Glorious Font of Mountain Dew (OOC) [Incarnadine Waters]

i've got a dragon king and possibly a war strider jocky coming in. i hope i don't freak folks out with the size of the group. Please feel free to come together, split into smaller groups, and then reasemble as you go.
oh, and on that topic, i'll be moving this week, and catching up a lot on games i neglected during my latest spate of non-conectivity. Sorry if i'm not around.

While i'm gone, everyone from the south-eastern jungles, or with intrests there, or from the thousand miles surounding thorns, or harborhead, please give me a brief summary about where you've been active recenlty so I can slip you info.

if you need help getting to the prelude also let me know.

not that there's anyhing wrong with having come by invitation from a wandering medecine vendor who saw one of your artifacts and said, "my friend Yume has a bracelet like that," (orichaclum) or my teacher khadavla has a bracer like that (moonsivler... Assuming silver children can use it.)
Also feel free to be noticed by a wondering Cloud. Yes, I know, my character is already in a prelude. However, even once he gets to the school he is still going to go searching for more celestial exalted. It seems that he cares for them, in general, because he has lost one very dear to him in the past.
I would like to share some news from my home with you.

While i'm at it, i would like to ask your prayers, if your the prayin' sort, to whatever divinity you normaly corespond with--or Bachus if you don't have a regular--for a small triumph of human reason here in the bible belt.

At the dawn of the new milenium, the Southern Baptist Convention not only passed a resolution renouncing, but apologising for slavery (some 140 years after tall, brave man in the White House took a bullet to seal in the hearts of my countrymen once and for all that the price of repeating that bloody brother against brother war was too high a price to ever risk paying again, but good people would pay it, again and again, as long as Jim Crowe lived).

Now, on Saturday May 8th, 2009, in a small city of 200,000 people and about as many churches in the Texas Panhandle, voters prepare to go the polls to fight another small battle against human stupidity. This time, the stakes are not as high, but the stupidity is almost as great. This time, the rational people of Lubbock, Texas, will square off in the polls against the irational to announce to the ages, "We cry bullshit, Mr. Welsh. The Pope may or may not be God's voice on earth, but you sure as Hell are not. We defy you from 90 years into the future and by our votes deny your lie that Jesus of Nazerath drank Welch's Grape Juice on Passover the night before his aresst, trial, and coming crusafiction. The son of God enjoyed a good wine enough to work his first miracle changing water into wine, and what is good enough for the son of God is good enough to be sold inside our city limits!
Quite the reverse. :)

The rednecks who established this town way back when established it as a place free of such sinful influences as alcohol and dancing.

My own church's campus ministry was in fact, many moons before i was born, site of the first legal dancing in city limits.

The battle at the polls today is to make it legal for the first time to sell alcohol in stores within city limits. All my cracks on human idiocy aside, I'm really looking forwards to having to dodge fewer drunk drivers heading out to The Strip (outside of city limits) for a refill on booze.
*Puts on Glasses* Now Vaht is the problem to your feeling neglected. It is zee exestential question to life. Zee answer would be to make your own fun.
Also you should revisit ze feelings you have toward your mozer, yes?

Deutsch sprechende Doktoren machen mir Angst!
Let's see... my mother was a power-hungry vindictive bitch who typically aims to crush any that oppose her in the cruellest ways she can legally get away with.
Peteman said:
Let's see... my mother was a power-hungry vindictive bitch who typically aims to crush any that oppose her in the cruellest ways she can legally get away with.
Damn! geeze man thats harsh and this is coming from someoe who's family hates him.
Sorry to disappear these last few days folks. I've lost connection out at my new place. I'm at havoc harbinger's tonight.

* * *

Okay, need to see who still needs help with charecters and allies.

Need to get out an expanded Resources system.

Need to get some early roll plays to pass a bit of time for those who are ready 'til the others are.

i never got answers from the jungle folk, did I?
Sorry thought I had posted and seems to have been some dream induced Delerium!

Teliseria has been 'Exploring' due to her Mentor's desire that she do so. So by the present time she might have made her way to Nexus or at least near/around it.
Myllinnia said:
Sorry thought I had posted and seems to have been some dream induced Delerium!
Teliseria has been 'Exploring' due to her Mentor's desire that she do so. So by the present time she might have made her way to Nexus or at least near/around it.
Mylliana, may i suggest you post in the Earth and Sky school of martial arts pre-prelude as soon as i have a bit more of it up?

If just an invitation from a medicine dealer isn't enough, you could have recieved a sugestion to come this way from a lunar elder such as a Forest Walker patron named Inada Navda.
Sorry, took the Earth and Sky thread as an intro to the current stages of the game, is that correct? If so Rey is there, if not this is a previous trip to offer medicines and respectful trade.
I have tried to enter Nazir's first post three or four times so far and something just keeps coming up to stop me...
I don't know how to help there, Axle.

For now, I have my wireless internet working in my country home at long last, thanks be to Luna, and i'm strying to get the honest to god prelude goign right now.
Ok what I want to know is who all is playing in this game? Cause I am having my guy wait till last to say anything until after he hears what everyone else says. I want to know how many people I have to wait for.

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