Godling Academy (Actual RP)

Damian put his hand by his side as he heard the seriousness in Jack's voice. "Who are your friends?" he asked and watched as Jackie trailed two fingers up his arm. He heard Rae's voice "I-It's fine Rae, I've got in under control." He sounded unsure. 'I think.'
A smile slowly crept its way over Jacks face and a boney hand was placed on Jacks shoulder, Jack leaned in, whispering "You know what I said about skeletons.." He purred into Damian's ear, he whispered a breathy "I can raise demons if I wish too..." His voice trailed off and instantly Jack disappeared, but his voice echoed in Damian's head, "I warned you, Damian." Was all he said.
Damian watched as Jack disappeared and gulped as he felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned around him and spun around and saw a skeleton face to face with him. It was smiling twistedly as it moved its hand to his neck and tilted it's head and lifted him off the ground. 'Okay, maybe I don't have this under control.'
Jack added a small "And keep in mind Damian, I'm controlling the skeleton." The boney hand clamped around Damian's neck, a crooked grin spreading wider over his face to the point where a bone snapped.
Kitty walks through the courtyard. She sees a dark shadow. She runs over to it. " What the hell is going on here?" she yells.
Damian made a strangled gasp as he felt the hand grasp tighter. He saw Kitty and a wave of panic washed over him. "Run! It's not safe here. Rae is outside make sure he's okay!' he said. Damian closed his eyes and swallowed air trying to keep from suffocating.
Rae immediately panics and tries to get the bony hand from around dammy's neck "What the hell Jack get off of him is this how you treat your boyfriend" Rae screams fuming with anger"
She looks at the two, " Uh okay?" she runs and fins rae out side. She we really cute. " Hiya" she walks up to him. "They wanted me to check on you." she smiles sweetly at him.
Damian shut his eyes tightly and gasped for air "H-he can't help it." he said weakly. He felt his head spinning from oxygen deprivation. "It's too strong Rae." he said with his lopsided grin.
ArtisticKwittyKat234 said:
She looks at the two, " Uh okay?" she runs and fins rae out side. She we really cute. " Hiya" she walks up to him. "They wanted me to check on you." she smiles sweetly at him.
(I'm sorry, but if you saw a guy being strangled by a skeleton, would you just be like "OH THAT GUYS CUTE!" .__. Its just not really realistic to me. Anyway)

Jackson furrowed his eyebrows for a moment as he began to come back to sanity, he stumbled, resulting in the skeleton to as well. He slumped over and fell unconscious, the skeleton crumbling and sinking back into the ground.
ArtisticKwittyKat234 said:
She looks at the two, " Uh okay?" she runs and fins rae out side. She we really cute. " Hiya" she walks up to him. "They wanted me to check on you." she smiles sweetly at him.
Girl What are you talking about? 
Rae immediately picks Dammy up he turns to the girl that just showed up "Listen make yourself useful and pick that one up we have to take them to the infirmary'
(I'm so mean to my characters, hehe)

Damian felt the skeleton crumble and he fell to the ground and hit his head hard. He let out a pained gasp before passing out. His last thought before slipping into unconsciousness was 'I hope the others are okay'
Jackie was slumped over on the water fountain, his head was against the cement, a small puddle of blood surrounding it, his legs were still up on the fountain and his body was limp.
Sock said:
Rae, she decided that it was a good time to flirt with him. xDDD
Actually to correct you,I was saying it in my mind.
(Well I think most of us are waiting for Kitty to do something. Like maybe help Rae take Dammy and Jackie to the nurse)
Kitty picks up jack " some one hold the door open for me. Please" she takes him over.to.the infirmery
Random Nurse #2 Healing Nymph "Oh my goodness teo more? Lay them down over there." Checks all of their vitals Oh dear oh me oh my this one needs oxygen asap (she hooks Dammian up to an oxygen tank) and this one needs to be bandaged (she wraps jack's head) She turns to the two that brought them there They'll be okay just need a few days of rest and if their decendents then maybe only a few hours

"I'll stay here and watch after them,I feel responsible" Rae was stern and determined about his resolve

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