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Fandom Goners, Percy Jackson Roleplay.

Cass saw Alec run away,confusion making her paralyze for some moments. She could hear the whispers of the campers,but they stopped once she glared at them with the same expression that Zeus had a few minutes ago. She quickly ran after Alec,pulling her dress up and kick the heels away. She arrived quickly enough to hear the woman's last words.

"You killed your brothers. Your girlfriend. Your sister. You. Not me."

"Mania." Cass' voice was boiling with anger. A lightning fell close to their spot as she ran forward and pushed the woman away from Alec,completely ignoring the fact that she was a Goddess and could turn Cass into dust. She grabbed Mania's arm,pressing it tightly as she pulled her away. "Don't you dare hurt him. Not today. You did damage enough already you...you vlacas. You made an incredible son,you should be cherishing him! He is better than you will ever be,and you don't deserve to even talk to someone like Alec. Go. Away."

Alec wasn't surprised that Cass followed him. But at the look of pure disgust and pity that Mania sent Cass had him lurching forward, pulling his wife away.

"Does she know what you've done? Or have you hidden your entire life from her?" Mania asked, her voice silky smooth. He flinched, but said nothing. "I thought so. You truly are my son, aren't you? Hiding the worst and covering it with the best." She chuckled, disappearing without a trace. Immediately, Alec sagged, sitting down hard on the grass.
Cass was still boiling with anger,her fists clenched as she looked at the spot that Mania had disappeared from. All she wanted was a single punch at the bitch. Maybe she would ask Zeus to do that later. Her anger diminished as she saw Alec sitting on the ground,and she ran to his side and wrapped her arms tightly around him.

"I don't care. It's your past. You don't have to tell me." She whispered that against his hair,nudging him lightly with her face. "Alec,I'm so sorry."

Alec's face was gaunt, pale. He had hidden from his entire life for years, he wanted nothing to do with it. "It's... It's okay. We should get back." He managed, getting to his feet. Already, the campers were beginning to look for them, and the last thing he wanted was for them to hear something incriminating.

"I'll tell you later." He muttered, a bit unwillingly. He didn't want to tell her. Not because he enjoyed lying to her, but because he hated talking about it. It put a pit in his stomach that went all the way down to Hades.
Cass turned and punched the tree by her side,causing it to crack under her fingers. She ignored the pain in her hand,breathing heavily. She just had to let of that anger before she faced the campers again. Their perfect wedding day had been ruined. Alec wasn't happy anymore. And there was the very real possibility that she was going to kill someone. Ruined.

"Yeah,right. Let's go." She clenched her sore wrist,moving forward with Alec.

Alec reached over and gingerly grabbed her wrist, inspecting it. "Hey. It's okay. Breathe." He murmured, kissing her forehead lightly. He patted his pockets. "Come on... Always have some... Ah." He chuckled, pulling out a slightly smashed square of ambrosia in a Ziploc bag from his pocket, offering it to her. "Don't know where anything is in this monkey suit." He smirked, kissing her for a few moments.

"I enjoy that so much more without an audience." He admitted.
Cass sighed and took the ambrosia from him,wincing lightly before it started to make an effect. She leaned into his kiss,calming down a bit once she felt his hold.

"I could be surrounded by ten thousand people,it would still be good." She chuckled,glancing sideways at the tree. "That's...Zeus' temper." She turned back to Alec,kissing him for a second before smirking. "Do we need to go back? Let's ditch then all. Let's marry again in Las Vegas."


Alec grinned wickedly. "Your father is terrifying, not going to lie." He shrugged. "And if you want to go back, we can. If not, we can... Roll around in a cabin somewhere. Or go to Vegas. Whatever you want, baby." He promised, pulling her closer.


Blair wasn't sure what to do. Was she supposed to follow them? Leave them? Something about the look in Alec's eyes as he stared at an empty spot in the crowd... It was worrying. But he could protect himself, and he had a big, strong wife beside him. They'd be fine. Hell, they'd probably be more than fine.
Cass' smile softened as she was pulled closer by Alec. She kissed him again,just to be completely sure that this was all real. She held him closely,not even noticing that they had started to float until she looked down and noticed that their feet weren't touching the ground anymore. That caused a chuckle.

