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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)

"I... I'm sorry, Amanda. I had no idea... It was wrong of me to call you selfish."

You put a hand on her shoulder.

"But... I believe that Ken
can save all of us. It's his planning that got us this far in the first place. And... I'll be honest, I'm not too crazy about Aura, either."

She looked up at her, confused for a moment before smiling and continuing. "I only had one joy when I was growing up, and that was the parties I went to. It was the one place I felt I didn't need to hide myself. This upset my parents, though, and I snuck out and made some...Uh...bad choices. When the game came out, I was honestly excited. Meet new people who don't know me and talk online? I had another chance to act like myself, but then I realized that this would happen....but only after I installed both discs." She sighed with a sad look. "Does that make what I did wrong?"

"No, not at all. You had no way of knowing what this game would do. And besides, even if you didn't play it, the Reckoning still would have happened. Deciding to play the game saved your life."

Aura: Smile

He was right. It had been a while. You remembered the first time you'd been to Ken's abode. That roof top fall still brought back memories... Heh. You realize how long ago that was now. It felt like an eternity, that was for sure. And that was before everything happened. Well, Rage-wise... You felt utterly horrible for your actions, but you also felt sad. It wasn't entirely your fault if they didn't understand. You didn't want to complain, it just came naturally. Always... You felt like the bad guy at times. Hey, beat stuff up. Get angry. Calm down. Rinse and repeat. It didn't matter how hard you tried to not do that, it just HAPPENED. And you hated it. You decided that, from now on, you'd try and murder the ENEMY if it happened again...

Aura: Stop it!

You can't stop thinking about this. Even though you wanted to like everyone, be their friend, you had your own ways of pushing them away. Maybe it was with your anger, maybe it was with the feeling of being taken advantage of. Probably your greatest fear of all time, was the fact that you'd just be used then betrayed the moment you stopped being useful. That it was all fake! But it couldn't be, most certainly not.


Maybe, when you got back, you'd try making FRIENDS with people instead of trying to kill them. Or something like that. Now stop with these thoughts!

"Its nice to be back."


Sophie: Wander

Being a duck was pretty neat! You waddled about, looking for the others. Where was everyone anyway? You keep looking about.
"Yeah." She smiled as she felt a large burden being lifted from her shoulders. She didn't know talking to someone felt this nice. "Um...thanks for listening...it...it felt nice..." She said with an embarrassed chuckle.

"I might, I don't know yet."

You shrug, then start thinking about possible combinations. Well, 'thinking' as in suddenly remembering stuff that has nothing to do with what you SHOULD be thinking.
Afrien : Read

You find a little handbook on Ectobiology in the lab and flip through the pages...




Along with protecting Skaia from the Dersites, players of Sburb must breed the Genesis Frog. To achieve this, a frog must be found within the Incisphere. Using this frog as a genetic base, the Hero of Space must do Ectobiological Breeding and eventually create this mythical animal. The Session's Knight is set with the duty of protecting the Hero of Space and aiding them in any way possible.

Interesting. Ken is the Knight of Space, covering both the main roles in the process. Of course, you can still help by keeping an eye on everything.
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She smiles before she frowned at the reminder that she still had to apologize to Equius. "Okay...now I have to apologize to Equius for snapping at him earlier...how do you say sorry to a troll who can break anything with his bare hands?" She asked with a nervous giggle.

Equius: Smile

You smile as you read Amanda's reply. Friends with a human... You never thought it possible until now. Maybe lowbloods aren't as bad as everyone makes them out to be...

CT: D--> I am glad that you agree


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