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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)

WS: Discover

After wandering the Earthling wastes for days, you finally find it.


Just as prophesized, there are others sitting outside it, surrounded by strange metal contraptions.

WS: Approach

You cautiously approach the others. One of them spots you, and gives you a warm welcome. The others follow suit. Good, at least you aren't alone in your exile. You sit by their fire and listen to their tales.
Duke: Head back

While on your FURTHEST DISC, you make your journey back to the lab. You fly through the the sky, with great haste. Streaks of dark aura, flashing between black and white, are dragged across space. You eventually make it back to the lab and get inside.
AC: :// < well theyve always been rivals kinda

AC: :33 < but i found out earlier...

AC: :33 < theyre fighting over fefuri!

AC: :33 < she used to be with eridan but they broke up

AC: :33 < and now shes with sollux

AC: :// < eridan is not happy

JF: Hm...that do3s sound compl!cat3d...but h3 should b3 happy fur h3r !nst3ad of f!ght!ng h3r mat3spr!t3...

JF: ! m3an...and th!s !s just a human com!ng !n on al!3n romanc3, but...wouldn't h3 just b3 glad sh3's happy d3sp!t3 hat!ng th3 guy?

JF: That m!ght 3v3n h3lp w!n h3r back to b3!ng h3r m3owra!l !f h3 tr!3s to b3 mor3 und3rstand!ng....

JF: I m3an, that's what ! would do, but ! only know th3 bas!cs of your troll romanc3.

AC: :// < i s33 where youre coming from

AC: :// < but really i think eridan just wants to fight sollux over efurything

AC: :// < i dunno im no expurrt

AC: :// < hmm

AC: :// < maybe if you talked to him hed listen

AC: :// < he doesnt listen to me

AC: :// < he thinks im weird

Duke: Rest up

This whole situation has left you strained physically, mentally, and slightly emotionally...maybe more so. You don't really know how to feel about the emotional part, but the other two are dead on. You find a nice-looking corner to sit in and pop a squat right in it.
Amanda smiled but then got worried. This could go either really wrong, or really good. She hoped the latter, but she didn't know Eridan well enough to rule out either option either. Might as well try for good.

JF: N3p3ta told m3 about you and Sollux. ! want to know why you k33p f!ght!ng w!th h!m. Furom what ! und3rstand, you can hav3 both a mat3spr!t3sh!p and a m3owra!l m3owra!l3g3nc3 (sorry !f ! sp3ll3d that wrong).

JF: Wouldn't !t b3 b3tt3r to g3t along w!th h!m !f you st!ll car3 about F3fur!?

Eridan: Sigh

You'll deal with Nepeta later.

CA: listen amanda

CA: feferi broke up wwith me

CA: and thats that

CA: i dont care about her anymore

CA: im through wwith her

CA: i dont knoww wwhat nepeta told you

CA: but im not fighting sollux out of jealousy

JF: Sh3 only told m3 you w3r3 f!ght!ng Sollux and your past r3lat!onsh!p w!th h3r. That was my own conclus!on bas3d on what th3 !nfurmat!on ! was g!v3n.

JF: But, !f !t's not b3caus3 h3 !s mat3spr!t3s w!th h3r, th3n why? F!ght!ng w!ll only caus3 d!sord3r and m!strust among th3 t3am as a whol3.

Afrien : Sit Down

You sigh and plop down once you return to the Lab. God this blows. The Queen is dead because of you.

Deust : Watch Lab

You sit over the entrance of the lab and watch the expanse of space all around.
JF: Ha, don't make me laugh. My team has been doomed since Ken started favoring his girlfriend over everyone else's safety. You can't save everyone. It's not possible.

JF: And if you are talking about being in a black relationship with Sollux, tell your god damn team. We may be a pathetic mix of worthless humans and trolls, but at least we don't keep anything too important hidden from each other if we knew it would affect the others too much.

JF: Well, except for Aura, but she's a needy bitch. No need to get excited there.

JF: Also, FWI, I had Equius explain to me about your relationships. Two good and loving, one hateful and dark, and another being a retainer for the black. I know the basics and I'm getting the gist of it. Don't go acting like I'm some stupid kid who can't tell what's fucking what, got it?

Welp, she was mad again. She honestly didn't think she could get mad at any of the trolls. She really did like them. Better than her own team. But if he was going to act like she was some damn idiotic kid, that's where she drew the line.

CA: evveryone already knowws howw i feel about sol

CA: i apologize for treating you like a child

CA: but i feel that youre hiding something from your team

CA: you need to tell ken your problems wwith him

CA: likewwise wwith aura


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