Godling Academy (Actual RP)

Jack raised an eyebrow "Ah." He leaned on the table next to Damian, placing his cheek against Dammy's shoulder.
Damian smiled and blushed. He reached up and played with the ends of Jackie's hair 'he is so cute.' Damian thought as his blush deepened.
Jack blushed and closed his eyes, leaning his head into Damian's hand. Oh gods, this is so amazing.
Damian brushed his thumb over Jacks cheek and smiled brightly. He wrapped one arm around Jack's waist and hugged him softly to him.
Jackson laughed slightly and curled his arms around Damian's torso, his fingers brushing along Dammy's side.
Damian had a question on his mind as he wrapped his other arm around Jackie's torso "Um, do you.. possibly want to go out with me." He blurted then looked away with a scarlet blush.
Iris grabbed Raes hands in earnest. "Rae! Oh Rae! I was just in the garden and waiting for Jake and-" Gulps and trys not to cry "Jake! Just. Come!" Starts running to Jake and sees Sable there. "Sable! No! Hes still alive! I promise! I felt his heartbeat!"
Jack rose his gaze, staring at Damian with wide eyes "I--Uh..? Yeah?" God he was way too awkward in these situations.
Damian smiled and looked down at Jackie. "Cause I really like you." he blushed and looked away again. He never was one to express his feelings well.

Sable sighed "That is what I said, still alive but in a coma. Just take him to the nurse and he's should be fine." Sable's powers could tell that Jake was still alive and is no where close to the hands of her mentor.
Tiara breathes out. "I can barely move him. Can I have some help? Rae was right behind me, I think I ran too fast..."
Jack blushed and leaned up, pecking a kiss on Damians cheek "I like you too." He smiled slightly, his cheeks a bright pink.
Sable sighed and picked Jake up with ease "I've got him." she huffed. Normally Sable didn't touch others, mostly cause she can tell when they are going to die from just one touch. She could tell that Jake's time isn't anytime soon. Maybe even never if he gets chosen as Poseidon's successor.

Damian smiled and kissed Jackie's forehead. He heard a commotion outside "What is that?" he wondered and turned his head to the doorway "Want to go check it out?" he asked Jackie.
((They do die and end up in Elysia in the underworld after 100 years. Every 100 hundred years they pick another one, just to give you the 411 xD ))

Iris gets a little upset that she couldnt carry Jake like that but then again, she carrys plants all day, not dead bodys and such. Iris runs behind Sable to the nursery. Iris opens the door for her and Jake. 
((And I meant in THIS RP thing they die every 100 years, obviously thats not true its just for the purpose of this RP))
Jumping in heer somewhere! Oh, MY FREAKING FEELS! )

Kitty woke up with a slight yawn and grunt. She walked over to her bag bending down she put on her bathing suit clothes underneath. walking out she loos around. ' Nothing unusual' she thinks in her mind. Stretching she walks over to the cafe. Grabbing a banana nut muffin and a small coffee with sprinkles and whipped cream. walking out of the cafe she notices a love fest then says " AW you guys are cute together!" she calls to them while walking out the door and into the sunshine.

( don't know what to do next.)
((Kitty, Sable is supposed to be looking for you so you guys can become dorm partners, just go outside and you guys bump into each other or whatever)) 
((Did savagePEST die? I dont think I have seen Adri all day in this RP? I liked her character D=))
Sable carried Jake into the nursery and set him down "He just needs to rest. We should try to find some sort of healer. Maybe even put him in the water?" she said going through the list of things that might help the kid.
RANDOM NURSE, Healing Nymph 1: "Oh dear my! Must I ask what happened to this poor kid?" Take his temperature, checks his pulse. "Please, put him down in this bed over here. It looks like his lights are not going to turn on for a couple days. He hit himself hard! If this one a mortal accident he might be in a coma for ever. Thank goodness descendants heal faster!" 
((Try Witt. You got this. Nico just go along with whatever she does please))
Sable stood up and walked to the door her hands in her pockets "I hope your boyfriend gets better, I hate for him to miss being chosen." she smirked and waved walking out the door. She turned around a corner and bumped into someone (Kitty).
((Or that xD ))

Iris watches Sable leave "Hes not my boyfriend." Whispers to self "I wish..." Shakes her head. Watch, this is just my luck! He is going to wake up with no memory of who I am and is not guna even a tiny bit like me. Ugh! I just know it! Iris walks out upset and climbs a tree. She sits on the tree and crosses her arms. 
((Guys I have to go for awhile. I have been trying to finish homework all day but I keep wanting to RP and I havent done poopoo. Ill get on later today. Just let me sit in the tree upset))
Kitty feels someone bump into her and she falls to the ground, dropping her muffin. " Ouch! Of crap i dropped my muffin! " she angrily screams. she looks up to she a girl. " Oh hey i'm sorry."

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