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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)

JF: !f you ar3 talk!ng about th3 HS and th3 mutant frog, th3n y3ah, ! know w3 n33d to g3t a mov3 on, but K3n, our 'f3arl3ss l3ad3r' l3ft w!th Aura and ! don't th!nk th3y'v3 com3 back y3t.

Afrien : Skim

You continue to skim through the book.

Blah blah Ectobiological Babies, Blah blah paradox clones, Blah blah blah whatever.

Afrien : Shut

You slam the guide closed and sigh. There isn't much you can do to help Ken with this. But you will do what you can.
Ken: Finish alchemizing

Whew! That was one heck of an alchemy session. You've got all sorts of weapons now!

First up, the STARDUST SABER, made from the Astral Heat and a star chart you found in your mom's room. The sword doesn't burn anymore, but it's as dense and white-hot as a white dwarf star!

Next, you have the NOVA CANNON, made from the Astral Heat and your old BB gun. It can shoot blazing star matter up to 500 feet!

Thirdly, you have a weird one: the TIRE CHANGER. You combined a car tire with several Japanese superhero figurines to make this one. It can change between many modes, and can be thrown like a disc. You're not quite sure why you made this one.

Finally, you used the mace you bought so long ago to make a complement to Aura's Volcomet. Combining it with the Stardust Saber and a picture of a comet, you form the GLACIATOR. The antithesis to the Volcomet, this morningstar is made of unmelting ice. You store this one away in your Sylladex, to give Aura as a gift later.

You head back out to the living room and find Aura.

"I'm all done. You ready to head back?"


You hold out your hand, finally done thinking about your stormy thoughts. WAIT.

"Oh, hold that thought."

You just remembered... There was that old blender you still had! You quickly run to the alchemiter to make it...

After sifting through your Sylladex, you happen upon the BROKEN BLENDER again. You combine it with your VOLCOMET to make VEHEMENCE'S EDGED HAZARD SPHERE. Beauty. You return to Ken.

"Now, I'm ready."
"I think she went somewhere with Amanda." Shadow said, looking up at him from where she sat.


JF: ! am not talk!ng to anyon3 3ls3! !t's not gonna happ3n!

She knew Equius wasn't in on what she and Eridan talked about, but talking to someone other than him, Charlotte, or Eridan...or maybe Nepeta...was terrifying at the moment. She told Eridan she would talk to everyone, but she wasn't going any farther than she already had right now.

CT: D--> Very well

CT: D--> Ken and Aura have returned


Ken: Locate

You locate Charlotte and Amanda with your mind's eye.

"Okay. I'll give them some time to do... whatever it is they're doing."

Amanda sighed and smiled. She was glad he wasn't pushing it.

JF: Alr!ght. !'ll talk to onc3 th!s !s ofur, okay?

Amanda: Go Back To Lab

She stood up once she closed the holoscreen and stretched.
"It seems Ken and Aura are back. Should we get going so we can finish this stupid game?" She asked, looking down at Charlotte.

Afrien : Join Meeting

"I read on the whole process in this handbook. Everything we need to know about finishing the Ectobiology section of the game is right here."

You take aim and toss the book to Ken.


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