Godling Academy (Actual RP)

((Are you guys okay with keeping this (()) thing limited or putting it on the sign up sheet so we literally just have the RPing going on here? Also Socks, Damian was looking for you earlier in the main hall where we had the open house meeting in the beginning so if you mention you are looking for a Damian I can just point you to the right direction))
"Oh, I'm descended from Hades." He grinned slightly before eying around. "Have you seen Damian?" He asked lightly, before turning his head to eye Jack. "Oh, sorry, I have a roomie." He smiled and looked around with a hum.
"hey thats alright man I haven't really meet a bunch of people, but I can tell you that the boys dorm is the exact other way then we are going." Jack points down a path. " down that way you will see the boys dorms, you can't miss it."

Iris perks up. "Damian? I know Damian! I totally ran into him! Literally! He says he was waiting for his dorm partner in the main hall where the Open House meeting was? Where Athena made a hug and awesome speech? I just came from it. You pass the narcissistic flowers, turn right on the big tree, and youll see the huge doors. Cant miss it! Also, its nice to meet you =) I was told by Persephone to get to know all the Hades well because I have to spend 6 months a year with you in the Underworld so" Takes out hand for Jackie to shake "Nice to meet you, you dont seem to be mean so I am glad about that!"
"Haha..well, you haven't seen me angry." Jack added a wink, he shook her hand before sighing and sitting down. "I'll go find Damian later." He tilted his head back with a yawn, closing his eyes, his arms crossing over his chest.
(act like you have no clue where to go, I can help you join in. if you want)

"so I didn't notice you a descendent of persephone, are you?"
((How about you come in with a map trying to find the girls dorm?))

Iris gives Jackie a little look and makes sure he knows she is watching him playfully. "Well for the warning. If you do become Hades and I become Persephone dont just make a big hole for me to fall in, just ask me to come please because that is just so not cool and-" Looks at Jackie closing his eyes "are... are you okay? I have some powder from a Lisianthus powder in my bookbag which will make you more alert and outgoing if you want? Im sure Damian would like it to, following Hypnos footsteps and all."
Adriana came back to reality, blinking a few times. She wasn't thinking about much really, just humming a tune to herself. She noticed a newcomer in their small group and everyone seemed to already be acquainted. "Who's this?"she asked aloud, cutting into the conversation, as she pointed towards the boy with the blue eyes.
Iris looks a Jack. "Me? Oh yes, Descendant of Persephone!" Holds up the flower. Pomegranate. I'm sure you know the story of the "Queen of the Dead." 
Iris looks at Adriana in awe. I wish I can just go into my head like that. Wow. Moves hands in front of Adrianas face to make sure she is still here. "Adriana, descendant of Eris, in other words a little coocoo. Adri this is Jack, descendant of Hades and if he gets picked my 'future husband.'"
Jackie opens his eyes "Huh? What? Oh. Yeah, I'm tired." He said with a yawn. He pulled his knees to his chest, yawning loudly before closing his eyes. "If you become Persephone, and I become Hades does that mean I have to marry you?" He said in a half-awake tone.
"the story of how hades made a deal with persephone, took her down to the underworld, then kept her there for eternity, by tricking her into a deal. I think I understand what happened there. She got the short end of the stick. Anyways the girls dorm is just down this way, I think."
Adriana stuck her tongue out at Iris. But she raised her eyebrows at the fact that if Iris and the newcomer, Jack, were chosen, they were a couple. "Jeez, first day and you're engaged?"she said,"Be sure to make me your maid of honor."

