Godling Academy (Actual RP)

"Ah yes, I thought I have seen you before. I see that you have found the school well, and you love the water." poseidon makes his way to the shore, he puts out his hand and his trident shoots out of the water. "ah there you are, thought I almost forgot you."
"Adri... Let me tell you about plants. Plants survive by their roots being in soil with a little bit of water and sun. A garden is the best place for them to be. Not to mention they love to be around other flower. If you take out a flower from their roots without soil then you kill them..." Iris takes a step towards Adriana with a sad face hoping she will understand. "The pomegranate that I have and was carrying yesterday had its soil and roots. When the vase broke you saw me pick up all the dirt that I can and was in a hurry to put it in a vase again." Iris stops talking and looks at Adriana waiting for any kind of response. "Thank you for trying but Adri you pretty much killed flowers and gave it to a person that knows every possible way to take care of them... But if you would like to make it up and learn how to tke care of flowers I am willing to teach you." Iris smiles and shakes her box of seeds.

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She laughs then walks out of the water. " Why did you "chose" me? " she asks him.
"Hi mr.poseidon sir umm my name is r-r-rae" Rae had trouble getting the words outas it was his first time meeting a god "I am Aphrodite's successor"
"choose? I have narrowed my choice down to two, you and jake, you both have showed, not only you are strong soul wise but mind and body. You have proven this, I don't know what one to pick. Over the course of this year, I will pick, not only from the decisions you make, but your combat abilities." s.
"No, no, no!"Adriana cried childishly,"The gift was meant for you and you just throw it away! It's like...It's like I buy you something and you take the receipt and bring it back to the store." She stomped past Iris, giving her a hurt, yet angry, look under her bangs to the girl.
Jack smiled lightly and closed his eyes. He flushed as he felt Damian peck the corner of his lips and moved his head, pressing his lips lightly on Damian's. He curled his arms loosely around Damian's neck, his eyes opening for a moment before fluttering closed.
Damian smiled softly as Jack let a smile play upon his face. He blinked as Jack's arms swerved around his scared neck. He wrapped his arms around Jack's waist in return smiling wider. Dammy blushed as Jack put his lips to his own and took the chance and kissed Jack softly.
Jack rose a hand to tangle his fingers in Damian's black locks. He shivered slightly as he felt the cold silver of Damian's piercings press against his bottom lip. He smiled slightly and parted lightly from the kiss to press his nose against Damian's, opening his eyes to gaze at Damian, a light smile tugging on the corners of his lips.
Damian purred softly as Jack's hand tangled in his black locks and closed his eyes slowly. He tightened his grip on Jack when he shivered. He smiled when Jack pulled away and looked into his eyes a smile matching Jacks upon his lips.
(so guys to help with the confusion of the whole god chosen. the gods can only pick one so I think, if you all are alright with this I might change my god to zeus, this is a question, if it is then just tell me. I can make up some bull with jake knocked out and zeus talked to him, again thats if you guys are alright.)

"Aphrodite you say, rae you said was your name? well I can tell you that she has talked up a storm about you. your the one that has made her so gritty. It is a pleasure meeting you, young sir."  
(so guys to help with the confusion of the whole god chosen. the gods can only pick one so I think, if you all are alright with this I might change my god to zeus, this is a question, if it is then just tell me. I can make up some bull with jake knocked out and zeus talked to him, again thats if you guys are alright.)

"Aphrodite you say, rae you said was your name? well I can tell you that she has talked up a storm about you. your the one that has made her so gritty. It is a pleasure meeting you, young sir."
"No no no the pleasure is all mine" He shakes poseidon's hand furiously 
"Did she say anything about the other one she chose?"
(what other one, whos the other one, and whats you thoughts on my god change)
"Lets go see everyone, yeah?" He said, his accent heavy from his previous tears. He slid his hand down and gripped Damian's, kissing his collarbone before standing with a stretch, he yawned and rubbed his eyes, pulling Damian up.
Damian smiled and stood up his hand laced with Jack's "I think they all went down to the lake." He said. He laughed softly as his collarbone was kissed. He started toward the door and looked back "I'll race you there." He smiled childishly.
Jack grinned, "You forget I can shadow travel." And with a wink Jack vanished. (Short post. Sorry xD )
(Its okay. x3)

Damian pouted "But that's cheating." he said and made his way out the door and to the lake. When he saw the lake in the distance he saw three people. "I wonder who that is." He mused.
Iris looks at Adriana in shock. (Thinking in head: When you cant make someone understand just give in) Iris walks away back to dorm and takes another vase out of her bag. She walks by Adriana with the vase saying nothing and not even looking at her. She goes to the garden, puts the plants with their soil in the vase AGAIN nicely and neat, adds a small amount of water and takes it back to the dorm.

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Jack grinned slightly to himself and appeared on Damian's back. He curled his arms around Damian with a light "Mwahaha". He nuzzled his head against Damian's neck, smirking slightly to himself.
Damian jumped slightly at the feeling of a weight on his shoulders. He recognized the voice as Jack's smiled softly. "Geez you scared me." he laughed, Damian started to walk forward to the others and spotted Rea and some other girl (Kitty) he had not met yet.
((Dakup you can switch jake to zeus when you wake up, say that you were shown the truth or something))

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