate people."


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