Godling Academy (Actual RP)

" Oh my gosh, really? Thats awesome," she walks back.to the group with her 4 bags. " OMG!" She Bends down rubbibg the german shepard " i also have Pets. " she whistels and two wolfs. Come.by her side " Guys this is Whisper, and selince" she rubs their head.
(yeah, its just jake, is a gent, you can tell by the way he acts, and he didn't like the way jackson treated her.)

"I don't care if hes the son of cronus. You never treat a lady like that"
*sigh* "You want coffee? Fine" Rae walks over to the on campus starbucks "Hi can I get a venti double expresso mocha caramel frapp?" HE walks over to Jackson "Here!" He hands the boy the coffee Then he does something unexpected he hugs jackson and whispers in his ear "From now on whenever you need coffe just come to me there's no reason for you to get like this okay?" He says with a bright and caring smile
Gives Hades a death stare ''Oh HELL no.'' Iris closes her eyes and looks to have gotten in a football tackle formation. ''Dedli jay cri lopni...'' The ground starts shaking around hades and digs him in a hole with only his head sticking out. Iris goes up to him and punches him in the face. ''Lets see how you like being in a hole.'' Iris gets close to his face. "Dont ever EVER do that to me. You got it?! The only reason I will deal with your sorry ass is literally to babysit you in the Underworld. Dont ever think otherwise." Iris gets up, smiling, her voice is a little more high pitch but she does her best. So ya'll. Can we move on down to the girls dorm? Its getting pretty late and Im sure we would all like to get to our dorms!

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"sure, if you will fallow me, I will show you the girls then I will take the gentlemen to the boys dorm." Jake starts to walk to the girls dorm.
So Jack got his coffee and a punch in the face. Adriana didn't expect it, but the fact that a fist was thrown gave her an adrenaline rush. But now that Jack got his coffee, he would probably chill out. Or if that punch pissed him off more, maybe more strife would occur. Either way, Adriana tackled Iris in a hug. "Holy crap, Iris! You punched him!"
"Wow she's really something but I just can't wait to redecorate and get in my bed according to the website these dorms are pretty dreary" He yawns "Sebastian bring me my lawn chair please I'd like to relaxwhile we wait for him to come back and show us the way"
"she ain't some sally, she's strong, thats why I fear her." jake now leading the girls to the dorm, which is in sight. "their you go girls your dorm is in sight.
Its spelled follow, just thought you should know.)

Jack sighed lowly and his shepherd began to dig him out. He eyed Rae warily as he hugged him and made a low sigh. Once he was dug out he took a sip of his coffee and the room seemed instantly to turn back to normal. Jackson blinked and stared at the ground for a moment "Wait..why am I covered in sand..?" He asked, raising his gaze. He rose a hand to his face and a teary look came over his face as he felt the swollen, bruised bump that took place there. Oh...I got angry.. He watched the group walk off and pulled his legs to his chest, Simon nuzzling into his side.
While walking Iris high fives Adriana. "It seemed like Hades needed it. I dont care if hes had his coffee or not. If I have to deal with him for 50 years of my life there is just no way he WASNT going to be punched by me. thought maybe if I do it early then hell learn early, like a dog you know?" Sees thst we finally made it to the girls dorms. "Omgoddess are those Hibiscus flowers around the girls dorms! HOW AWESOME!" Looks at Adri. "Hibiscuss are used for delicate beauty. Aaahhhh!" Jumps up and down and goes to hug the plants.

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[[ Awww, poor Jackie D; I wish my character wasn't such a jerk. But maybe she'll hug him later. ]]

