Godling Academy (Actual RP)

Iris giggles at Sable. "Yeah, I guess it does. But no worries you only have to deal with me for 6 months every year and trust me, I am a lot better then the Hades that I have met. I wish you luck in finding a dorm patner! Actually, now that I think about it, Kitty doesnt have a dorm partner yet! You should go ask her! Im not exactly sure where she is though right now, sorry. Bye guys!" Iris waves goodbye at them while Jake keeps walking next to her. Iris hears Jakes question. "Oh I love to swim! I swim for hours around lily pads, cattails, lotus's, and water Iris's! My mother used to love water Iris's, thats where I got my name from" Iris smiles up at Jake and skips for a step.
"well thats great. I was planning on heading out to the lake, do you want to join me."
Iris gets all happy-er. "Oh I would love to! I actually brought my bathing suit in the huge bag you carried for me yesterday" Iris looks up at him again grinning "Do you mind showing me the way to the garden first though? Then we can head back and I can grab my bathing suit and we can go swimming!"
"yes, the garden should be right up here." the garden is in sight, but is still a haze."something tells me your going to want to remember the way. So Iris, you were picked by persephone to be her heir."
"Oh honey I suck at directions no matter how many times I try to figure out where I am going. That is why I normally carry a flower with me and like to go up to flowers because they can tell me the way" Iris smiles. "And yes, I was picked by Persephone and Demeter. Persephone told me that her mother was actually searching for a good daughter that loves her mother very much and would take care of the flowers well in the underworld." She puts a small pressure in her hand that is holding his arm.
((I'm going to go nap. Hopefully Sock will be on when I wake up. x3

Cant really do much till Sock gets on.))
((No problem Nico! You know you can try meeting Sable or something. Since Jake and Iris are off by ourselves there can still be other things going on between the other characters at the same time. That is no problem.))
"something wrong. Whats with the squeezing. Poseidon talked his daughter-in-law, my mother about, a man, that loves to swim, and can breathe under water for an amount of time."
((Well you can talk to yourself xD Nico you have more then one character then right? Can you please change one of the font colors of your character?))

Iris looks at Jake again. He really is just nice to look at. "Oh its nothing WRONG its just, hte underworld. Its not like I have ever visited and I was told its nice and I can deal with the souls I just dont know how I am going to handle Jackie if he gets picked to be the Hades with me... He was rather rude and I sure as hell am not getting him coffee every day and I need to be nice to him around the souls. I dont know. Im just worried about that." Iris hears Jakes story of how he got picked. "Oh you dont only get picked for that kind of detail by itself. I have done the research of the main Gods or Goddess's and you must have a strong mind, soul, body to be ablewto handle the tridents power and become Poseidon. Not many are like that."
(SORRY! I fell asleep.)

Jack jolted awake and eyed around for a moment. He sighed to himself and pulled his knees to his chest, muttering to himself about how out of all people he seemed to be the son of Hypnos. He stood and sighed, walking around until he found Damian. "Sorry Dammy." He said lightly. "I told you I wasn't ready to wake up yet." He laughed slightly before eying around. "Soooo, what happened?"
Damian sat up from his spot by a water fountain. "Oh hey Jackie. It's fine, I'm sure it was a bit my fault a bit of magic must of rubbed off on you." He laughed and stood up "So have a nice sleep?" he smiled kindly.
" I guess your right, and hey if you do get picked to be persphonies replacement, you only need to be there for 6 months, then you could be with me." they reach the garden. jake realizes he has no swimshorts. "oh damn, I don't have my swim trunks, i'm going to go change, Im going to leave you alone for a few, but I will come right back, alright." (just so you guys know, im going to be out of town for a few days(a couple of days, like 2 days), I have a plan to cover me, but I have a short time limit till I have to go.) 
(if I can post I will try, but don't hold me to it.alright.)
((No problem! Guys Dakup gave me permission to post for Jake once since he will not be here he told me to just knock him out so hell be in the nursery for a couple days until he gets back))

Iris gets excited "No problem! Ill be here!" Iris spends about an hour going through the whole garden, naming all the flowers, making them bloom more and shine brighter. She talks to almost all of them and doesn't realize how much time has passed until she looks at the flowers shadow and realizes the sun must of moved a lot. Iris turns around. "I wonder where Jake went... I hope hes okay." Iris sends kisses to the plants and they bloom for her some more as a goodbye for the day. "I will see you guys later! I need to go check up on a- a friend." Iris smiles and starts to go back from where her and Jake came from. She got lost twice and had to ask a plant if she has passed here before to find her way. "Oh pooey... This is bad" At some point Iris hears plants yelling at her. She runs to the plants and they tell her that someone was hurt around here. Iris looks around and sees a body. "Oh my goddess!" She gets closer "Jake? Jake!" Iris runs up next to Jake and looks for a heartbeat "Oh thank goodness" Iris goes up to the tree next to him and puts her hand on it for a couple minutes, communicating with it. "Lia, what happened here? He ran into you? I see. Oh goodness he tripped and smacked his head on you running back to see me!" Iris takes her hand off the tree and gets down next to Jake. "Oh Jake I am so sorry! I should of gone sooner to look for you! You said you'd be right back!" Iris starts to cry feeling hurt and gets next to him on the floor. She puts her head on his chest and crys some more. "At least you are still breathing... I should take you to the nurse!" Iris gets up and starts trying to drag Jake across the floor and drops his hands when she realized hes moved like only 2 cm. She breathes hard. "Okay, THATS not goign to work. Just wait here! I will find someone to help me!" Iris runs back. "Help! Help! Someone please! Jake is unconscious! He needs to see a nurse!"
Rae was walking around and found iris "oh hello princess how are you?" He saw Iris in a panic "What's wrong are you okay?"! he rushed over to her
Sable was flying around the campus trying to find this 'Kitty' person when she heard a call for help. She found the source and floated above the spot before landing. She folded her wings behind her and leaned down and touched Jake's forehead "He's fine, just in a coma. I can tell death isn't upon him" she said in a monotone.
Jack laughed slightly and nodded, "Great sleep." He smiled brightly and stretched before sighing "So, whats going on?"
Damian smiled and blinked "Not much, met some of your friends and some Aphrodite told me to be careful around you." he laughed "So same old, same old." he mused.
Jack's face fell. "Oh. What did Rae say?" He asked quietly, placing his hands on top of his head.
Damian sighed and tried to remember "He said that you are dangerous and that someone beautiful like me should be careful. Then he gave me a rose and I declined it saying I like lotuses better." he smirked "I also defended you and said you aren't a bad guy."
Jack made a crooked smile "Oooohhh, Mr.Aphrodite likes youuu" He kept his smirk, but inside his heart felt like it sunk into his stomach. He knew that he couldn't compare to Mr.Perfect. He patted Damian's head and walked over to grab a muffin.
Damian snorted and looked at Jack "I don't like him though. He seems like douche, just saying." Damian smirked when Jack ruffled his hair. He walked over and grabbed a biscuit and leaned on the table and took a bite.

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