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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)

Where is he anyways?


Kersin stood on the roof with Zeiren all was quiet, the silence unsettling.

Your powers, are composed of death, Reversible death.

In the hands of someone of irresponsible nature, could spell fate greater than death.

You know how god tiers work with death correct?

He said looking at kersin, masked face twisted into that renowned smile of his.

Indeed I do

We are basically demigods

Death dawned only by that of just or heroic

Very good.

Your power can turn you and your friends into full out gods

Gods of the undying.

But even that comes with a price

If you were to apply your power to your team mates

They could not die.

Still with the ability to experience pain

kersin thought about this for a moment

Is that all I can do?

Along the lines of protecting your team mates, yes

we shall practice as long as you wish it to be so.


it is a curse as well as a gift, only as long as your willing to accept responsibility, will we begin.

I... I accept.

lets get started then...

Duke: Bark like a dog and make a mess!

What? No, you will do no such thing! You are a man, not a beast, you will not make barking sounds nor will you cause a mess. Still you should do something with your time. You've just been sitting in a corner doing absolutely nothing, except for the moment when you made the DISC-RUCTION OF DUKEYONG. You should really do something....

Duke: Be the other guy

...You are now the other guy.

Chelon: Examine

Once again, you are sleeping in the base with your team nowhere close to having that G-frog. That really irritated you, for reason that didn't need to be explained. You would go to something about that, but you felt pretty tired. Besides, you would probably just stir up some drama with the rest of your team. If there was one thing you really disliked, it was pointless amounts of drama...


You dreaded this, being so close to claiming the prize and not being able to get it. This brought you great depression, looming over this realization that you're so close and just out of reach. You've actually been feeling like this for quite some time. The only thing you feel like you could do was just dream about it, sleeping the days' away till the time came where you could actually do something about it.
"I sense that Kersin is on the roof with his Sprite."

"Oh, he must be learning his powers. Great."

"So what are we supposed to do now?"

"I guess... wait for him to finish."

"Uuuuugh! Waiting is boooooring!"

"You don't have to wait here, you know. You can go do other things."

"Oh! Okay!"

Charlotte: Approach

You walk over to Duke.

"Hey, Duke, uh... You wanna go do something?"

a few minutes later


Kersin stood right arm stretched out towards a small pig like creature who just stood there without a care in the world

Focus on death.

imagine the many ways this creature could die.

then imagine the ways it would live

Kersin had begun to do as instructed by zeiren, as he did so his hand had begun to glow black.

good good!

Keep at it.

This is trying to take most of my energy.

yes, yes I suppose thats how it works first time around.

that is bound not to continue with more time.

Black tendrils began to grow from the black light growing bigger by the minute.

Now release this energy as you would do whilst fighting.

Kersin released the energy in a zig zaging thick lightning bolt of magic energy. The pig creature ,startled by the sudden burst of energy, had begun running around in panic.

How do we know it worked?

kersin asked rhetorically, he had the feeling zeiren would show him anyways. Zeiren stood in silence whilst the pig wore itself out still in panic, suddenly Zeiren threw a line of kunais at the creature. Several struck the pig in the in the back two to the stomach region and one to the eye. the creature ran around in pain, and ran to the edge of the building, inevitably falling off.


yes, as gruesome as it is, that thing will roam on for eternity.

shall we proceed to the lower levels with your comrades?


kersin walked to the stairs slightly startled by his new found powers.


Theo saw kersin descend the stairs and randomly glomped him


Oof, hey kiddo

What do you mean "kiddo"


is it because im short!



kersin chuckled and proceeded to sit down.

Sophie: Be bored

Well you weren't necessarily BORED, just out of ideas on what to do! You decide that humming to yourself would be a good idea, so you do it. Some little tune you heard when you were younger.

Aura: Tune in

DC: I think things are pretty clear to me!

DC: Go in there, and do what we normally do!

DC: Win!

DC: Right?

DC: I mean, it can't be that hard!

DC: ...

DC: Actually, I really don't know.

DC: But we can sure as heck try!

