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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)

JF: Ha, think I haven't tried? Last time I did, I was treated like the bad guy by everyone! Yeah, sorry I don't want to get that hate party started again.

JF: They trust Ken too much, and he trusts Aura too much. She almost killed our healer for god's sake. Not to mention how many times she's rampaged because she felt she 'wasn't important' or 'nobody likes her'. It pisses me off.

JF: So, I won't say anything else, but I won't be playing nice with her or him either. Thank you so much for your concern, but I know what I'm doing. I've lived through a worse hell than this sad excuse of a game and I'm still standing. These kids who were loved when they grew up can suck it.

CA: okay you knoww wwhat

CA: if you really hate them so much

CA: then you should just leavve

CA: go do your thing on your owwn

CA: and maybe

CA: just maybe

CA: learn to get the wwhole story before judging someone

JF: .....haha......hahahahaha....what story? And go on my own? I would've done that too, but I have no where to go. My home, as crappy as it was, was the only place I could go back to.


Amanda: Look At Messages

Amanda sighed as she looked through her and Eridan's messages. God, did she really sound so mean? Well, she had been bottling this up for who knows how long, and, despite more than likely making him mad, venting on Eridan was helping a bit. She'd have to apologize later....man she had a bunch of apologizes to give out, huh? And all to trolls. What was happening to her?

Amanda: Laugh

She chuckled under her breath, unable to find it anything other than amusing. She was turning into her mother, always yelling and looking down on people. She needed help....but who would actually listen without defending anyone else? No one she knew, that's for sure.
CA: aura is the wwitch of rage

CA: she is anger incarnate amanda

CA: of course shes going to rampage

CA: you should be glad that she has ken to keep her calm

CA: if ken didnt spend so much time looking after her

CA: youd havve been dead long ago

CA: you havve to look at the bigger picture amanda

"Would've been better." She muttered as she looked at her holoscreen.

JF: .........yeah..........

JF: ..........sorry........I guess I let myself get to lax in my emotion handling......

JF: I didn't mean to snap at you.....

Ken: Call meeting

Looks like everyone's resting. Let's not call the meeting just yet. Instead, you look over at Aura.

"Hey, uh... I'm gonna head back to my house to grab some stuff for alchemizing... Wanna come?"

Amanda: Glance At Charlotte

Amanda looked over her holoscreen to look at Charlotte. She could pretend to be happy like she usually did, but not only could she see through that, she might get chewed out later by Eridan. Ugh, being honest was hard....

CA: do it amanda

CA: trust me

CA: youll feel better


Eridan: Sit back

You sit back and rub your eyes. God, what's gotten into you? Caring for and befriending a land-dweller... And a human, at that!

...You really aren't that different from her. And you're both changing.

...You guess change can be good.

You look over at Sollux.

"Hey, Sol."

"Not now, E.D. I'm still recovering from our last round."

"I don't wwant to fight you, dumbass. I wwant to talk."

"You want to talk? With me? You been hitting the sopor, E.D.?"

"Oh, shut up and come wwith me."

You and Sollux head to your room to finally have a good heart-to-heart.
Amanda: Call Her Over

Amanda, after taking several deep breaths and trying to find any reason to not do this, she called out to Charlotte. "U-um....Charlotte? C-can I talk to you?" She asked, flinching at how her voice sounded.

Aura: Feel

There it was again! That Rage... What even was that? It sent chills down your spine! Suddenly, Ken grabbed your attention.

"Oh yeah... Sure."

You say this as if half of your attention was drawn elsewhere. But, you quickly shake yourself out of your state.

"Oh wait! Sophie!"

You look down at the little sleeping duck in your hands. You look around, then tap her lightly. She blinks her eyes, then you whisper.

"I'm gonna go for a bit. Don't get into trouble, k?"

She nods. You set her down, and she stumbles to her feet. She waddles around on the ground as you face Ken again.

"Alright, I'm ready. She'll be fine!"
Charlotte: Lead

You and Amanda go to a secluded room deep in the lab.

"There we go. Privacy. Now, what did you want to talk about?"



Ken: Teleport

You take Aura's hand and teleport back to your house. Man, it's been a while since you've been here.

"Home, sweet home."

Amanda: Sit

She sit across from Charlotte and brought her legs to her chest so she could put her chin on her knees. "Depends on which beginning you want. I can give you my whole life story, or I can start at the beginning of the game. Where do you want to start?"

"Life story it is then. Easier than trying to tell you everything from the middle." She said with a sigh. "Um...let's see. I was born into a rather well off family, as you saw, and was well treated until I was about five or six. Then, things got...bad. My mother and father began fighting whenever there weren't any guests and I did my best to avoid their anger by appeasing them and doing whatever they wanted. This, however, was a temporary fix. When my mother broke, she was my mental abuser. When my father broke, he was my physical abuser. They went on like that, beating me until I was both mentally and physically drained and then turned on each other. They fed off of my emotions and used it as fuel to attack me longer and harder, so when I was about seven or eight, I learned how to hide what I was feeling and it lessened, not by much, but it lessened. I learned not to trust others and despise those who complain about their 'hardships' when they've been living easy and almost carefree lives." She said with a frown. This...this felt nice. She didn't know that all of this was holding her down. "That's why I can't stand Aura and, I'm sorry, I know you love him, Ken. Aura is always complaining about feeling worthless and not liked, but she doesn't even consider how others might feel when she says that. And I know no one can save everyone, which is why I can't stand Ken. And you....it hurt when you called me selfish...." She added, her voice lowering as she brought her legs closer.


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