Godling Academy (Actual RP)

(GOGO x3)

Damian woke up and coughed violently and sat up. His head started to spin and he fell back onto his pillow. "What happened?" he said weakly, his voice hoarse. He turned his head and saw Jackie and a wave of dread washed over him 'He, he attacked me. I remember now.'
Rae walked into the room coffee in hand. He was shocked to see damian awake "Oh umm coffee?" he asked with an exasperated smile
Jackson slowly opened his eyes, his vision blurred slightly and he grunted. He blinked as his vision focused and gazed over at a figure in a bed across from him, he made out the features of Damian and tears began to drip from his eyes. "No.." He said in a cracked tone. He sunk into his bed and pulled the blankets over his head, which was aching harshly.
Damian blinked as Rae walked in "Ugh no, I need more sleep." He said and laid his head on the pillow and stared up at the ceiling. "What happened? I don't remember much." he laughed weakly.
Damian blinked and look over at Jack "He got angry again. I should have put him to sleep when I had the chance." he sighed "I know he cant help it though." it was true, Damian wasn't going to hold something against someone when they can't control it.
"If you say so but just make sure he takes professor Eros' class so he can learn to control his emotions *sigh* Iris definitely has her hands full"
Kitty walks. Out side. ' i wonder if he is okay..' she says in back her mind, these days have been to stress ful she needed to get out of here. She turn away from the nurse and she walked down to.the lake.
Jack was now only a small ball beneath blankets, his shoulders rising and falling in a slow, trembling motion. It was moments like this when he hated himself, he hated who he was, he hated what he did. He listened to the words around him and he let a sob slip from his lips, now audible. He felt his lower lip tremble with the restraint he was using to keep himself intact.
Damian stood up and stumbled for a minute before walking slowly over to Jack's bed. He sighed and sat on the edge "I know you aren't asleep. For all it is worth, I forgive you. I know you can't help it and I don't hold it against you."
Jacks head shook in the blankets and in a second, the lump of Jack's body that was there was gone. Jack curled up on his bed, he had traveled himself back to his room. He pulled the blankets over his body, brushing the tears from his face.
Im going down to the lake you guys could come with?)
Damian sighs and makes his way up to his dorm. He was about to confront the emotional heir of Hades. Dammy walked into the dorm and kicked his shoes off. He walked over to Jacks bed and noticed he was crying, he pulled a tissue out of his pocket and kneeled in front of Jackie and wiped his eyes.
Jack closed his eyes, his lower lip still quivering. He made a quivered "I'm sorry."
Damian smiled softly and wrapped his arms around Jack and held him close "Like I said, I forgive you." He smiled and pecked his cheek.
( AW cute(:

She continutes walking doen to the lake. It was surprising. Blue, she shed her cholthes to reveal a blue swim suit. She dives heads first down into the water. Sinking down to the bottom
Jack managed to tug Damian up onto his bed, he nuzzled his head beneath Damian's, sliding his hand down to grip onto Dammy's. He pulled his legs to his chest, closing his eyes.
Damian tightened his arms around Jack's waist and rested his chin on the top of Jackie's head. He smiled softly and closed his eyes as well.

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