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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)

Deust : Go Inside

You leave your perch on the roof and walk inside. Chryom waves and you return the gesture, before entering the meeting.

"I can generate a time bubble to speed up Theo's training."

@electroShogun @Kuai Okami
Duke: Evaluate

Training sounds nice, but you don't really think there's any real training you need. You're good with a disc and you don't really see how you could possibly get better or even how your weapon could too. The FURTHEST DISC was a great mix of science and magic, what could be a step up from that?

Duke: Remember that one thought

No, fuck that! That idea was stupid and pointless! There's no way you are going to combined the BATTLEPIANO OF ZILLYONG with RAGNAROCKSTAR & the FURTHEST DISC!...Nope, not happening!...Never...

Duke: Do it

You cave in, like a little bitch, and alchemize up some kind of flying keyboard disc of doom...what are you even going to call it?...hm...


...Yeah, sounds as stupid as you thought it would, but that's what you're gonna call it. Congratulations, you now have a powerful "instrument" at your disposal.
Aura: Agree

"Yup! Theo and I can help each other out! I can learn to control my... Anger... A-and you can learn how to do your powers Theo!"

You smile at her. The gnawing guilt was still there, which made you ready to get this issue resolved.
Theo: imagine

You end up imagining you and auras relationship as two weird magical glowy stress balls with a lightning string attaching them like hands... where does your imagination go sometimes.


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"Well, yeah! I really do hate putting others in dangers. It just kinda... Happens. And I kinda also feel horrible about it."

You shift your eyes away, a panicked expression taking hold.

"Yeah! I just wanna actually do things that actually HELP the team instead of constantly hindering everyone."
"Aura, dear... You've always been helping the team. Despite your... episodes... you've done so much for the team. And, once I teach you how to control the Rage, you won't have any more problems."

Aura: Imagine

Well, you imagine it as a bear for sure. It kind of scares you. Huge, scary, and lethal when it wants to be. And it has a will of its own. You shiver.

"Now... When this wild animal starts to get angry, bad things happen. However, with your powers, as long as you perceive it to be calm, it remains so. Whenever you feel the Rage begin to take over, imagine that same animal, calm and happy."

"Okay, I'll try."

You picture the bear in your head. Instead of being angry and screeching everywhere, it was peacefully loitering around. Eating berries. That seemed pretty nice actually... You suddenly feel happier, like you had been a little bit ago. Suddenly, you were next to the bear, taking a nap next to it. So soft! You start smiling in your mental image. You feel a little stupid for not thinking of this before, yet mostly pleasantly happy.

"Oh. Wow."
"Gotcha... That's awesome!"

You smile. For once, you could control what you did! You feel invigorated. Ready to smash something's FACE IN with the VEHEMENCE'S EDGED HAZARD SPHERE. Or VEHS.


Lyssa: Loiter

Not like you COULD do anything. You weren't God Tier. You had no clue what would happen with your existence. The only thing you were capable of was becoming a monster. At least, that's what you assumed. Being a human was different than just being a monster all the time...
"You have learned exceptionally quickly. In fact, everyone in this session has caught on to their abilities incredibly quickly. It's quite impressive."

You float to the edge of the time bubble and speak slowly, so that Deust can understand you.

"Deust, we are done. You may lower the time bubble."

@MoltenLightning @Midnight Phantom

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