Glorious Font of Mountain Dew (OOC) [Incarnadine Waters]

Hi, Pete: Go to the prelude: "Both the Quick and the Dead". There's a tag from me writing as Yume in the second post.
Thoguh we're technicaly not sure about the transport situation yet, everyone please feel free to start posting in Prelude Two.

'couse, please feel free to post in both, we'll comipile it all together as best as we can into linear time in the end.
I'm currently sans internet at home, I'll be scarce around these parts till monday or tuesday evening.
I'll just sit back and let you all fight the zombies. After all theres not much I can do myself except for train people and make them better. I'm pretty much useless right now. At least thats how I feel. I've played Exalted before but its always been direct combat characters. With this guy I'm not sure what to even do.
Post how great and fantastically your character exhorts the rest of us to higher and better deeds. Describe how one blood ape gets through and you have to fight him by yourself, narrowly winning, with gashing wounds. The nasty wounds is optional you have a charm that makes anybody short of 4 essence ineffective as long as you have essence to use. With 15(13) attack dice with the blade you can hit anything arrayed against us and destroy it in a single blow (except for the Blood Apes).

My character isn't even as effective as your character unless you uses a lot of essence for Melee Mastery (like 20) yet he can make extra's and ghosts look like nothing.
Welll spoke, Thanos.

Or use the air force of five you comand, cruise over the battlefield, synchronising the five girls to fire their 5 arrows with yours at a single target.
If you can imagine it, your character has a strong likelihood of being able to do it. In fact, the cooler/better you describe what you do the Storyteller might give you a STUNT bonus, which makes your character even better at what they are doing just because its COOL!

If you have seen ANY anime with sword fighting, the movie HERO, Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, House of Flying Daggers. Those people are MORTALS, heroic though they may be. Your character could KICK THEIR ASSES!

Mechanically, the elite soldier of the Realm army, trained for years (not like you could train though), armed, and armored with the best the Realm can produce en-mass, he is like an elite Navy SEAL today. If you look in the books he can attack with a whole 8 dice, and 10's don't count twice like yours do. Your skill with a sword, and its weapon bonus nearly DOUBLES what he can do and you still haven't used a mote of essence.

Zombies might have 4 dice to attack with, War Ghosts would have 6, neither one, without using coordinated attacks, could touch your guy as long as you don't do to many actions that reduce your DV. The Blood Apes on the other hand have a lot more health levels and 10 dice to throw in on an attack. They could do you some harm even if you just guarded yourself.


Your character is combat orientated in WAR very well especially with those charms and relatively good in personal combat both melee and ranged which is a big plus. There are NO extra's (like Zombies, soldiers, ghosts) that will give you problems. Even a normal Dragon-Blooded would only occupy you for a while (ie not heavy combat build with exclusively combat related artifacts). Socially your character is pretty strong as well, stronger than many in the group...a lot better offensively than my character ;-)

I highly suggest getting some dots in DODGE. Not all attacks are parry-able without a perfect and your Dodge DV is lacking!
I'm sort of unaware of the fighting process. I've read that chapter a few times now and I'll re-read it again but it often just floats over my head...
Wanting to practice my moves a bit, I promise not to die without giving you a chance to rip into me good. Come dance and let's see how this form works other than the healing charms. Please don't enter and one shot me though, that is just annoying and doesn't let me see what works and what doesn't. Anyone else looking to field test their forms or melee, or ranged attacks? I will personally replenish any ammo used. After I get up and stop bleeding. Hope you understand.
Just wanted to greet you all. I'll be joining you shortly (I hope) on your adventures. I'm new to this site, and sort of new to Exalted, but NOT new to Roleplaying in any sense. So I'll be playing as _________ The Eilite Warstrider Pilot. Heh, I dunno what to call him yet. But It'll be figured out soon enough. Just wanted to say hello.
Will try to push the ST to move the storyalong when I see him tomorrow morning. Sorry for any delays, I have been slapped with the unofficial GM status, so if there are any problems, let me know. Kk?
Just letting everybody know that I am still here, but do not find that I have anything of real substance to post up.

I would like, however, a cheat sheet that says who is playing what...something like the below. There are so many new people and new characters for other people that I can't keep it straight anymore....just to much stuff happening at once.

Thanos_Infinity: Brilliant Singing Hammer: Twilight Sorcerer

Shadow Red Claws: Flowing Granite: Full Moon Brawler

Peteman: Dancing Winds: Air Aspect Nobleman

Paladin: Zaiden Raynes: Dawn General -Gunblade

Havok_Harbinger: Rey Pey Yung, Eclipse Sorceror/Healer

Myllinnia: Teliseria, No Moon Lunar Light Fighter Sorceress

Khadavla: Yume: Swordswoman/Healer

Khadavla: Sakura: Fire Elemental atache ninja

Hammercro: Beneficent River: Zenith Gunslinger

Axelgear: Nazir: Night Caste Stealthy Type
Due to ST review of the discussions, please review the last post by Ten Thousand Glorious Sunsets, there were a few necessary revisions that include Brilliant Singing Hammer and Yume's trip.

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