She put her hands on her hips when Jack questioned the marriage. "How could you have doubts about being Iris' hubby?" But when Jack told of how Persephone and Hades married in the first place, she scratched her head,"Well, that does complicate things..."
Iris keeps following Jack "Well we don't exactly get married but its something close to it though. I asked Persephone and she said that its more like a mutual arrangement unless the two WANT to get married. The underworld needs a Queen so marriage is the first choice but if not then they must deal with each other and must know that the other Gods/Goddesses will say that we are married. Persephone, the one I talked to, says she and Hades did get married but the one before her did not, it just depends. For some people like Hera and Zeus and Aphrodite with Hephaestus they have no choice and have to get married. Didn't Hades specially go see you and give you answers to whatever questions you wanted?"
dakup said:
(act like you have no clue where to go, I can help you join in. if you want)
"so I didn't notice you a descendent of persephone, are you?"
okay Thank.you!!
Giggles at Adri. "Yeah, but you're forgetting that we are gods. Or will be gods. And they have sex with all their siblings'. It is complicated but that is why we are here to learn! Also Jack I would like to mention that it's normally Hades that falls in love with Persephone first" Iris smirks "Hey Adri did you know you had a planet named after Eris? Isnt that cool?"
Jack hesitated "Nope." He said flatly. "And, I'm gay." He said, snorting slightly. "Now, if you happened to be a boy, that would change things." He patted Iris's head, yawning loudly. "Anyone have any coffee?" He rubbed his eyes and sighed softly, eying around.
(I'm really confused, why dont I change my name to jake, make it a whole heck of a lot easier.)

"And don't forget about poseidon and Amphitrite. But yeah whats with the whole married deal?"
[[ Iwas gonna start using last name initials... ]]

Adriana puckered her lips as Jack E. announced his sexuality. "That even complicates things further,"she muttered. But she then shrugged,"Well, maybe there's a guy Persephone. I heard some of the gods were just picking names out of a hat, whoever matched their personality the most." She nudged Jack E. with her elbow,"So you might get lucky."

She grinned at Iris as she mentioned the planet Eris. "I know, awesome right?"she replied,"Maybe when I graduate, I could fly up there with my new goddess powers." She struck a strongman pose.
"Well, at least that answers my question if I am ever going to find true love. NEVER! Dont take any offense to this but I WOULD get a gay lover that isnt a lover. Sorry Jack but I doubt youll care but I am so cheating on you." Moves closer to other Jake "Sup." Turns around to Jackie "Now I totally get the Jackie thing! Btw I have NOTHING against gay people it was just the whole 'you find true love with Hades or you dont' deal that Persephone told me that through me off. Kinda totally not okay. Well hopefully Aphrodite will be bi because I think im going to need some girl lovin'" Looks at Jake again "From the books that I have read and from the list of questions I gave to Persephone she says it just comes with the package and if we screw it up then the world dies in some way or form, for example, if I am not in the Underworld of 6 months then souls will not move on leading to the Underworld and the planet itself having a lot of souls running around loose. If I dont spend 6 months up here with my mother, Demeter- I should probably go find her later- then there is no spring or summer leading to another Ice Age, which was totally Hades's fault."
"I bet any second now, Zeus is gonna be shooting lightning bolts at our asses,"Adriana said, more so to herself.
Kitty began walking throught the courtyard. She had no idea where she was going. Kitty took out two folded up peices of paper. She begN walking not knwoing where she was going. She stops at a tree shaking her head in fustrastion.
Iris from the corner of her eye sees a flower starting to die from her bad mood. "Oh no no no no no no!" Runs to the flower, blows on it, and starts speaking to it kindly and stroking it. "Its okay honey, I am so sorry, you can grow you can grow I will be fine." The flower opens up and looks a lot healthier "There you go darling, its all okay. Ill be fine." Walks back to group "Sorry." Sees Adri doing a 'strongman pose' and pokes her. "Mission complete." 
Iris hears the flowers on the other side calling her. "Im coming Im coming darlings!" Looks at group "Sorry guys, this happens a lot when I am not moving around." Runs to flowers. Flowers speak to Iris saying that there is a girl lost next to the giant tree/ Emma. "Oh! Why thank you beautys!" Yells to group "Ill be right back!" Runs down to the giant tree/Emma and sees a girl stopped on front of Emma. "Well, hi. I was told that you are lost? The names Iris, descendant of Persephone."
When Iris ran away to speak to some plants, twice, she looked at Jack E. and Jake. She shrugged her shoulders,"Chick likes plants. I just hope she doesn't turn our dorm into some jungle." She paused, placing her finger on her cheek in thought,"Actually, that might not be so bad. Maybe we can sneak some monkeys in. Ooh, or a big fluffy tiger."

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