Godling Academy (Actual RP)

Damian awoke and blinked his drowsy eyes "Ugh. Why does it feel like a train hit me." He said and rubbed his temples. He swung his feet off the bed and yawned he slipped on his shoes and sat there. Damian looked up and saw Jackie away "You awake Jackie?"
Jack spoke in a muffled tone "I wish I wasn't." He grunted and stretched out across his bed, causing Simon to fall off and growl at Jack. Jack just snorted and rolled over, now facing Damian.
Damian smiled softly and stood up and walked over to Jackie "Are you hungry?" He asked. He looked down into Jackie's eyes and gave him a lopsided grin "Now you are awake. Want to help me find the Cafe, I'm starving." he laughed.
Jack gazed up at Damian and stuck out his bottom lip. "I don't wanna get up." He rose his arms "Carry me?" He grinned stupidly, he wasn't very big, he was only 5'7. He yawned and flailed his arms slightly, seeing what Damian's reaction would be.
"I'm hungry now class can wait I'm going to get something to eat" Rae went to the campus cafe Le Pompeour Amour
Damian laughed at Jackie's childish behavior "You're luck you're cute." he blurted and then blushed at his out burst. He picked up Jackie and stood him up with ease.
Jack blushed and laughed slightly, curling his arms around Damian's neck for support, muttering a rather shy "Your not too bad lookin' yourself."
Damian blushed and looked away trying to hide the blush. "Thank you." He said softly and turned to Jack and smiled a goofy smile "Do you want me to carry you all the way to the cafe?" he teased. He noticed that up close that Jackie was adorable from the way his hair fell in his face and how he bit his lip when nervous.
Jack laughed slightly, "Duh." He bit his lower lip and poked Damian's nose. He eyed Damian's lip piercings and rose his hand, brushing his finger over them with a gentle hum.
Damian smiled and laughed as Jack ran his finger over his piercings. He started out the door to the dorm and made his way to the cafe Jack in his arms. He wondered what it looked like to others as he walked through court yard and into the cafe.
Rae was casually sipping on tea when he noticed a boy walking in with another boy in his arms "hmm seems we have other boys who like boys this is good very good he thought" Rae went over to introduce himself "Hi I'm Rae and you are?" he asked while pulling out a rose and handing it to the two boys
Damian noticed as another boy walked up to him. He watched as he made a rose appear "Aphrodite, I presume?" he said with a drowsy look. He hefted up Jackie so he wouldn't drop him. He was awfully light.
"Why of course and you must be hypnos and you a......" Rae's eye's grew wider as he noticed Jack in Damian's are he sneered "ugh Jack why are you here?"
jake notice the two boys walking in each others arms and the other boy talking to each other. He walks over to them. "hey, I guess we weren't properly introduced. Names jake, descendent of poseidon."
Damian blinked "You know my roomie?" he said and looked down at Jack. The descendant of Hypnos eyes narrowed "You aren't the one who gave him the black eye are you?" he growled softly. Damian considered Jackie his friend, he wasn't to kind to people who hurt his friends.
((I come back in two hours and there is 5 new pages, I'm glad you guys are enjoying this RP =) ))

Iris wakes up and stretches. She looks around to see Adri still sleeping and noticed her bag is open and her poppy flower powder is on the floor and on her clothes. Oh no wonder I just knocked out randomly. My sleeping powder opened. Iris trys to get up slowly and goes to the bathroom to shower and change clothes. She gets out in under 10 minutes with her new clothes on and sees Adri is still sleeping. Iris decides to go outside to talk to the plants and see if there is any gardens around the girls dorm. Iris goes outside and finds Jasmine flowers. She grabbed one and tucked it behind her ear like she normally does every morning. "Hm... Now where would a garden be around here... I wonder if this school has a map? Like thats going to help me. My spatial abilities suck." Iris shrugged and just started walking around and waving to whoever she passes by.
jake notices Jackie. "not you again. And god I wish I could have been the one to give him the black eye, He deserved it."
((Sock is gone, and Dammy is kinda just standing there with Jack in his arms x3))
"Tuh" Rae scoffs " I wish it was me but being the future god of love that I am I gave him his coffee and a hug I mean look at him he's cute right?"
jake decides to leave the group and starts to walk around the campus, he sees Iris walking around. "Iris, hey where you going."
Damian sits Jackie down at a book noticing the boy had fell asleep. He smiled softly and turned back to Rae "He can't control it." He defended, "Hes quite sweet if you get to know him"
"Oh I'm sure he is I can see the good in everybody including the future Hade's but when he get's like that he's not nice at all if I had my powers I could've handled him a bit more delicately" Rae has a serious tone in his voice rather than the usual sultry one "Damian you be careful with him I wouldn't want you to get hurt beautiful" Rae winks and gives another rose to Damian
Damian sighed "I spent most of last night talking to him. He's not going to hurt me." he said. Damian noted the change of tone in Rae's voice and suddenly figured he should listen to him. "You're a flirt,I expect no less from the future Aphrodite." he said and took the rose "I prefer lotuses though."

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