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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)

Duke: Explore

You float down to the rubble and start searching for something. You use the DISC-RUCTION OF DUKEYONG's tractor beam to dig through the debris.

Duke: Examine

You can't find any sign of Palesprite, nothing at all. It was not like him to just up and leave, where could he have gone? Before you could think any further about that, you notice that some domesticated mechanical fowls have approached you. It was Rusty, his son, and a few other scrapped-up survivors.

Duke: Converse

...Right, you can't talk...hm.

Elder Consort: Converse

Elder Consort: Duke, you've come back, where the hell have you been?

Duke: ...

Elder Consort: Duke, you gonna say something?

Duke: Converse through body expressions

You try conveying what you want to say to Rusty through hand gestures and contorting your body.
Rooster Prime: Nor can he protect us!

Elder Consort: Boy, not now!

Rooster Prime: No, we got wrecked by that red guy and now HE decides to checkup on us! Duke left us, after he took away The Green One. He left us defenseless!

Elder Consort: I said not now, Boy!

The two started to fight, settling their dispute in a more physical way.

Duke: Punch them in the snout to establish superiority

You deck them in the face, promptly making them stop fighting.

Duke: Examine

Okay, so your consorts are "Okay", but Palesprite is still nowhere to be found. Also, this red guy brings up some questions.

QA: Something's wrong, Palesprite wouldn't just leave them like this.

QA: Try to see what they mean by red guy.

QA: I'd do it myself, but you know.

QA: I like to give people the silent treatment.

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Elder Consort: Agh, didn't need to punch so hard. Anyways, some red guy with his big-ass monster strolled on in and used some kind of mind control on all of us to do his bidding. He made us place his stupid bombs all around the tower. Blew up right in our faces, literally. We lost a lot of people, we're what's left.

QA: Indeed, they looked kind of like turtle shells really.

QA: Didn't really act like bombs either, at least like regular bombs.

QA: ...

QA: Did he really do all this?

Sophie: Change it?

That seemed like a good idea. You nodded in understanding, then went to the alchemiter. You scroll through your Sylladex finding a few weird things... But, eventually you come across your CLOUDS that you'd somehow captchalogued with your brother's help. You alchemize it with the weird other weapon, making the MISTY MIFFED MIND BAFFLER. Here we are! You feel happy with the weapon's fluffy white appearance. It was now friendlier, which made you feel more comfortable wielding it. You return to Ken.

"Done! This should suffice as a weapon now, and I'll be able to help you!"

Aura: Be worried

"If you get hurt, I won't be happy with myself OR you. Just don't okay?"

You approach him, then hug him.

"I love you. So don't you DARE die... I'll be waiting for you."

You squeeze a little harder, but not too hard. You were ready, but not ready at the same time...

Sophie: Smile

You wait patiently, mind wandering.
Elder Consort: You bet your bottom dollar it was!

Duke: Ponder

Did he do something to Palesprite? If so, what? This is just bringing up more questions than answers...

QA: *Sigh*

QA: Okay...

QA: Let's just give these guys a lift and get out of here...

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QA: Yeah, I'm sure.

QA: I don't think we're going to find Pal-

Duke: Be squeezed

You are suddenly constricted by a multi-colored serpent. If this were a cartoon, this would be the part where your eyes pop out.

Chaos: Duke, it's so good to see you!

Afrien : Suplex Serpent

You wrap your arms around Chaos and back flip, ripping the snake off of Duke, before slamming into the ground.

"Are you
TRYING to crush him!?"

Chaos: What, no no, just saying hello to my widdle hero of void.

Duke: Converse

You can't, you're too busy trying to breathe.

@Midnight Phantom
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Afrien : Use Fraymotif

You pick up Duke and activate Eir Eroico, a Green Light enveloping both of you. Any crushed ribs or other assorted damage was reversed and Duke was healed.

"Humans are not built to have their ribcage crushed in a hug. You could have fucking killed him!"

Duke: Catch wind

Not sure if that's what you're doing right now, but okay. You can breathe again and got back up.

QA: technically speaking, she already killed me.

@Midnight Phantom
Aura: Stay

As much as it burned and dreadfully pained you... You had to leave. This was Ken's job, and you'd let him do this. You were not, however, ready. Suddenly, he gets ripped away in a flurry of activity. You feel a blow to the heart since you weren't ready, but try ignoring it. You take Sophie's hand.

"... L-let's go..."

"Are you alright Aura?"

"I'm fine. We just have to go."

"Are you sure? I can help if-"


You fly up into the air with her in tow, your anger blinding you a bit. You forget the bear for a moment as Sophie is dragged behind, holding on for dear life as she tries getting your attention.

Aura: The bear.

You slightly remember the bear. You see it in your mind right now, clawing down a tree. You realize what you doing, then imagine the bear doing something else. It stops its rampage, then sits on its rear. It looks up at the sky.

You stop going so fast, and notice Sophie breathing heavily. She'd been trying to get your attention with no avail. You feel sad suddenly.

"I'm sorry, Sophie... I didn't mean to... I just wasn't ready to leave yet."

"*Deep breaths* It's okay *Breath* Aura. I understand."

"Thanks... Now, let's actually go."

You slowly soar with her through space towards Skaia.
Chaos: Gosh, you're so mean!!! X<

She slinks around over to Duke.

Chaos: All I wanted to do was say hello.

Duke: Feel...Odd

Yeah, this is getting kind of awkward...just to weird for you. Well not really, but you're not comfortable with being in the middle of this.

@Midnight Phantom
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