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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)

"No. You didn't break anything. But....you did started chewing on that dead bird's leg, tackled Ken thinking he was a barkbeast, and I think you called Deust an owl?" She looked at Deust for confirmation. "Then he sped you up for a few hours because, as much as I love you, I wasn't looking forward to watching you for hours on end until it wore off." She said with a look of embarrassment and shame.

@Midnight Phantom
"No, it was me he called the 'Stupid talking owl'."

"Sorry not sorry."

"You are never sorry."

"Daaamn straight."

"Why am I stuck with you?"

Afrien : Pay No Attention to Them

Who cares about Chryom?

"Anyways, thanks for taking care of me. I probably would have done some stupid shit if you werent there."

"Yeah. We gotta get back to the lab and make our plan."

You post a memo.

ES: Okay everyone

ES: Meet back up at the lab

ES: Its time for us to finish this thing

Charlotte: Worry

You've been worried about the Queen and all the Prospitians back at the castle.

EL: uh, actually...

EL: i was hoping to head back to the castle first.

EL: to check on the queen and all the guards.

ES: Fine

ES: Just make it quick

@Midnight Phantom @MoltenLightning @ShadowHuntress @Nawmoo @Kurai Okami
Aura: Wish you could strangle Afrien

AS MUCH AS YOU WANTED TO STRANGLE THE LIFE OUT OF THAT IDIOT, you resist. Your mood was good right now, no need for a HUGE conflict. Besides that, you walk over to Ken.

"You good?"

If he had gotten SERIOUSLY INJURED, YOU SWORE... You take a breath. It's fine, he looks okay.


Sophie: Wait

You look around, curious as to what everyone was doing.

"So, what's going on?"

You ask, then quickly added:

"If you don't mind me knowing, of course!"
"Yeah, he just nicked my arm. Chryom patched me up."

You smile at Aura, then turn to Sophie.

"We're heading back to our base. We've got some planning to do. I'll tell you the whole story on the way, okay?"

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You walk over to him, smiling up at him. He seemed to be implying you come with, so you walk over to him.

Aura: Agree

"Alright, lets go!"

You start floating in the air, waiting. Sophie gasps at you.

"Whoa! How on Earth?"

She looks you over several times, amazement in her eyes. Wait a sec! She doesn't know about any of that, does she? You beckon her.

"You can do it too! And there are a few other things hidden away somewhere, like badges, items, weapons..."

"Cool! Allow me to look really fast..."

She seems to look through a few things, then comes across something.

Sophie: ???

You see a really amazingly knit sash with some badges on it. Huh! You investigate some of the badges. You accidentally select one of them.


You use it, and POOF! You disappear? Well, not entirely. You blink of few times, finding Ken to suddenly be INCREDIBLY LARGE. You widen your eyes in surprise, then look down at yourself. Oh. Were you a... Duckling? WHAT?! You look at your tiny wings and start squeaking. Cove starts holding back laughter.

Aura: OH MY GOD!!!

ITS A DUCK OH MY GOD ITS SO CUTE! AAAAAWWWWWW!!! YOU JUST WANNA CUDDLE IT AND NAME IT BETTY! You scoop it up in your hands, not realizing that it happened to be Sophie.


You keep cuddling the little yellow duckling.
Aura: Listen

You hear the several quakes in reply from the duckling, who starts laughing quaking alongside Ken. Wait, Sophie?! WHAT?! You start laughing too.
Charlotte: Check the castle

You fly to the castle as fast as you can. The whole place is in ruins. You can see bits of Prospitians buried under rubble, unmoving. A lump forms in your throat as you keep looking.


Finally, you reach the throne room. More dead guards litter the room. The thrones have been broken by debris.

"Your Majesty, are you here?!"

You hear a faint noise from a corner of the room, and run to investigate. You gasp.

"Your Majesty!"

The Queen, like many of her subjects, has been buried under rubble. She is still alive, but barely.

"Hold on, Your Majesty! I'll get you out of there!"

"H-Hero... *cough*"

You begin pushing the rubble off of her... then stop dead when you see a splatter of red. A sharp fragment of the ceiling has impaled her through her midsection. You know instinctively that it's a fatal wound.

"D-Do not worry... about Us... Hero..."


The queen reaches into her dress, takes out something, and hands it to you.

"K-Keep this safe... Do not let... the Hex..."

She coughs, and a streak of red hits the floor in front of her.

"Do not... mourn Us... It is... destiny... for Prospit... to fall..."

With that, the queen takes her final breath, and falls limply against the floor.
Aura: Stop

After a few minutes of laughter, you take your last chuckle then clear your throat.

"We should *wheeze laugh* check the castle"

You start flying up with Sophie in hand, who nods in confirmation while still squealing in giggles.
Charlotte: ...

You excavate the Queen from the rubble and pick her up. She's surprisingly light, despite her size.

Charlotte: Bury

You fly out to the front of the castle ruins, the Queen's corpse in tow. You use your magic to dig a grave, and gently lay the queen in it.

"May you rest in peace, White Queen. You will not be forgotten. Anapáfsou en eiríni."

You fill in the grave, and cast another spell.

To síma aftó to táfo me tin timí."

A grand gravestone appears on top of the grave.

Εδώ βρίσκεται και η λευκή βασίλισσα.

Πέθανε πριν από το χρόνο της.

Αναπαύσου εν ειρήνη.
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Theo: respond to kanaya

AM: I will try

AM: I will also need some time to quit using my emotions

AM: Won't be long ;3

Theo: respond to memo

AM: I will be a minute to get to the lab

AM: for reasons i will not explain :T


Charlotte: Be silent

Oh, god. It didn't occur to you until now, but... Afrien is indirectly responsible for this. You don't say this aloud, though.

Aradia: Console

GA: it was the grimdark afrien

GA: its n0t y0ur fault

@Midnight Phantom

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