Godling Academy (Actual RP)

Iris sees Jake and walks over to him. "Hi! Im just walking around, destination: garden, if there is one."
"Dully noted I suppose I should leave you two to your date tell jackie I said where cool will ya?...and lunch's on me" Rae left his credit card on the table and left he say iris and Jake talking and walks over to them "Well who is this beautiful young lady and this handsome man" Rae kisses Iris' hand and handed her a pink rose
Iris takes the pink rose and blushes. "Oh a pink rose? I wonder which emotion you meant to make me feel. Happiness, elegance, romance, admiration, sweetness, or thank you... Well it must not be thank you- oh, btw, thank you- I'm guessing not romance unless you are a little desperate" adds on quickly "which is fine! Im just going to go with happiness so" Iris puts a huge smile on her face "Its working! Hi, my name is Iris, descendant of Persephone, if you couldn't tell by my rambling." Iris put the pink rose on front of her lips and giggles
((Is it okay if I make my other character fall out of the sky? xD ))
"Well I am the future god of love My name is Rae and I was chosen by aphrodite to be her successor nice to meet you"
Iris heart starts beating extremely. A MALE APHRODITE OMGODDESS YES! Iris looks at him "So are you making me feel this way, is the rose making me feel this way, or am I just feeling this way by myself? Because I am ATTRACTED." 
((Nico I forgot which one is your character. If you are like Hermes descendant or whatever then sure you can say you were trying to fly with your winged shoes or if you aree Apollos descdendant then you can say you were talking to Apollo and he 'dropped' you off at the school? Something like that))
Sable spread her wings and soared through the sky as a descendant of Thanatos, she was able to fly with black wings. She was so lost in her thoughts that she hit the side of a tree and fell down onto the ground. "Ow, damnit." she looked up holding a hand to her head and saw a group of people. "Um, hi?" 
((My two Characters are Sable- descendant of Thanatos and Damian- Hypnos))
((Oh lol))

"I don't have any powers as of yet princess so it must be you" Rae flipped his hair out of his eye "i'm sorry I never caught your name" Rae turned his head to see Sable "and who's this your wings are absolutely gorgeous Rae pulled out a black rose and handed it to sable "Your wings are way more beautiful than this rose"
"nice to meet you bud, names Jake." jake puts out his hand for a handshake. "friends call me fish, and Iris, I think I saw a garden on the way in, I can take you there. You two can join us if you want."
Sable looked up at Rae and smiled at the rose and stood up. She took the rose and smelled it "It smells of darkness." she grinned. "I'm Sable Byrnes descendant of Thanatos, pleasure to meet you all."
"if your talking to me, I like someone, and I think she likes me back. but theirs no commitment."
((SORRY! I did mean Iris, Tiara is another RP character of mine. I was mixing them up <.< I am a little sleepy x.x Also I did say who I was already to Rae, look back))

Iris looks at the black rose that Rae gave Sable. Ha! A black rose! Demeter and Persephone dont ever even make those! Those are man made meaning death and hatred, mourning and tragic love. Iris has a devilish smile on her face and takes it off to turn to Sable. "Hi! Are you okay! You hit Tin there pretty hard... Tin is the tree btw. His name is Tin. And hes fine no worries!" 
Iris turns to Jake and hears that he thinks he saw a garden. "Really?! Omgoddess!" Jumps up and down happily and puts her arm around his as she would a Warrior. "Pleeaaasseee take me!" Looks up to Jake adorably.
"Hey that's cool man I respect it but if you ever want to have any fun give me a call" rae blew a kiss to jake "Now we were going to the garden?"
Iris hears that Jake likes someone and takes her hand off of his arm slowly. Darn. At this rate I am never getting a guy. One of the best guys seems to be kind of taken! I wonder if hes talking about Adri...
Sable smiled and put the rose in her black hair. "I'm fine, I just need to work on my paying attention when flying." she laughed. "You talk to trees?"
"hey, why are you taking your arms away, I like that." jake thinks to himself "I wonder if Iris knows that I like her, I need to get her alone to ask her, maybe if I ask her to go with me to the lake I can ask her there." "so you want to go to the garden, follow me and I shall take you there."
"Oh Im sorry I thought I introduced myself! Im Iris, descendant of Persephone. I have had the ability to connect to all kinds of plants all of my life." Iris smiles and watches Sable put her rose in her hair. Iris touches her jasmine rose tucked behind her ear and wonders if she is doing that in purpose. She knows that Thanatos is known to be witty and rude secretly. Iris looks at Jake when he spoke to her about removing her arm. "Oh!" Iris blushes. Or maybe he meant he likes me?! No way! Iris dont get your hopes up! Snap out of it! Its been a day! Iris puts her hand around Jakes arm again. "Better?" Iris's face becomes as red as a regular rose and not succeeding in keeping her cool. She starts moving when Jake moves, staying next to him while he takes her to the garden. "You guys can follow if you would like! If not, it was nice meeting you guys!"
Sable shrugged and watched after Iris and Jake. "I guess I should leave you too alone, I need to find my roomie sometime today." she sighed and stretched her wings. "It's nice to meet you Iris, If we get chosen. Does that make you my boss and queen?" she asked.
"that better, so Iris I have a question, can you swim?." Jake starts to move towards the garden. "I asked her, lets hope those two don't follow us there."

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