You smile. Being in control of your attitude was nice...
ES: Well

ES: There are still a fair number of unknowns

ES: We have no way of predicting the Hexs plans

ES: And we dont know the full extent of their powers either

ES: On top of that the Treasure is still a wild card

ES: If I may be honest

ES: Our chances are not the greatest

ES: But we either try or be stuck here forever

@Nawmoo @Midnight Phantom @MoltenLightning @ShadowHuntress @Kurai Okami


Fox: Check

You make sure nobody is looking, then check on your secret program. Six icons appear on-screen, glowing softly. You smirk, and close the app. Everything's working just as planned.
CA: Based on my Calculations

CA: Once the Genesis Frog has been fertilized And the new universe Is created

CA: The Hex Society

CA: More specifically

CA: The Doom Player

CA: Will Destroy the entire Incisphere save for Skaia and the Victory Platform

CA: To Preserve the Genesis Frog and their exit Point

CA: Our best bet Is to send Everyone but Ken and I to Skaia to breed the Frog

CA: Then we will Send the completed Frog to Skaia and head to the Forge in Kens Land

CA: All of you will Wait on Skaia while the Frog is Growing

CA: And once the Process is Ready and the Frog has Matured and given the Vast Croak

CA: Ken can teleport Me and him off of His Land to Skaia before the explosion

CA: We will go To the Victory Platform

CA: And confront the Hexes

@electroShogun @ShadowHuntress @MoltenLightning @Nawmoo @Kurai Okami
Shadow: Grab Faust

Shadow hurried to where she left Faust and scooped him up into her arms before going back. She refused to leave him behind. She was attached to this cute little wriggler and refused to let him go now.


Amanda: Grab Rosalie

Amanda went and grabbed Rosalie who was in the corner. This was her kitty and the only thing she truly loved. No way was she leaving her precious little angel behind.
Charlotte: Think

There's nothing you can really think of that you want to save...

Charlotte: Remember

Oh, no! Sky Sprinter! You don't want her to be destroyed! You hurriedly fly off to your Land.


"It's gonna be a little bit of a wait. It appears that they're going to gather their companion creatures."

@Midnight Phantom
Afrien : Get Freud

A) He is a sprite, B) You have no idea where he is. Sprites don't die. Hopefully. They are like Ghosts.

Deust : Get Kinos

You fly out of the lab in a time bubble, and prepare to help the Kino's through a Universal Pilgrimage.

Deust : Arrive

You inform the Kinos of their impending journey and contact Chronos, who gives them the power to fly for now.

Deust :

You fly with your kin through space and reach Skaia, letting them begin to settle.

Deust : Return

You return to the lab within the span of a few minutes of having left.

"I'm all set."

"Alright. I can wait."

Charlotte: Arrive

You arrive back on LOCAF, and spot a familiar streak in the sky.

"Sky Sprinter!"

The streak stops and flies to you.

"Charlotte! It's been a while!"

"Sorry, but there's no time to chat! You're in danger! Once Ken breeds the Genesis Frog, the Medium is gonna get destroyed by some bad people! You have to come with me!"

"Whoa! You've been busy! All right, I'll go with you."

"No, it's dangerous! Go to Skaia! You'll be safe there!"

"All right."

Sky Sprinter flies up into the sky, toward Skaia. You head back to the lab.


ES: Oh god

ES: Something just occurred to me

ES: What about the Denizens

ES: The ones that are still alive

ES: Can we save them too

@Nawmoo @Midnight Phantom @MoltenLightning @ShadowHuntress @Kurai Okami
CA: Yggdrasil is Dead

CA: Chronos arrived on Skaia moments Ago

CA: Lyssa is with Us

CA: Chaos is better off Dead

CA: Izanagi has teleported there

CA: Harmonia and Nergal have arrived on Skaia

CA: Mens Elpis and Zephryus will arrive on Skaia shortly

Theo swiftly flew to her land, THERE WAS SO MUCH TO SAVE IN SUCH LITTLE TIME!! Theo capchaloged her entire archive of old art (i.e. one box) all of her stuffed animals, and an entire small cabinet of "important things" before heading up stairs where she capchalouged all three of her favorite computers.

Dude what the hell?!

Im probably being unreasonable with the packing but i dont care!

Im saving almost everything I love!

As theo said that last bit she grabbed her brother and Victor and flew to skaia.


Kersin flew to his land, god how was he going to get Dragon dad to skaia? Dragon dad was the only thing he had for so many years whilst constantly moving around. dragon dad growled in welcome at the return of kersin.

Theres no time to waste we need to get to skaia

He hopped onto dragon dad and took off, hopefully this would work. Bringing a dragon through space wasn't the easiest thing, but it could be accomplished with a bit of difficulty.

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