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Fandom Goners, Percy Jackson Roleplay.


Blair pushed him lightly. "Behave." She chided with a smirk. "I think we're about to go down. Don't make a joke about that, that's my job." She said immediately, peeking into the arena.
Nico followed Nitch quickly,allowing his eyes to fall on his future husband. He looked incredible in a suit.

"You look amazing. Please wear a suit more times. Although I also like you without it." He chuckled,leaning in to kiss Nitch again. He seemed sad about having to leave. "Yeah,I need to go stand next to Alec and make sure that he doesn't pass out. But I will be back soon. I can't wait for own marriage." He smirked and pulled Nitch into a tight hug before heading for Alec's side. Noticing the guy's nervous expression,Nico patted his shoulder lightly. "You got this,Alec."

Alec smiled at Nico. "I know. I'm not worried." Alec assured him, eyes fixed on the spot that Cass would appear. He took a moment to adjust his tie, hardly seeing the people surrounding him. There was only one face he wanted to see, and she hadn't come out yet.

"How is she? She's not... She's not regretting this, is she?" He found himself asking, looking over at Nico.

Nitch just smiled, patting Evan on the back before walking off and finding a seat beside Ryder, eyes wondering slightly.

"You really love him, don't you?" Nitch jumped at Ryder's quiet words. He followed Ryder's gaze to Nico, and smiled slightly again.

"Yea. I really do." He replied softly.

"Then I'm happy for you. You deserve it." Ryder sighed.
Nico scoffed at the question,shaking his head immediately.

"I never saw Cass so excited. Or so happy,really. This is everything she ever wanted,with the person she wanted."

Alec nodded slowly, running a hand through his messy hair.

"Good." That was all he could manage to say. That was the only word that made sense. Truthfully, there weren't words to describe how he felt. She wanted to be there. She wanted him. 'Good' didn't really cover it.

Evan searched for someone in the crowd,frowning lightly. It shouldn't be
too hard to spot that hair,although a bunch of other Apollo campers were there as well. He frowned with disappointment for a moment,imagining that C wouldn't show up after all. But then he spotted him the crowd,and a big smile appeared in his face.

"You made it!"

He wrapped C into a tight hug,once again showing that he had zero understanding of the concept of "personal space".
@S n o w
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Blair's face softened slightly as she watched him, but it erased quickly. "I hate to interrupt the touching moment, but... Wedding? I have a feeling Cass wants to get this over with, and I'm pretty sure Alec is dying with the fact that he can't see her yet." She paused.

"I mean, on second thought, take your time, it'll be fine." She shrugged.
Evan let go of C,patting him lightly in the shoulder.

"Have fun,C."

He moved back to Blair's side,gently taking her arm so they could walk in together. He noticed her expression and blushed lightly,making a mental note to not leave her side again.

"Sorry,love. Let's do this. I don't want the broom to pass out. Or me,because weddings are boring. Unless it's a wedding with you. That I would attend happily."[/bg]
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Blair shuddered at the thought. "Gods, no. I think I'd be sick if I were in Cass' position. I don't do fancy weddings or crowds. I'd much rather go to a Vegas drive-through wedding joint, in and out in five minutes, we can get drunk in a casino after." She offered quietly, walking slowly down with him.


Alec had just turned away from the entrance when Blair walked through it. He turned back, and his jaw dropped slightly. That wasn't... That wasn't his best friend. His best friend made every dress look uncomfortable, was the image of a tomboy. Now, she looked... Amazing. With Evan at her side in his suit, the two looked perfect together. He smiled at them a bit, heart racing.
C choked slightly in surprise when he felt the life unexpectedly being squeezed out of him, relaxing when he realized it was just Evan. He patted him a few times on the back, and managed to blink once as he pulled away before he was gone again. At least he felt like he was sort-of invited. C glanced around. Have fun, he'd said.

He looked at the group of Apollo campers standing off to the side, staring at every one of his former questees that passed, and knew he'd be teased endlessly once they found out that he was wearing a borrowed suit. He sighed deeply, and took a seat in the back. If he could sit the entire time then maybe however long this was going to take wouldn't be so bad.
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x Cassandra Delevigne x


Cass wasn't ready. She could feel her legs trembling,the heels suddenly hard to walk on. She would fall down. And with her luck,probably break a few ribs too. Could she do this?

oh god oh god oh god

The thought of Alec waiting suddenly crossed her mind,and the insecurity left her body. Cass turned,hearing the sounds of the crowd who basically shouted to each other. But in the middle of all those people,she would see
him. The one she loved more than anything. The man she would die for without a second thought.


