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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)

Lyssa: Facepalm

What did he expect you to do?! Grow wings and fly? ... Well that wasn't gonna work this time!

"Does it look like I have my wings anymore? I can't exactly DO anything."

You sigh.
Chaos: I sold it to a consort for scale polish, duh.

Duke: Feel distraught

So she sold your voice for scale polish...Well you feel pretty shitty right now, almost brings a tear to your eye.

Charlotte: Sigh

Well, it was worth a try. Maybe he'll get his voice back when we win...

Skaia looms in the distance. You're almost there.

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Duke: Examine Skaia

Looks pretty much how you left it, a giant checkerboard planet with vegetation.

Duke: Land

You finally reach Skaia and drop off your serpent-like passenger.

Duke: Find tree and repetitively slam head into it

Oh look, there's a tree over there that's just asking for you to slam your cranium into it. Might as well go do that, maybe you'll forget what you heard.


Nope, still remember it, better do it a few more times.

*Thud Thud Thud*

Duke: Retaliate

Being pulled away from your beating tree, you turn your full attention to Charlotte.

QA: Why are you stopping me?

QA: Can't you just let me inflict myself with pain?

QA: Make this stupid fact go away?

QA: You really can't let me do that?

Duke: collect oneself

QA: *Sigh*

QA: ...

QA: Okay, I'm cool.

QA: Not trying to inflict myself with a head trauma.

QA: Just me being me right now.

QA: Happy?

Afrien : Wait Patiently


Afrien : Get Impatient


Afrien : Get REALLY Impatient


Afrien : Remember Something

Oh shit! You need to message Deust Immediately!

CA: Deust

MK: Yes Afrien?

CA: Derse and Prospit will be Destroyed in the blast

CA: Including their Moons

CA: Which means the Trolls Dream selves will Die

CA: Tell Kens denizen to Use his Spacey Powers to move them into Skaias Orbit

MK: I will, thank you.

Deust : Tell Izanagi

You walk over to Ken's Denizen and break the News.

"Oh Denizen of Kenneth, would you please move the Moons of Derse and Prospit into Skaia's Orbit? It would be a shame if our Friends were to lose their Dream Selves residing there."

"Of course."

You focus, clutching your spear, then point it into the sky, first at nearby Prospit, then at distant Derse. In doing this, you have teleported the moons of the planets into Skaia's orbit.

"It is done."

@Midnight Phantom

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