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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)

Shadow: Fly To Skaia

After watching everything seem to unfold, Shadow walked out of the lab then flew to the beautiful, but she figured destroyed, chess board of a world. They'd have to wait a bit until everything started, so she would have some time to sort out everything that has been going on. Wouldn't want to face the Hex Society with distracted thoughts.


Amanda: Fly To Skaia

Amanda flew out of the lab and to Skaia, a look of boredom on her face. She didn't really care much for waiting while someone else worked, but it's not like she could do much else. Rosalie mewed as she closed her eyes against the wind and Amanda slowed down. She rubbed the cat between her ears as a way of apology before focusing once again on flying.
"Leave Duke alone, you monster!"

You draw your staff and stare down the monster. You aren't gonna let it lay a finger on Duke. Er... lay a tentacle on him. Whatever.

Chaos: No!


Duke: Examine

Yeah, this is going from awkward to overly aggressive.

Duke: Comply

You turn attention towards Chaos and wave at her, saying hello without actually saying anything. She see's that you're saying hello and decides to wave back with her tail. You both just stand there, waving at each other...You don't know when this is going to end.
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Charlotte: Cast

"Empódio, pagída aftó to thirío! Delta Shield!"

You encase the giant snake in a bubble shield.

"Now leave my Duke alone!"

...you're too angry at the snake to notice your word choice.

Duke: Notice

...My Duke...She said my Duke...

Chaos: Pout

You make a pouting face, given the hostile actions the other heroes towards you.

Chaos: Agh, why are you guys so mean!

"Because you come out of nowhere and almost kill one of our friends!"

"Look... Chaos, right? Maybe if you weren't so... physical with our friend, we'd trust you a little more."

Afrien : Meidate

You spin your glaive in the air and smash its hilt into the ground.


You point the Glaive at Chaos and continue.

"You need to be more careful of Duke and respect his human boundaries and limitations. Humans are not as durable as you may think."

You then turn to Charlotte.

"And you need to keep your jealousy in check when in the presence of a higher god. Chaos is a powerful Denizen, and you should respect her power. Both of you need to calm the fuck down."

@electroShogun @Nawmoo

Chaos: X<

Duke: Converse

QA: Okay.

QA: Things are getting a little too heated.

QA: Also awkward.

QA: We're still on a schedule.

QA: How about we all just calm down, take a breather.

QA: Maybe talk about how we feel or something.

@electroShogun @Midnight Phantom
"You phrased it as if you were trying to fend someone off from touching your possession, calling him yours and all. Chaos needs to respect Duke's boundaries, but you need to keep your emotions in check when speaking to a higher being."

QA: Ugh.

QA: Okay, we got some stuff we need to talk about.

QA: I see that.

QA: But we also got to get going.

QA: ...

QA: How about you carry the consorts back to Skaia and I'll carry Chaos.

QA: I would have it the other way, but I'm not sure if that's a good idea.

QA: Sounds like a plan?

Duke: Be the tractor beam

Using your DISC-RUCTION OF DUKEYONG's tractor beam, you lift up Chaos.

QA: Yup, all set.

QA: Let's get this show on the road.

Duke: Get going

Leaving LONAR, you start on your journey to Skaia.

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Theo waited patiently for her friends, god what was taking them so long!!! She began to trace the words on her dress in boredom.

Dude where'd you get that dress anyways?

I made it.


Yeah, that tends to happen when you DIY

no i mean literally


she then begun shifting through clothes that she had worn and hadn't and then back to the tardis dress.

Dang, y'all dun learnd some there fancy majjyyks.

:T told ya so!
Duke: Journey onward

Yup, nothing like soaring through space on a techno-magical battle piano disc while you escort a goddess to a heaven planet...Pretty calming.

Chaos: Psss, Duke.

Duke: ?

Chaos: What's up?

Duke: ...

Chaos: ...

Duke: ...

Chaos: *Sigh* Maybe I should have chosen another thing to have taken, besides your voice.

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