She stepped forward,entering the Arena. And suddenly the entire place fell into silence,watching Cass with a expression of surprise. Her eyes drifted to Alec,and her heart started to beat a little stronger. He looked so...incredible. She barely had any words. The crowd seemed to disappear around her,and the only person she could see was him. Her expression had the confidence of Zeus. Her steps were firm,steady. Not once did she trip as he walked into the arena.


Suddenly,the air seemed a little heavy. A lightning fell by Cassandra's side,but it didn't harm her. Instead,she felt a firm hand grabbing her arm. Cass turned in complete shock,only to meet the glance of
Zeus. Her father looked extremely elegant,eyes shining with a bright light.

"Did you think I would miss my daughter's wedding?" His voice reverberated through the Arena,loud and strong. If someone hadn't been paying attention,they were now. Cass heard a few shocked whispers,but they soon turned quiet once he shifted his eyes to the crowd;

Cass wanted to snark at him for being late. But instead,she ended up chuckling with happiness.

"Of course not,father."

Zeus led her down to Alec,eyeing the son of Mania up and down. He frowned lightly,but offered Cass' arm to him.

"I guess she could do worse. I don't think I need to tell you what is going to happen if you hurt my daughter's feelings. But eternal damnation is certainly included."

He smiled pleasantly before moving to stand by Nico's side. Nico,who looked completely terrified.

Alec was clenching his fists repeatedly, waiting for the instant that he would see her. The second she came into view, he was frozen, eyes wide with shock. His jaw was slightly dropped. He barely noticed when Zeus himself arrived, eyes glued on his... His fiance. His wife, soon. He jumped slightly when the man spoke, his voice much... Louder than he had expected. That's when it hit him.

He was about ten feet away from the most powerful deity there was. And he was about to marry his daughter. At his second sentence, Alec straightened slightly.

"If I hurt your daughter, you wouldn't have to punish me. I'd have nothing left to live for without her." He managed, taking Cass' hands.

"And here I thought you couldn't get any more beautiful." He murmured, the rest of the world falling away. He didn't care about Zeus. He didn't care about the entire Camp, crowding in an almost claustrophobic manner. All he saw was her. "I love you." He breathed, eyes wide with wonder.
"Don't worry about him,he knows how happy I am." She whispered that to Alec,squeezing his hands lightly. All she wanted was to say yes. The word was already tickling her tongue. It just had to come out. And then she would belong to him completely. And then he would be... "My husband."

She said those words softly,eyes shining with pure happiness. Cass was almost afraid that she would wake up from this dream before they had a chance to actually get married. The voice of her father speaking to Chiron in a cheerful manner made her smirk. Everything was completely perfect today.
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Alec smirked crookedly at the words. "No escaping me now. Looks like you're stuck with me for life." He reached out and tucked a lock of her hair behind her ear, pulling her a little closer. "My wife." He shot back, squeezing her hands.

"Last chance to back out. Now or never." He reminded her, not sure what he'd do if she took him up on that. It'd be worse than her never showing up, if she left now. But he wanted to make sure, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that this was what she wanted. That, in a few years, she'd still be content with him.
"The same goes to you,although I don't recommend leaving a girl in a dress angry." She chuckled,kissing his hand. "It's now...and forever. We're going to belong to each other for the rest of our lives. And I wouldn't want it any other way."

She turned to Chiron with a smile,not letting go of Alec's hand. She clenched her free hand with the expectation.
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Alec smirked. "I wouldn't dare." He promised. "You're stuck with me."

Chiron cleared his throat slightly. "In ancient times, marriage ceremonies involved a sacrifice, before the bride would shear her hair short and the couple would bathe together in holy water." He announced. Alec flinched slightly.

"By ancient, you mean no longer used, especially here, right?" He cut in, grimacing at the idea of it.

"No, it is no longer used. We will use a more modern ceremony." He explained, making Alec sag with relief.
Zeus gave Chiron a pissed look,coming to stand in front of the Centaur.

"Refrain from mentioning my daughter bathing,Chiron. And yes,I know the ritual was accepted in the older times. But today I'm doing this."

He turned back to Alec and Cass,shrugging lightly.