"Well...Zeus Airlines,it is. Let's go back to my cabin,I will turn my father's statue around. This dress is pretty but I swear to the Gods,I can't even breathe." She chuckled,floating with him sideways and aiming for the cabin.

Alec went a bit pale when he realized he was levitating. "Uh... That's..." He cocked his head, frowning slightly. "Terrifying and amazing." He admitted. He waited until they were in the Zeus cabin before kissing her again. He was only too happy to push the suit jacket off of his shoulder, get the tie off of him. The monkey suit was suffocating, and he did not appreciate it. "And you look amazing in that dress. A thousand times better without it, but..." He trailed off, winking at her.

Ryder Miller
Ryder was more amused than anything. The two were married. It was probably just some joke so that they had an excuse to be alone, start their honeymoon early. Toni was snickering beside him, obviously thinking the same thing. Nitch, on the other hand, looked suspicious. Ryder laid a hand on his shoulder.

"It's fine, man. They're teenagers. Your guys' hormones..." He laughed.

"Ryder, you're 20, not 85." Toni cut in, pushing him slightly. He felt it first. A familiar feeling, a chill running down his spine. He turned, gasping slightly. The Oracle had come to visit them. He craned his neck, struggling to get a better view. People were starting to notice her, and there was a wave of people lurching backwards. Ryder was the only one that looked a bit... Eager.

And then she spoke. In
that voice, the reptilian nightmare.

"The camp's demigods must unite as one,

Leading them is the fated son.

To rescue love from the clutches of evil,

Otherwise, there will be upheaval.

Through storms and swords they must travel,

And through the faithful keeper, one's sanity to unravel.

A single choice will change the outcome,

To the land of ice with no peace beside them.

Some will die, many will fall,

Into the clutches of the evil thrall.

The pain of one is the mirror in another,

Glancing at the past created by their mother.

They will lose hope and find friendship hard,

One hero is the daughter of the scarred.

Together they must start, together they must stay,

or else the quest will be led astray."

At the last word, the woman crumpled, and Ryder lurched forward to catch her. Around him, people were gasping, a few scribbling the words down on a piece of paper.

"Was that...?" Toni began.

"Yea. A new... A new prophecy." He managed, looking over at her.

"Good,I was already planning on taking it off anyway."

She chuckled,pulling the upper part of her dress off. Since it was technically still their wedding day,she actually decided to stay in a dress. But the white summer dress she chose was much more comfortable,and she sighed with relief.

"Aaaahh...this is so much better."

Suddenly,a chill went through Cass' spine. She dropped the wedding dress down to the ground,turning to look at Alec with a shocked expression,her eyes starting to show fear. Was that...

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The second Blair heard the prophecy, she was off. She didn't spare a second glance for anyone, not even Evan. She didn't have to look around, she knew Alec well enough to know where he'd be. She sprinted to the Zeus cabin and burst in, covering her eyes just in case. "We need to talk!" She managed.


Alec had just managed to get his shirt off when Blair ran in, and he immediately covered himself by pure habit. "What are you doing?" He demanded, grimacing as he quickly stood in front of Cass.

"Well, you guys ran off from your own wedding! And... It got a lot more serious afterwards..." She managed, keeping her back to the pair.

"Serious how?" His voice grew a bit more firm as he spoke, and he pulled his shirt back on.

"Like Oracle serious." She shrugged. His face fell slack.

"Not... Not us. Not again." He rasped.

"Didn't sound like any of us." She assured him.
Nico didn't know if he could take it. Another quest. His eyes were hollow as he followed the Oracle with his eyes. His hand dropped by reflex to the scar in his neck,only one of many that were left from the attack of the swords. He wouldn't...wouldn't be able to do that again. He pressed Nitch's hand a little tighter,sending him a beg with his eyes.

"C-can we go? I think...the wedding is over."

Nitch nodded silently, leading Nico out by his hand. The second they were out of earshot, he turned toward his boyfriend.

