Godling Academy (Actual RP)

"Well, do you have a dorm partner yet?" Iris looks at her hopeful and then looks down at her flower and back up.
Damian smiled "Eris, nice." He turned and sat down in a chair. "I don't know where the girls dorms are but I do know where the guys are."

(Sorry that is so short ))
"Uh, I should have my schedule and stuff in my pocket,"she muttered as she dug into her jeans' pocket. She pulled out two sheets of paper that were folded onto each other. "The girls' dorm could be on the opposite side of the boys',"she commented as she unfolded the papers and skimmed through the sheets. "Oh!"she gasped, looking up at Iris with a grin,"Guess what."
Iris remembers that she put extra vases in her bag and started scavenging to find a vase. She found a small one but it would do at the moment. She put the plant inside the vase while listening to Adriana talk. When she finished with the plant she took off all the dirt from her shirt and then looked up at Adriana when she asked 'guess what' and felt the answer in her mind and smiled. "We're dorm partners! Woohoo! It was totally meant for you to make me eat the floor!" Picks up bookbag and plant once again. "Time to head to the dorms? I totally call the bed closest to the window!"
((Hum. I think I'm going to head off for the night. I have to wait for Sock anyways.))
[[ Aww, alright. Goodnight :3 ]]

"I wonder what else The Fates have in store for us,"she replied as she put one of the papers back in her pocket, keeping the one with her dorm information out. "I'll race you there,"she said, her heart already beating with excitement,"I hope your quick enough carrying all that stuff."
"But, but I don't even know where it is!!! Plus to be able to remember where to go I need to walk slow and try to remember whats around me. My spatial abilities SUCK."
"Uh, fine,"she groaned, childishly pouting,"You'll probably drop your plant again, anyway. I'll lead the way." Loudly, she said,"Onward!" pointing forward in the direction she believed to be their destination. She bumped and shoved a few students to make a path big enough for Iris and her luggage, receiving a few annoyed looks.
(sorry out at a 4th of july party) Jack walks into the dorm. "why must this place be so hard to navigate." Jack sees a group of people standing around talking, and walks over to them. "hey wait up, can you two help a fellow student out. I'm looking for dormitory A. do you know where that is?"
"Yes ma'am!" Iris pretended to be a soldier giving her a salute. Iris giggled at Adriana and waved goodbye to Damian. "It was nice meeting you!" She walked quickly and almost tripped again but caught up to Adriana. Behind Adriana Iris was trying not to laugh at the annoyed faces being given to Adriana. Oh Eris's descendant! This is going to be interesting xD She probably has no clue! After Adriana and Iris made it outside Iris made her bag easier to carry. "Thank you so much for making room for me on the way out." Iris was looking around following Adriana. "Oh wow look at that beautiful tree! And those narcissistic flowers!" 
((We were all at the Open house meeting, we are on the way to the girls dorms))

Iris hears someone talking to them and looks to see a boy coming up to them. "Oh! Hello! I have no idea what so ever how to navigate this place but what I do know is that the boys dorms are the total opposite direction compared to the girls and Adriana" waves a hand at Adriana "and I are going to the girls dorms now. Were you at the open house meeting where Athena walked in? You have to first find a dorm partner in the main hall."
"I gotta look out for my dorm buddy,"she replied, turning her head to smile at Iris. Adriana had finally made it out of the sea of students and outside, with Iris on her heels, when someone approached them. It was a guy, and he asked if they knew where the dormitories were. But he was a boy, which meant they were going opposite ways.

She let Iris explain for them before giving her own comments. "Unless you're secretly a girl,"she said, taking a step towards him. Adriana pulled gently at his shirt collar,"You got some small boobs under there?"

