Godling Academy (Actual RP)

Jack smiled brightly as Damian kissed his forehead. He gazed out and nodded, sliding his hand into Damians,
Sable stood up and brushed herself off and folded her wings behind her. "It's..fine." she gritted out. She wasn't paying attention to where she was going again. "It was my fault." She sighed.
Kitty heard her sigh. " It's okay. It's not your fault. " She looks at her black wings. " OG, there so pretty, i've lways wanted to fly."
Damian smiled and gripped Jackie's hand and spotted Kitty and Sable "Hey, what is going on? I heard yelling." He blinked and looked at the two girls.

Sable looked at Damian and Jack with a blank gaze. "Some dude named Jake ran into a tree and is in a coma." She said in a emotional voice. She looked at Kitty "Thank you. Do you happen to be Kitty?" she asked.

(Sorry my posts are so short, I'm starting to get tired.)
she looks over to the nursery. " What he did? And and sorry yes, I am Kitty, you can call me kat."
"Where the hell did Rae go?" Rae walks around looking for her and he bumps into the little group "Oh hey!"

((When are we going to class we've been out all day))
(( I have to go to sleep. Let me write my characters out for the night.))

Damian leaned down and pecks Jackie's cheek "I'm going to go nap." He said and walked back to the dorms.

Sable sighed and smirks "Good you are my roomie or so the paper says. I'm going to go get settled in. Talk to you later Kat." She said and wandered off.
Kitty watches her walk off. " Oh, Okay! " she calls

( Now what to do.)
((We're starting class Monday as planned. Witt you are taking over Monday with Artemis correct? Youll do each class for like three hours or so? I would like Athena to teach Tuesdays and Thursdays and Artemis teach Mondays and Wednesdays. Unless we get another teacher character well have 4 days of classes (unless you guys want more). Fridays-Sundays can be days off or we can have a day specifically for combat if you guys enjoy that class Tuesday. This first week is Beta testing to see how each person likes everything and we will fix the schedule with your needs and wants)) 
((Oh also guys tomorrow is my anniversary with my BF so I wont be able to RP that much okay? I will do my best. If you have any questions please personally message me (PM) and I will answer as soon as I can))
((oh okay just making ssure...umm are we all in the same timezone because monday could be different for some people I'm in the eastern.....Also if you need another teacher I'll use aphrodite)
Ronkaime said:
((oh okay just making ssure...umm are we all in the same timezone because monday could be different for some people I'm in the eastern.....Also if you need another teacher I'll use aphrodite)
Same! eastern.
((Everyone please look at the sign up sheet when possible. We have two new teachers! Woohoo! You guys get to vote on the classes that they will be teaching to make sure you will enjoy this RP fully =)
Adriana woke up from her long slumber. She pushed herself up into a sitting position as she scratched the back of her head and yawned. "Man, I went out like a light,"she muttered,"Hope you had something to keep you occupied, Iri-" She blinked, noting how quiet it was in the dorm room. Iris was no where to be seen. "Aw, she ditched me,"she pouted before sliding off the bed. "Oh!"her eyes widening with excitement,"Maybe I can make her a present for when she gets back!" Adriana began to dig through Iris' luggage to find a spare vase. She grabbed her dorm key from the room's desk with a free hand and exited the dorm, locking it behind her.


Adriana made it outside, humming to herself. Iris liked flowers, so Adriana would give her flowers. She just needed to find some water... "Ah-ha!"she announced, noting a sign on the nearest building. It told which direction to go for what and one of the arrows read 'Garden.' Adriana quickly made her way in that direction and found herself in a field of flowers, colors-galore. She came to a water pump and filled the vase with water. Once the vase was filled with the wanted amount of liquid, Adriana began to choose the flowers.

She practically ripped the plants by their stalks, taking many of the same plot. She shook them to get the dirt of their roots before sticking them in the vase. Adriana hummed to herself as she worked on the 'present'.

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Iris got down the tree and started walking to her garden. Please, just nobody stop me or talk to me. I just... I cant. Iris's emotions were building quickly and she couldnt control them. She had never felt this before. She didnt even know why she was feeling like this at some point. This cant be all because of Jake can it? I didnt really do anything. It couldnt of been my fault... Iris reaches the garden and walking around with her hands around her in hug formation. She gasped. "WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU?! WHERE ARE THE FLOWERS THAT WERE JUST HERE?!" She tried communicating with the flowers nearby her but they were frightened and the communication was off. Her emotions were off. Iris started crying wondering who would do such a thing to her garden! She ran to the dorm just wanting to hide from the world and plan revenge to whoever messed with her garden. She ran up the stairs in anger and had trouble putting the key in the door because her hands were shaking so much.
[[ Trust me, it's hard to make a character do something mean when they think they're doing something good. Adri's a ditz. ]]

Adriana paused as she heard the sound of screaming. She was on the opposite side of the garden, the vase almost overflowing with flowers, and was nearly finished ; she wanted Iris to have a handful of each plant species. Adriana looked over to see a figure running away. She tilted her head in curiosity before shrugging it off. She looked at the bouquet she held and grinned,"Iris is going to love this."

The descendant of Eris made her way back to the dorm. She made her way up the steps and down the hall, only to find her dorm's door open. Adriana peeked inside, wondering if there was robber in her midst,"'Ello?"
Iris heard Adris voice and curled in her bed. "Not in the mood Adri! I am having a HORRIBLE day! Jake is in the nursery and someone destroyed my garden! I just dont know how this day can get any worse!" Iris pulls her blanket over her head.
"So...Jake got knocked out and your all throwing a big f*cking fit?" Jack said in a rather ticked off tone. He was punched. Hell, he was buried and no one freaked out about it. But, oh big loving Jake gets hurt and the world crumbles down! In his fit of raged thoughts he felt himself loosing it and dug his nails into his thighs, turning and walking off to god knows where.

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