Godling Academy (Actual RP)

((Witt please dont talk about another RP on this RP. There is other ways of contact Nico like PM. Okay? Also yes Jack is the one that got punched in the face by me lol))

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(So Jackie is getting mad. I guess I have to wake Damian's lazy butt up and calm him x3))
((thankyou)While strolling around campus Rae see's Jack walking and catches up to him "Hey Jack!,(he calls) I just wanted to apologize for the way i've been acting towards you I mean you acted like a real asshole to me and I have never met you before but regardless I hope we can be at least friends" Rae extends his arm to Jack
Damian woke up in his dorm and swung his legs over the side of the bed with a large yawn. He slipped his shoes back on and blinked with droopy eyes. 'I need coffee.' he pondered and walked out the door and made his way to the cafe. He started to make himself a strong pot of coffee and put it in a portable cup. He made his way out the door and spotted Rae and Jackie by the water fountain. He walked over to the two of them and gave them a lopsided grin "Whats up you two?" He said and took a sip of his coffee.
"Well I thought about what you said and I decided to give him another chance I'm trying to apologize but it seems he's spaced out on me." Rae had a rather perplexed look on his face
Jack had a murderous glint in his eye that looked scarily like Hades. The bottom of his right eye twitched at the hold he was attempting on his emotions, the shadows wavering in and out of a near black to their normal. Jack placed his hands ontop of his head and walked off, disappearing into the shadows.
Damian hummed and tapped his fingers on his coffee cup. "Well I don't know then, maybe he's in his own world." he pondered the idea and blinked. He took a sip of his coffee and made a face "Ugh the coffee here sucks. Trust me a Hypnos without coffee is like Jackie when he gets pissed. Not that I have ever seen him pissed." he laughed. Damian stopped laughing when he saw Jackie walk off. He let a frown play upon his face "I hope he's okay"
jj9095 said:
((Witt please dont talk about another RP on this RP. There is other ways of contact Nico like PM. Okay? Also yes Jack is the one that got punched in the face by me lol))
Sent from my LG-P769 using Tapatalk 2
Sorry! Just had to ask. :/ ))
Rae chuckled "I don't understand why you guys drink coffee from there, there's a perfectly good starbucks directly across the lawn from it"
Jack sat by the fountain, his fists balled up. He glared at the ground and slowly let his anger take over him, the shadows all around campus darkening and casting out longer. Jack's fingers fidgeted, a shadow casting over his face. He closed his eyes, his fists clenching and relaxing over and over again.
Damian made a sour face and huffed. "Why did no one tell me that?!" he hissed. He sighed and tossed the cup into the trash "Thank you for the heads up. Now, if you don't mind I need to find a certain heir of Hades." He sighed. He scanned the area "You can help if you don't have anything do to besides stand there." He said and looked around.

Damian spotted the area and noticed in the distance there was a dark cloud. "I think I know where we should look." He said and started off in a quick trot and reached the fountain. "Jackie?" he asked carefully and approached him slowly.
Jack rose his gaze from the ground, his blue eyes darkened to a navy. "Hmm?" Jack stood, the flowers surrounding the fountain that he sat were dead, he was the heir of Hades anyway, He walked over to Damian, his eyebrow raised. "What is it that you want?" He said, a tinge of anger to his tone.
Rae followed closley behind Damian he hadn't received his powers yet and seeing what Jackie was capable decided to keep his distance for now "Are you going to put him to sleep or would you rather I sing?"
Damian back up a shocked look on his face "I-I was just worried about you, you rushed off." he said in a soft voice. He blinked and cast Rae a look that clearly said 'Let me handle this' he waited for a response from Jackie. Daiman's hand was softly glowing with sleep magic.
Jackson gazed calmly down at Damian's hand "I don't think you want to do that, Damian." The shadows around the two grew darker, although Jackies face remained calm his eyes glinted with the dark, ruthless power that him and Hades both possessed.
(I guess you can come find them. Why do I have a urge to let Dammy get hurt? It could get all angsty up in here x3)

Damian sighed and looked like he was about to give up "Why not?" he asked. Damian glared challengingly he watched as the shadows darkened around them. He could almost not see anything except the outlines of their bodies.
"Damn Damian's about to get seriously hurt and I can't do a thing about it,Should I jump in or should I let him handle this" rae thought he knew time was running out
Jack tilted his head "Don't try me." He said calmly, gazing up at Damian through long eyelashes. "You don't want to meet my friends." He said softly, walking two of his fingers up Damian's shoulder.

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