Jack is able to find his room without any help, and starts to unpack his stuff, he looks out the window and sees two good looking women strolling around campus, so he decides to go and talk to the two ladies. "ladies, hows it going today, I see you still have your stuff, you need someone to carry that heavy bags for you." 
Jack is able to find his room without any help, and starts to unpack his stuff, he looks out the window and sees two good looking women strolling around campus, so he decides to go and talk to the two ladies. "ladies, hows it going today, I see you still have your stuff, you need someone to carry that heavy bags for you." 
Jack steps back. " I'm sorry ladies, but this is all 100% man from head to toe. I wouldn't say I know how to navigate, but I saw you two ladies, and thought to myself, "damn they are good looking, Ill ask if they need to help." so here I am. what can I say, you too look nice. so do you want me to take those bags or not." Jack puts out his hand
"Oh my goddess that would be MUCH appreciated!" Takes off bag and hands it to him. "Wow that bag was getting heavy. I love gentlemen. I really do. Don't you Adriana? Anyways, we are looking for the girl dorms. Are you completely lost or do you have a clue of where those would be?"
Jack takes the bag, and being a strongman handles them with some ease, but has a few trouble. " WOW, what do you have in here, a dead body. And I figure they are going to want to keep the women and men on opposite sides of the campus, so I think your going to the northern half of the campus." Jack starts heading to the girls dorm. "so I never got your name's, Im Jack descendent of poseidon."
Whispers to Adriana. "Probably an affair between Poseidon and Aphrodite. You know that girl gets around." Out loud for Jack can hear. "Poseidon huh? Sexy." Winks at him. "Thank you so much for helping once again. Very VERY appreciated to have a big strong man like you to help us out. Especially to lead us the right direction since it looks Adriana was leading me the wrong way" Smirks at Adriana.
"Well, aren't you the ladies' man,"Adriana said, grinning. She turned to Iris and nodded in agreement,"He sure is a gentleman, helping us damsels in distress." She giggled at her own joke.

She made a sound of agreement in reply to Iris, but said aloud,"I woulda guessed you were a descendant of Aphrodite or Adonis, callin' us good looking." She continued,"But I'm Adriana - like Iris over here called me - descendant of Eris."

When Iris commented on Adriana's directing skills, she gasped. "Hey! Don't talk as if you knew the way,"she said, playfully shoving Iris.

EDIT (so many edits, poor Adri's all over the place D;) 
[[ Gonna eat dinner, so just imagine Adri following along. Probably humming a song to herself or something, lol ]]
((Im literally waiting a couple seconds waiting for you edit Adri so I can write xD ))

Iris puts her hands up with the plant. "Oh I didnt know the way AT ALL hence why I asked you and you said you knew the way. Liar liar pants on fire." Points to butt playfully with the hand not holding the plant while following Jack. "So Jack, do you have a dorm partner yet?" Iris tries to make easy conversations
Jack grins at the wink. "ladies, I give my word, I'm a descendent of poseidon. But I know when their are some lovely ladies around, and my father taught me to act like gentleman. Adriana you will get the directions, trust me you will. We should be starting to see the the girls dorms." 
"nope, I just went to my room, and put my stuff down on a bed.Then noticed you two and here I am, and If that makes me a lier then I guess I should go to jail. Hows about you, you got a drom partner?"
(Blah, I was at a party xD Oh, theres a Jack. WELL THATS GONNA GET CONFUSING)

Jackson walked in quietly, yawning slightly to himself. He blinked as his hair fell in his face and made a light smile. " 'ello everyone!" Jackie said with a light grin, his Scottish accent just adding to his overall adorableness. He eyed around for a moment, his blue eyes taking everything in. "Where are the dorms?" He asked with a slight smile. "Oh! Right, I'm Jackson. Or Jack...or Jackie." He gazed at the ground for a moment before blinking back to reality, he was like living on coffee, he had trouble sleeping the night prior.
Jack puts the bag down, and puts out his hand for a handshake. "Names Jack, friends call me fish. I can take you to the boys dorm, after I take these lovely ladies to girls dorm, but first mind if I ask if you have a dorm partner?"
Tiara looks at the new guy. "Why hello! My name is Iris, descendant of Persephone. May I ask who you descended from? Or are here for which God or Goddess?" Iris moves the plant around again to her other arm and puts out hand to shake Jackies hand too.

((Yeah it well get confusing... I think its best to stick with Jack and Jackie/Jackson unless one of you want to change your names but I think we can all handle. Or maybe add colors to your fonts?))

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