"Thanks Jake,"she told him, releasing Iris so that she could hug him instead. She grinned as Iris spazzed over the flowers outside the dorm. She cleared her throat, but grinned,"Ah-hem. Don't you have something to say to Jake, Iris?
"well, she's going to be very interesting to talk to, and have a class with. running off on the smallest whim."
(He can't control himself when he gets angry xD It just happens, Imma make it so someone that he finds can calm him down, most likely Dammy because he can put Jack to sleep.) 
Jackson got up with his bags and walked quietly down the hallway to find the boys dorm by himself, raising a hand to brush off the tears that threatened to drip from his eyes. He sniffled and hugged himself, his bag hanging around his shoulder. Great, it was his first day and he already came off as the jerk.
Iris runs back and attack hugs Jake. "Thank you thank you thank you thank you! You brought me to this wonderful place of Hibiscus!" Dances around Jake and Adri holding her pomegranate plant as her partner. "Adri! Come on lets go upstairs! I see flowers are on the side of the windows! IM SO EXCITED!" Jumps up and down. Stops randomly. "Adri, do you know what number our dorm is?" Looks at Jake. "I dont know if its these endorphins kicking in but seriously, you're hot." Iris covers her mouth shocked that she says that and then sees Jasmine flowers behind Jake. "OMG I JUST CANT DEAL WITH THIS BBEEAAAUUUTIFUL PLACE!"

((Jack I think the way you are portraying Hades is wonderful! A little harsh there so I wanted to put you in your place but with time I see how Hades and Persephone and the rest of the students will work with him =) ))

EDIT: ((Okay I am actually going to bed this time. My phone is connected to RPnation so Ill text if I randomly wake up or if it takes me awhile to sleep or w.e. but I will stop posting some point soon. Adri if I dont finish gong upstairs and packing just say that I went upstairs with you,by mistake dropped some Poppy flower on me and just crashed on my bed (Poppy flowers make someone fall asleep, like the white flowers from Wizard of Oz))
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Jack gazed at himself in the mirror, he rose his fingers, tapping against his swollen eye. He gazed down for a moment before walking down the hallway. He drifted his hand along Simon's back, him whining in response. He walked quietly in once he found the dorm and sat down on his bed, he set his things beneath his bed frame, turning so his back was facing everything else, his chest facing the wall.
Jake grins at the comment. "thanks, but this whole place's beauty, is nothing compared to my view." jake is looking at Iris."And if you need anything, like say a kidney, you come find me."
Iris trys not to tear up. Well if I cant have a 'true love' with a whole marriage then I sure as heck can play around with Jake. He is just so NICE and... well, Iris, ssshhh! You dont know if one of these descendants can read minds! You never know! "Thank you Jake" Hugs him again for a larger period of time and actually stays still for once. Finally moves and looks at Jake happily. "Jake, you and Adri have made my day. I know I keep saying it but seriously" Put a hand on his chest "Thank You." Iris grabs her bag and starts heading upstairs, she turns around and sends Jake a kiss in the wind and goes up the stairs.
"alright men, now are we ready to go on a mystical adventure?, if yes follow me, if not then have a great day," jake starts to go towards the boys dorms.
Adriana laughed as the three danced around. Flowers weren't a big thing in her eyes, but Iris' happiness fueled her own. "Yes I know what are room is!"she said, out of breath but still giggling. She grabbed hold of Iris' luggage and pulled it, and Iris, inside. "See you, Jake,"she called.


The two made it upstairs and Adriana dug into her pocket to pull out the dorm key. She unlocked the door and practically tossed Iris inside. When she closed the door behind her, Adriana jumped onto one of the beds and bounced. "We made it! We made it!"she sang. When she couldn't breath anymore, she bounced into a sitting position. Adriana yawned, feeling suddenly tired. Her spurt of adrenaline was gone. She hadn't slept last night, too excited for today. She laid back, falling asleep.

[[ I'm signing off as well ]]
Jake leads the men to the boys dorm, "here you lads go." Jake goes up o his room and falls on his bed and passes out. (yeah i think im heading to bed as well, but I will try and get up, and post k, night guys, this is the best. Night all.)
Heyy! Sorry ive been busy like. Doing fireworks and stuff. Ill post tommorrow, unless, peopel wNt me to stay and RP, 1x1 action))
Damian sighed as the group of people left. He shook his head and stood back up for the 5th time. The son of Hypnos made his way to his dorm 'My roomie will show up sooner or later.' He thought. He opened the door to his dorm and spotted Jack. He walked over to him and noticed he was sniffling. "Hey, are you okay?" he asked softly.
Jackson was tugged out of his thoughts and stared wide eyed at the wall. He made a low sigh before turning over to face his roommate. "Yeah. I'm fine. Sorry about that, I got lost." He said with a crooked smile. His light eyes were rimmed with red and one of them was blackened and slightly swollen.

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