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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)

Theo flew into a small cave created by the rubble of the ruins. She needed to get away from here and let her over flowing emotions loose and cry alone, not like anyone would miss her for a while. They were too busy, plus she wasnt very good at telling people "hey i have emotions come find me and let me cry all over you"... that would sound like whining.
AM: no, im not

AM: I'm pretty sure everyone has their powers already

AM: and then theres me

AM: fechner, MIA, probably defacing my old body

AM: has told me nothing about my powers

AM: im pretty useless

AM: the only thing i have is fighting skill

AM: in which i had to learn quickly, by myself

AM: so its shotty, at best

GA: Come Now Theo

GA: Youre Not Useless

GA: Youre Not The Only One Who Hasnt Used Their Powers

GA: Kersin Still Hasnt Used His

GA: And Charlotte Still Is Unaware Of Her Full Potential

GA: In Addition

GA: Did Your Sprite Not Give You A Pendant

GA: You Can Use A Sprite Pendant To Summon Your Sprite

@Kurai Okami
AM: He did

AM: Hes not the abomination i WANT to see at the moment

AM: plus hes rather disagreeable when you mess with him whilst hes...

AM: "working"

AM: Anyways,

AM: back there

AM: when ken put me on the spot

AM: when i failed to calm aura

AM: I felt like..

AM: like i could never do it

AM: no matter how much i tried

AM: im probably just being a pessimist whilst in my depression here

AM: I'll probably seek help when i calm down

AM: that is, if i can work up the energy to actually talk to people

AM: Thanks for talking to me tho

AM: not many people do so when i am upset

"Well, I think I have a left too..."

You smirk. Well that was familiar, wasn't it?

"Yeah, of course I'm alright! C'mere!"

You tackle him to the ground, hugging him.

"I feel really good right now, so sorry for tackling you because of it!"

You don't really feel sorry, but instead start grinning wildly. You felt better than ever, in a good way.

You fall to the ground. You stare at Aura for a moment, before laughing and hugging her back.

"I'm so glad you're back to normal..."



Charlotte: Watch

You watch Aura glomp Ken and grin. Things are turning back to normal... well, except for the fact that you're still in possession of the darkest, most obscene majjyk in existence. But you'll figure something out.
Sophie: Be glad

Well, it seemed that they liked one another! You were happy she was back to what seemed to be normal for her.

"I hope I helped a bit?"

"Whoa there! Who're you?"

"Oh yeah! You really didn't hear me in your 'state'. My name is Sophie Erikson! And this, is my brother Cove!"

He waves at the girl.

Aura: Introduce

"I'm Aura. Thanks for... Um, doing whatever you did to help me! Still don't really know what it was, but whatever! Right now, I feel fudging fantastic!"

You hug Ken tighter, though unintentionally.

"I'm glad! So what do we do now, Cove?"

"I'm not sure, actually..."

"We'll have to figure that out together, then!"


Cove: Be thankful

You were so glad Soph was back to normal. She didn't remember the fact that she cut you in two through the stomach, then threw you into her sprite to brag about it later. You looked down at your other half, but dismissed it. Everything was fine now.
Ken: Be crushed

"Ow... A-Aura, you're crushing me...!"



Fox: Scheme

You think that Bird should maybe stay with them for a while... then, when you retrieve her, you'll tell her that they've been deceiving her, and that they're villains that want to kill you. Which isn't far from the truth, really.
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Aura: Jump

You about jump out of your skin at the sight of Charlotte, being reminded of Afrien.


You sigh in relief. At least it wasn't murder crazy Afrien. Something tickled at the back of your mind about Sophie, how she had randomly appeared... Hm... You decided to ignore it. She was cute anyway! You start laughing at your own reaction to Charlotte though. That was pretty great.
"How do we... Erm, un-Darkify her?"

You didn't really know the correct terminology, so you called it Darkified. He should know what you're talking about.
"I'm not sure, really. Duke turned Afrien back by soaking him in that slime stuff, but I don't wanna do that to my sister."

"Vjel reiek nfeia?"

"Okay, this is seriously getting annoying. Can you type normally, Charlotte?"

Charlotte takes out her phone and attempts to post on the memo.

EL: ca̶̧̛n̕͠ ̢͡y͝ó̴ù͝ ̵̢r̡ę̧a͢d̶́ ̢́t̴h͘͢ì̕s,҉̡ ̢̡k҉en̨?̴

ES: Kind of

ES: Yes

EL: g̕r̕͢͞e͞͡at͠͏!҉̶

EL: i wa͏ş t̷r҉y̷įng̷ ̛t̡o̡ ̶s͞ay,̶ ḿay̷b͡e͞ ̡duk̨e̴'s ͟gr̷imo̸i͜r̵e͡ haś ̴the҉ an̕swer.͜

@MoltenLightning @Nawmoo
QA: Eh, maybe.

QA: Maybe not.

QA: It is a book of summoning the zoologically dubious, but it may have something to "unsummon" stuff.

QA: Possibly something like a "Grimdark-be-gone" kind of spell.

QA: ...

QA: Don't quote me on that.

ES: Well could you take a look

EL: i̡'̵d l͝oo̸k͡ my̕s̛elf, ̴but̀ ̀i ́d͠o͜n't̡ ̶w̕a̸nt ͠tơ ̸ri͞sk͘ ̢g̵òin̵g any fur͝ţh̷e͢r o͜f͟f th͞e̶ d̵e͘e͡p̴ ͠ȩnd͜.

EL: you ̶sho҉u͢ld͘ b̕é ̴saf҉e, t̡ḩo̕ugh̀, ͏'c̴a͟úse͞ ͠y̛ou'͡r͡e a ̛voi̧d ̢p̀la͢yer.҉

QA: Indeed.

QA: Mage of Void, one who obtains knowledge from nothing.

QA: Ironically, I'm not saying that as a sarcastic remark.

QA: But enough with the idol chit-chat, let's see what I can find.

Duke: Be the Mage

Once more, you pull out your GRIMOIRE and start flipping through pages. With each turn of a page, you feel as though you're more further from finding something that you could deem useful. You've basically have skimmed through half the book and still have found nothing. You feel as though this is a fruitless task, you wouldn't be surprise if it was. This is a book on summoning the zoologically dubious, for Pete sake.

You immediately stop questioning the possibilities of a grimdark-away spell, as you found something that may work. It seemed to be a banishment spell for the intended use of getting rid of the zoologically dubious a.k.a. The Horrorterrors. You're not sure if it would work in this situation, but you might as well give it a try.

Duke: Cast spell

You read out loud the banishment incantation, with no actual sound being produced of course, gesturing your hand at Charlotte. The spell didn't say anything about waving your hand around, you find that doing stuff like that makes it work better...Or maybe you did it for dramatic effect, who knows.

Charlotte: ...

The spell weaves itself around you. As the magic makes contact, you feel a searing pain.


You begin shouting loudly, without consciously thinking. Your outfit and skin begins to lighten.

"It's working!"

Duke: Keep casting

You keep on silently casting the banishment incantation, still wobbling your hand around, hoping it would rid Charlotte of her grimdarken state.

Charlotte: AAAAAAAA

You continue to lighten in color as the darkness is purged painfully from your body.


You collapse as your outfit and skin return to their normal colors.

Duke: Gasp

Holy shit, that actually worked! You're legit surprised that the spell work, without any problems in between.

Duke: Go check to see if Charlotte's okay

You do that...She seems fine. In pain, maybe unconscious, but fine none the less. Then again, you're not a doctor, the fuck do you know. Your specialties are in the field of science fiction and stuff like that. You know nothing of doctoring!


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