Glorious Font of Mountain Dew (OOC) [Incarnadine Waters]

Place holder post is now up and ready. It is unfortunately rather vague in specific descriptions as I do not want to overstep my bounds ;-)
Right now I am completely confused by all these prequles. So conbfused infact that the Final prequle is now 3 pages long and I just now find out that I should have posted into it. This is frustrating enough I am considering quitting this game.
Our GM has informed me he has troubles retrieving his password for this site, and thus will have difficulties logging on.
Yes, we are in motion now, wait a minute, who goes where? I saw team leaders chosen, but now who picks first? Coin flips don't work when there are three people.
Okay, Dancing Winds, got you in a group. Sorry i missed yout he first time!

If the groups are good, now would be an auspicaios time to div into groups for planning.

i'll sugest it in charecter, but I won't mind if anyone beats me to it.
Peteman said:
Would a Lore + Int check be good to figure out info on Hesiash's Guiding Light?
Sorry I'm taking so long to get back to everyone on these. My comptuer exploded in the middle of one of my responses.
Was advised that our illustrious leader has not left us, but is currently destroying computer after computer. He will let us know as soon as he is able.
*Khadavla looks around nervously.* Um, Yume, you know that if Indigo Hope's laptop explodes in my lap like mine did last night, I'll be hard pressed to survive the combined wrath of the enemies she brings down upon me.

*Yume pushes the massive silence <i>senshi</i> into Patherspider anyway.* "Run your game, dad! If you vacate when it just got good, I'll never bounce for your writer again!"

*Khadavla groans* I'm doomed.
Three things:

1. My group and the other one need to start talking too.

2. Are we going to split up soon?

3. Still waiting for EXP :mrgreen:

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