"It's not us. There wasn't a single line that mentioned one of us." He said firmly, eyes wide with fear. "The fated son? That's not anyone we know. Last time, we were sure it was Ryder. This time, that's not anyone who would invite us alone." He blurted out, looking terrified.​
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Evan stayed in silence through the entire ordeal with the oracle,trying to understand whether he was feeling anger or simply shock. Probably a good mix of the two. He pulled a cigarette from his pocket,returning Chiron's glare once the centaur looked at him.

One's sanity to unravel.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

He stormed out of the wedding,pushing a few campers out of his way. An Ares camper started to complain,but stopped quickly once Evan slammed his fist against the camper's neck. Completely ignoring anyone else,he stormed inside of Zeus' cabin,pulling Blair to his arms.

"I know what that prophecy was about. And I don't give a fuck. Marry we now. In the woods. In here. I don't care where. Just marry me."

Blair, again, almost punched Evan in the throat.

"Stop doing that!" She yelped, clutching her chest. "And eyes averted, the bride and groom are... Enjoying their honeymoon. Come on." She grabbed his hand, pulling him from the cabin and looking at him. "It wasn't you." She said firmly. "It said through the faithful keeper. I don't know about you, but last I checked, you don't have a keeper. If you say that I'm your keeper, I'm going to have to disagree." She sighed.
Demetrius nodded silently when the oracle had finished talking." A new prophecy for the new generation." He muttered.

"No.Not me."

Evan stopped walking,holding Blair's arms and making her keep her eyes on him.

"Born into someone you love. Blair,it's not about me."

Blair tried to pretend that she didn't understand. But the second the line had been uttered, she knew what it was talking about. Her hand, almost unconsciously, fell to her stomach.

"Oh." She whispered, eyes wide. "Oh, I'm going to be sick." She muttered, gripping the wall of the cabin for support.

Evan breathed slowly,feeling the will to let Maniac come out and wipe his thoughts for a few minutes. But instead,he stood up with strength,anger. He had to be the stronger person now. Walking forward,he pulled Blair to his arms. Gently pulling her face up,he made her look at him again.

"It's inevitable. We can't change a prophecy,not when it comes from the oracle." He also lowered his hands to her stomach,gently rubbing it. "He is going to have to be strong,and face his fate. Just like we did. That's why I'm asking you. Marry me. Let's face this together,Blair. Let's show fate that we won't fucking bow down and allow it to step on us. We're doing this,Blair."

Blair hesitated. She could avoid it. She could walk away, never look at him again. She could protect her children from that fate. But the second she met his eyes, she knew there was no chance of that ever happening.

"Or she." She managed. "Oracle didn't specify, fucking bitch." She reached up and kissed him. "I said yes once. Why not again?"

"I always wanted to have a son first."
He admitted that,pulling Blair to his arms and carrying her to the forest. "But the cryptic bitch didn't specify. So yeah. I could be wrong."

He put her down gently,turning to meet her eyes. With a snap of his finger,they were in Italy. He had seen videos of that cafe they were standing in front off,and that was enough for him to reproduce the scenery.

"I know we don't have a God to marry us,but we don't need that bullshit. Blair,I want to stay together with you for the rest of my life. If I don't have you,I don't want anyone else. You are the most incredible woman in this planet and I'm a really lucky guy. So please accept me as your husband,and I can take you back to the cabin and take that dress off you."


Blair looked around curiously as the scenery changed, and her eyes widened as she recognized it. It was quite close to her old home in Italy, she had gone many times. "I used to eat breakfast here..." She murmured before he continued speaking.

"Hmm... I suppose. Nothing else on the schedule today." She shrugged, amusement glittering in her eyes. He could be romantic and sweet all he wanted, she'd still be a sarcastic twat. It was just in her nature.

rolled her eyes at Blair,looking around the place.

"First of all,I'm wearing a waiter's clothes for you. You should make it up for me somehow. Second,this place looks kinda nice. We can see it in person someday. Anyway,Blair Darrow. You're never getting rid of me anymore. Congratulations,wife."

He snickered before pulling Blair to his arms,kissing her softly.

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