Godling Academy (Actual RP)

"I'm going to have to fallow her, cause I still have her bags and stuff." Jake fallows Iris, still carrying her luggage. "Iris, IRIS." Jake sees Iris talking with someone. walks up to iris and the young girl."Hello there names Jake, descendent of poseidon, are you lost? cause you would go and set your dorm up first, and I'm leading Iris and Adriana to the girls dorm."

Jack stared at them, a dark look casting over his face. Suddenly the shadows in the room grew darker and larger, as if the lights were turning off. Jackson hissed a low "I asked where the coffee was." It didn't even sound remotely close to Jackies usual, cheerful tone, more deep and low. Some may consider his situation multiple personality disorder, but then again, he was Hades descendant it was remarkable that he wasn't like that all the time.
"Omg thank you Jake I totally forgot about my bag! Ive just been carrying this pomegranate this whole time." Looks down at plant. "Seems like this girl is headed for the lady dorms too. I think everyone is just completely lost today!" Walks back with Jake and gives a signal to Kitty to follow "Come on! You get to meet the lost boys/girls!"

((I have class tomorrow and have to wake up at 9:30am so if you guys dont mind I plan on leaving soon okay? I say we continue with the dorm thing and looking around until this sunday and then monday we start classes. Sounds good with everyone?"
"yeah come on join us, were heading in the direction you want to be, so fallow us. You need me to take anything, I can try and find some room to take any baggage you got."
Adriana was now left with Jack E. But with Jake's departure, the atmosphere grew darker. Even though it was a sunny day, it quickly grew darker. The sun was still out, but it was if a film was preventing it from shining. Adriana tilted her head in curiosity before looking back at Jack E. He seemed tired before but now his voice was booming, though not loud.

"Coffee?"she questioned. Adriana approached Jack E. "I. Don't. Know." With the 'know,' she tapped his nose. "Maybe you should look for the cafeteria."

[[ Sock: Looking at your sig, Adri is now reminding me of Pinkie Pie. And now Jack's all serious. Is...Is he going to eat her? ._.

jj9095: Sure. I've got things I need to get done anyway. ]]
"What the hell why in the world did it get so dark all of the sudden now where the hell is this dorm room?" Rae walked around with his faithful and totally hot butler following him carrying his luggage he saw an evil looked boy standing around "Hmm that must be Hades he's kinda cute actually" Rae walks over to the boy "Excuse me can you tell me where the men's dormitories are please" he said with a charming smile
Kitty looks up at the girl " hiya! Im kitty but you can call Kay kitt or whatever! I am mortal, uh poisden chose me, i wish i had powers." She sighs the looks up at the guy who just came over here. " Haii im kitty. " she puts down her bags, Nd. Holds out her hand.
Jackson gazed over at the boy with calculating eyes. "Do I look like I know?" He spat, glaring at the boy before tugging his luggage out after the two. He made a single snap of his fingers and a large black German Shepherd molded from the shadows. Jack slid his hand over the dogs head without even taking the chance to look at it.
"did I hear you correct your a descendent of poseidon, I am as well." jake puts down one of the bags and shakes her hand." I'm jake, friends call me fish."
"I guess people are grumpy without their morning coffee,"Adriana said to herself, crossing her arms. She looked at the newcomer,"You don't wanna mess with him. He's all moody."
"Jesus Christ I swear to god people like him make me so angry ugh I just wanna snap his neck: Rae went into a fury of cussing and yelling and basically throwing a temper tantrum
Iris walks back to Adri and Hades. She sees the black German Shepherd and automatically falls in love. "HI BABY BOY! You're the cutest thing ever! Yes you are!" Puts on puppy voice "Yes you are!" Plays with his ears. "Let me guess Jack, his name is Cerberus?" Looks back at the dog "Are you going to make sure the souls don't get out? Yes you are. Yes you are!"
Jackson watched Rae with a neutral face. He slid around the rather immature boy, sliding his hand down his dogs neck, the shadows slowly beginning to fade darker. Jack rolled his neck and sighed lowly, he pursed his lips and flicked a glare that only a son of Hades could accomplish to Rae. "I suggest you shut up before I cast you down to the underworld and have you mauled by Cerberus." He kept a calm tone through his sentence and turned, ignoring Adriana's words. He stared at Iris, the dog, like his master fed off of anger. He snarled lowly and snapped his teeth at her hand. "No, his name isn't. Its Simon." He flicked his gaze over in the direction of the boys cabins and huffed lowly.
Adriana couldn't help but grin as the newcomer became enraged. If only he and Jack E. just got into a fight, that would be perfect. First day on campus and she witnesses strife. But at least now she knew what made this guy tick.

"You shouldn't stress out. You don't want wrinkles on that pretty, little face of your's,"Adriana said. Hey, this guy was pretty cute, you had to admit it.

She looked back at Jack E. "Don't be so mean,"she teased,"You don't wanna be titled as a jerk."

'You gotta fuel the fire,'Eris had informed her. All she needed to do was throw in a apple...
"And I suggest you shut your rat trap face before I mess up that pretty face of yours" He snapped back at Jackson Rae turned to face Adriana "Oh don't worry I won't not as long as your around" He said with a charming smile
"anyway shall we continue, were not that far from the girl dorm, then I can take you guys to the mens dorms." 
"anyway shall we continue, were not that far from the girl dorm, then I can take you guys to the mens dorms."
Iris stops playing with the dog and hears the conversation. "Uuuhh. Guys. I wouldn't mess around with a son of Hades..." Sees Rae. "Hello there, I am Iris, descendant of Persephone." Looks around for Jake. "Adri do you know where Jake is? Or Kat for that matter? They were RIGHT behind me... I think."
"Iris, dear. If your going to be my 'partner', then you better practice. Now, go move your worthless ass and fetch me some coffee, yes?"
Rae immediately notices Irirs "Why hello there I'm Rae chosen by Aphrodite to be her successor it's wonderful to meet you" He kisses her hand "This dude may be cute but i'll whop his ass anyday of the week love conquers all afterall"
"Oh stop, you're gonna make me blush,"she giggled, waving a hand at the boy.

Adriana didn't comment when Jack E.'s dog snapped at Iris' hand nor when Jack snapped at her. She didn't even hear Iris questioning her about where Jake went. Her attention was focused on the conflict between Rae and Jack. She could see that this was her goddess at work. This was just a game in Adriana's eyes, even though she was getting the fun out of it.

Unfortunately, Iris was capable of grabbing the boy, Rae's, attention. "Oh poo,"she muttered, crossing her arms like a child.
jake drops the bags." listen buddy, you talk to her like that again, and I will show you a new meaning of all helll breaking loose. Thats not how you treat a women."
(You guys know the minute Jack gets his coffee he wont be a douche anymore, right? xD )

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