"Dear demigods,we are gathered in here today to...celebrate and all of that. I don't like to lose time,and I'm not romantic. If you wanted that,you should have called my wife. But still,I'm here. And my daughter chose you." He pointed to Alec. "And since you don't seem like particularly bad person,I'm not going to blow you to little pieces. So let's say the words. Alec,will you take Cassandra to be your wife,your partner in life and your one true love? Will you cherish her friendship and love her today,tomorrow and forever? Will you trust and honor her,laugh with her and cry with her? Will you be faithful through good times and bad, in sickness and in health as long as you both shall live?" He finished the speech with a dangerous glare,although it was mostly for show. Zeus knew that Alec had true feelings,or he wouldn't allow him to marry his daughter.
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Alec went a bit pale. "Thanks for the gesture. I appreciate any opportunity to not blown to little pieces." He said awkwardly. Blair was barely suppressing laughter, shaking silently with a very pink face.

"I do. Definitely do. Not embarrassed to say I'm a little bit terrified right now." He managed, standing a bit straighter.
"Good. You should be terrified."

"Father." Cass hid her face with embarrassment,blushing strongly. "Please stop threatening to blow my husband."

Zeus rolled his eyes,but his expression became softer once he looked at Cassandra. This time,he didn't project his voice so the entire Arena could hear. He spoke softly,as if only Cass and Alec were there.

"Cassandra,will you take Alec to be your husband, your partner in life and your one true love? Will you cherish his friendship and love him today, tomorrow and forever? Will you trust and honor him, laugh with him and cry with him? Will you be faithful through good times and bad, in sickness and in health as long as you both shall live?"

"I do!" Cass replied with pure happiness,not able to contain her glee. "Now and forever."

"Well then. I declare you both husband and wife. You may kiss the bride. And I want grandchildren,so you two better deliver."

"Happily." Alec murmured, stepping forward and kissing her, not caring about the huge amount of people, not caring about the deity a foot and a half away. She was there. She was his. What was there to be ashamed about?
Cass smiled against Alec's lips,wrapping her arms around him and kissing him back with passion. She heard the clapping and cheering of the people in the Arena,but they could as well be completely alone. Whenever she saw Alec,she only had eyes for him.

Alec smiled into the kiss, gripping her waist and dipping her carefully. He figured that the honeymoon wouldn't be very romantic if he accidentally dropped her. And Zeus would probably kill him.
Cass leaned against Alec,closing her eyes for a second. The world did seem to disappear around them both. She only opened them again once she felt her father's hand in her shoulder. Zeus was grinning to her,looking much happier than she was used to.

"Well,I need to go. I'm pretty sure there are a few Gods making plans against me up there already. I think it's been twenty minutes,that's enough time for an uprising." He leaned forward to place a kiss on Cass' head,making her chuckle with happiness.

"Goodbye,father. I'm really happy you came." It wasn't often that she saw her father as what he was: the most powerful deity in Olympus. But that was pretty clear now.

He rubbed her hair for the last time before actually giving a smirk towards Alec. And then he disappeared as suddenly as he had arrived.
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"Huh. They actually do listen to prayers. Weird." He noted, looking around. His eyes fixed on a woman in the audience, who nobody else seemed to see. She was staring back at him, a small smile on her lips and an insane look in her eyes.

"No." He said firmly, taking a step away from his wife. The woman winked and pointed to the entrance of the arena before disappearing, nobody looking at all confused. "Sweetheart, can you give me a minute?" He asked, voice hoarse. Without waiting for an answer, he walked out of the arena, ignoring the whispers of the campers. The second he was out, he saw the woman, and followed her, eyes wide with fear. After a while, she stopped and faced him.

"Alessandro." She said simply.

"What the hell are you doing here?" He snarled.

"You're my son. You're getting married. Zeus came, so I thought it was only fair that I did as well." She shrugged.

"You thought wrong. You are the reason for everything that's gone wrong in my life! Why the hell would I want you here?" He demanded.

"Because, deep down, you crave acceptance from everyone. You need it. And, as much as you hate it, you want it from me, too." Mania said calmly. He flinched. She was right, of course. And he did hate it.

"You are the reason my entire family is dead. I don't want anything from you." He spat.

"Did I kill your father? No. Did I drive him mad? No. In fact, at last guess... Those were both you." She whispered, and he closed his eyes tightly.

"Stop." He said quietly.

"You killed your brothers. Your girlfriend. Your sister. You. Not me." She continued ruthlessly. He stumbled away from her, clenching his fists.

"Stop it!" He shouted.

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