Glorious Font of Mountain Dew (OOC) [Incarnadine Waters]

So, my character knows about this Cynis Fallon Miika person, but I don't. The most I can tell is that Cynis is a house of some kind.
Yes, but dragonbloods in control of a First Age high level manse that they have turned into a base is not something you just slap around. Essence Cannons, Implosion Bows, concussion mines, and other little things can make life very hard to hold on to when assaulted frontally. There seem to be a good section of mystically inclined DB's there with plenty of essence to power things that make holes in people. Thats downplaying their ability to cast spells of all kinds at us. Also indicated by our DB friend from Lookshy is that they might have access to specific Celestial Sorcery spells that they could use against us.

Fortunately my character knows Celestial Countermagic (wont unsummon a demon though), but his essence reserves, no matter how big, only go so far.

(To bad that 2nd Edition totally nerfed the Spell Capture Cord as an artifact!)
I love my wife. Just thought I would share. I gave her an idea I had for a creative composite longbow and this is what she came up with. the small claw item between the bow and the quiver is a claw grip for the string. The quiver is an actual wyvern that has been shrunken taxidermy style.
Ok so the GM has 2 side Threads up and Neither apply to the Group that Raynes is in. All I gotta say is what now?
I think our group 'took over' the original Messenger thread. I have been waiting for people to post anything else before proposing that we leave on a cloud and a prayer.
That Wyvern bow is absolutely horrifying... Which means I like it. The quiver, however, I do not. I have this natural dislike for decapitation...
I hate to say this, but....

Wanting to let everybody know, I will be away from a keyboard for the most part from Saturday night through July 5th,doubt I will be posting during that time. I hate to do this in the middle of all of the action but just received vacation windfall monies and am heading to Tennessee to see the wife's family for a week. Please NPC as needed.
Well, its a Holiday weekend in the US, so I don't expect much this weekend.

However, once Monday comes around I WILL expect something.
Little hard to say. That Teliseria is never posting xD Ya that's me. I just... uh... well... can't seem to find what I need to postie. >>
So, I was talking to Khadavla, and since you needed a replacement player I'll probably be joining in.

I still need to come up with a character concept, though...
All right, folks.

The new charecters belonging to Sarat, Peonix Kesai and Erinyes will be ivolved in the resistence to liberate Ireabor Valley from the Mask of Winters.
Reading that the Scroll of Swallowed Darkness Charms are allowed has given me some amusing ideas, possibly combining a stereotypical martial artist monk with... well, what you'd expect from someone that practices those Charms, but... something tells me a not entirely serious character like that would be rather out of place with the rest of the group.

...Of course, this is Exalted, so such a character could also possibly work if taken as seriously as the rest of the game, though I'm not sure that would help.

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